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Breaking Unhealthy Patterns

Written by: Jill Hollander, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


As we are living through these unprecedented and unpredictable times – we may be noticing that old habits and patterns are creeping back into our lives. The problem with most patterns is that they get harder and harder to break the more we repeat them. It is important to check in with yourself regularly to make sure that the patterns you are repeating are not having a negative impact on your life.

If you are wondering how to start breaking your unhealthy patterns, there are a few ways you can begin. One of the first things you will need to do is to take a real look at what you are thinking, feeling, and doing. Do you notice any patterns that are coming up? Pair that with taking inventory of how you are acting and behaving. Are these actions serving you or are they outdated and in need of an upgrade? If they are not serving you, the next step will be to identify the unhealthy pattern by naming it and claiming it. If you are noticing that you have more than one pattern that you would like to break, rate them on a scale of one to ten to find out which one is having the most negative and unhealthy impact on your life. The pattern that rates the closest to ten is going to be the one that needs to be broken first.

To break unhealthy patterns, you may want to use the tools and techniques that have worked for you in the past. If you don’t know where or how to begin, seek support from a coach or a therapist to guide you as you work together to develop and use tools, techniques, and resources to break outdated patterns.

As you are working on breaking unhealthy patterns, remember to be compassionate with yourself. Breaking patterns takes time, patience, courage, and conviction. You’ve got this. Keep going!

To find out more about how to integrate these principles into your life, contact me at or visit my website!


Jill Hollander, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Certified Health & Life Coach Jill Hollander helps people to FIND THEIR YES! even IN A SEA OF NOs. Through individual, group coaching, workshops, and motivational speaking, she empowers, motivates, and inspires her clients and audiences to find opportunities in their obstacles. She offers a variety of tools and strategies that foster mindset shifts, create self-advocacy, and build resiliency. Jill created her YES! Filled Life amongst extreme medical diagnoses, surgeries, and life events. Her mission is now to help others do the same. Jill has been helping others communicate and be their own advocates for 10 years after earning her Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology. Jill has been featured in Entrepreneur, American Heart Association, The Associated Press, U.S. News & World Report, and more. She is a Survivor Ambassador for The American Heart Association. Jill received the Gift of Life Pillar of Strength Award at the national Marrow Match Gala.

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