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Building A Stamina And Mindset For Personal Growth

Written by: Kristen Bilodeau, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The world of personal development undoubtedly has focused on self-care, self-awareness, and the growth of oneself in a way that is aligned with who we truly are; but have we lost focus on the common denominator – ourselves?

In a culture and society where many feel stressed, overwhelmed, and even depleted by daily responsibilities and obligations it is no wonder that for many the idea of personal development and growth feels daunting.

What if we shifted our mindset away from how much “time” we think it takes and more to how we can make small shifts in our perspective and attitude towards our growth? Small shifts can lead to immense change.

Whether you feel that you have become stagnant and know you need a change in your life but don’t know where to begin, or you feel like you are approaching rock bottom, you need to start from a place of hope. This is non-negotiable if you want to grow. Adopting the following understandings can lay the foundational groundwork for personal growth and success.

“Doing the work” will be challenging

We all have our shadows; the parts of ourselves we don’t want to face, admit to, or expose. Grace and vulnerability are qualities that can guide you through, keep you honest, accountable, and strong. If you truly want to invest in yourself and take action,

you must own all sides of yourself - your accomplishments and your failures, your strengths and your weaknesses, your guilt and your shame. Speak them, write them, own them so that you can forgive and learn from them and move forward.

Learning is critical

As Einstein said, we cannot solve problems from the same thinking we created them. In order to grow, we need to read, explore, get curious, experiment, take risks, and challenge ourselves to think and feel differently. As we learn, our minds expand and grow.

Exposing our minds to new ideas keeps us evolving so that we are not ruminating in the past and keeping ourselves stuck. It expands our outlook and problem-solving capabilities. It brings into our conscious awareness that the world and our interaction within it are intended for our greatest good.

Everyone has their own version of personal success

Every story and every path is different. Asking yourself questions about what is important to you, what you value, what you know to be true about who you are will lead to the liberating insight that you get to create that story. Seeing your life as a collection of experiences and moments that built you and having the agency to continue creating the life that you want is a journey only you can navigate in your own unique way. Rather than looking outside yourself - at others, on social media, to other’s standards or ideas about what success “should” look like, practice listening to your own intuition. It is guiding you for a reason.

Let the journey unfold as you grow and build. So much of life is out of our control. What IS in our control is what we believe about ourselves and the limitless potential we have. You are the writer and creator of your story.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Kristen Bilodeau, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

As a Personal Development and Marriage Coach, Kristen Bilodeau leads women through their own personal journey of finding their voice, healing their marriage, and releasing their inner wild woman. As a woman who struggled in her own journey to self-awareness and truth in her life and marriage, Kristen uses the power of a woman’s story as the tool and catalyst for change, healing, and growth. She helps women uncover their truth through questioning and reflection so that they are able to be the creator of their experiences and thrive as the woman they were meant to be.



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