The world’s largest brewer is taking a Ukrainian beer to 14 new markets to raise humanitarian funds.

Ukrainian beer Chernigivske is now being sold in the UK; Belgium; France; Netherlands; Germany; Italy; Brazil; the US and Canada amongst other countries to raise funds for Ukraine following the invasion by Russia. The money will be shared amongst an array of NGOs working in Ukraine including Caritas International. Brewer AB InBev - the company behind this initiative - has guaranteed at least $5m.
It produces more than 500 beer brands including Beck's; Brahma; Corona; Leffe and Stella Artois; but pulled together resources to produce Chernigivske beer outside Ukraine after the war forced the country’s breweries to shut down. As the company explains in a video, the team achieved the global launch in just six weeks.
AB InBev also helped its Ukrainian teams relocate out of the country - many to its headquarters in Leuven, Belgium - where they have been helped to find accommodation. Amongst them was Marketing Director Anna Rudenko who said: “It’s amazing to see such solidarity for all those who have been impacted. I’m grateful to contribute to my people with this very special project. It holds a deep sense of meaning, a lot of energy, love and support from people and for people.”