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Bridging Pharmacy And Functional Nutrition For Optimal Gut And Hormone Health – Interview With Rupali Lal

Rupali is a holistic health practitioner dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey to optimal well-being. Her health journey began in pharmacy school with digestive dysfunction. Despite using fiber supplements and probiotics, lasting relief eluded her. A decade later, studying Functional Nutritional Therapy, she realized she had 'normalized her symptoms' and learned 'just because it is common, doesn’t mean it is normal.' Respecting both conventional pharmacy and functional nutrition, Rupali works holistically with clients facing similar challenges. Specializing in functional gut and hormone testing, she meets clients where they are, creating personalized plans to address their unique needs.

Image photo of Rupali Lal

Rupali Lal, Functional Nutritionist Specialising in Gut Health

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

Introducing my work can be a challenge because I wear so many hats! But at the core of it all, my true passion is helping people elevate their health.

This is what initially led me to pursue a career in pharmacy. Over time, my perspective on health expanded, particularly after studying Functional Nutritional Therapy. This passion continues to drive me, and most of my readings and audibles revolve around health. The line between work and leisure is hence blurred by my passion.

However, I absolutely love nature and adventure, be that hiking or snorkeling. As I've aged and learned to nourish myself better, I've found myself feeling stronger, allowing me to fully enjoy these activities. I also love traveling. All of this brings me even more joy when it’s done with my husband. I try to do my part everyday but especially when enjoying these activities by keeping in mind the environment and sustainability.

One of the most rewarding aspects in my life is seeing my clients make progress. It truly lights up my world and gets me out of bed! Additionally, I started a Women's Circle in my town, where we create a safe and authentic space for women to connect and support each other. Each month we have different sessions, and it has been a wonderful way to build a community with like-minded women.

How did your experience with digestive dysfunction during pharmacy school shape your approach to health and wellness, and what key lessons did you learn from that journey?

When I reflect now, the stress of university life, combined with poor sleep, lack of movement, fast food, excessive caffeine, and energy drinks, led to digestive issues overtime that I tried to manage with supplements and probiotics over the years. However, these efforts brought little to no change, and I eventually normalized my symptoms.

It wasn't until I studied Functional Nutrition that I realized how common it is for healthcare professionals to struggle with their own health. The demanding nature of the field, coupled with a lack of guidance on maintaining personal health, often leaves us vulnerable. My journey taught me a crucial lesson: just because something is common doesn’t mean it’s normal. It's vital to look beyond symptoms and uncover the root causes of health issues. This experience and understanding is what really drives me.

As both a registered pharmacist and a functional nutritionist, how do you integrate conventional medicine with holistic health practices in your work?

With my conventional medicine background, I understand where my clients are coming from and why they’re on certain medications. This knowledge allows me to relate to the advice they’ve received, whether it’s regarding prescription drugs or over-the-counter supplements. However, in my work as a holistic practitioner, I do not treat or diagnose conditions, nor do I alter any medications. If a medication change seems relevant, I always refer my clients back to their prescriber. My role is to support and guide them holistically, integrating my knowledge of both conventional and alternative health practices. Every healthcare professional plays a crucial role, and collaboration is key to providing comprehensive care.

Can you explain the significance of functional testing in your practice and how it helps you create personalized health plans for your clients?

Functional testing is crucial in my practice because it provides detailed insights into my clients' health. Sometimes people may tick all the boxes and have a great diet yet suffer from conditions e.g. autoimmunity. The gut stool test reveals vital information about the microbiota, pathogens and digestive capacity while the food sensitivity test shows what foods are no longer serving us and that may be contributing to inflammation. We always start with optimizing digestion and gut health even if there are no obvious digestive symptoms as the gut is like the mother that feeds the baby! With this data, I craft personalized health plans that include tailored supplements and dietary recommendations, while also addressing other vital factors like sleep, stress, movement and environmental influences. This approach empowers me to offer personalized, truly holistic solutions to my clients.

Another important one is reviewing blood chemistry from a functional perspective. This gives a great holistic overview because many times people have “normal” results yet don’t feel good! With this perspective, we are really looking to optimize wellness rather than diagnose.

Finally, hormones are so key! Not just for females but also for males and depending on their concerns and goals, we may test upfront together with gut testing while other times, healing the gut eliminates the need for hormonal testing!

What are the most common challenges your clients face when it comes to gut health and hormone balance, and how do you help them overcome these obstacles?

Bloating and constipation are very common challenges, especially among women, and they are often normalized. Similarly, many women accept painful and heavy periods as a norm. However, these symptoms often indicate underlying issues. In my practice, I approach each client holistically because two people may present with the same symptoms but have different root causes. I begin with a comprehensive health assessment and then craft a personalized plan tailored to each individual's unique needs.

What are some challenges you face in general with holistic work compared to conventional work?

One of the main challenges I face in holistic work is that while many people are struggling with their health and reach out to embark on a health journey, they often don’t commit. While I run a virtual practice, it feels like having a physical clinic where people are lined up at the door but hesitate to step inside. Often, it’s not a financial issue but rather a deeper, subconscious resistance. Many people run on autopilot with deeply ingrained beliefs and patterns from a young age. As a holistic practitioner working with mind-body-spirit, I see these patterns clearly. Unfortunately, they are unaware, and this leads to them not valuing their health enough to “enter” the door, and I’ve seen the consequences of these choices—ill health, surgeries, and even death. Most people feel they need to prioritize everything but their health and no matter how much I would love to empower them, if they don’t take a step in my door, I am unable to do so.

Another common misconception is the belief in "magic pills" or "magic diets”. Unfortunately, even in the nutrition world, an allopathic model can be often followed whereby once again for X symptom or condition, people want supplements or diet plans. However, functional nutrition goes beyond this hence once people work with me, they realize the importance of education, experience and bio-individuality. You see the light bulbs go on!

How do you incorporate breathwork into your practice, and what benefits have you observed in your clients who engage in this modality?

Breathwork is an integral part of my practice. Sometimes I guide clients through a few moments of breathing techniques, while other times we incorporate longer, meditative breathwork sessions of up to an hour into our package. The benefits are profound- clients consistently report feeling more centered, connected, and in tune with their bodies. Breathwork helps in reducing stress, improving mental clarity, and enhancing overall well-being, making it a powerful tool in my holistic approach.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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