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Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties!

Written by: Melia Diana, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise


Have you ever woke up from a vivid ex-boyfriend dream? This dream left an unsettling feeling inside your gut. Your mind goes back to a momentary glimpse of a broken relationship that didn’t work. Perhaps, you thought the relationship would last forever but, it didn’t. What went wrong? Has your past lover moved on with someone else? Were you unfaithful, and he left? Did your insecurities and emotional baggage cause you to push him away? This dream began to give you false hope…

All sorts of thoughts come flooding back into your mind. That relationship left quite a mark on your heart, and you’re starting to wonder about rekindling an old flame. Now, you’re badgering yourself with the meaning of this wacky dream. You wondering why on earth this is happening? Single or married… we all at some point in our lives have come across these questions.

I have always been able to dream, even as a child. I didn’t think these vivid dreams represented anything meaningful until I became closer to God with an understanding He was trying to tap into my inner psyche.

The Lord woke me up at 5:00 am the other morning from the third consecutive night of reoccurring dreams of my ex-boyfriends. Urg… This was a head-scratcher for me because I’m a happily married woman. So why was this happening? I woke up conflicted but brought this straight to God. I wanted to see what He had to say about these dreams. So, as usual, I grabbed my coffee, Bible, and sat at my kitchen table for necessary prayer time. With my spiritual ears and heart wide open- I flipped my Bible straight open to, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting love” (Psalms 139:23-24 NLT).

Honestly, in the last past few months, the Lord starting to reveal and pour more into my soul than He ever has before. It can be extremely overwhelming yet powerful. I’m very grateful for the close kinship I have with my Abba Father. It’s an agape love, a blissful expression of a deep and extremely satisfying personal relationship with Him that no other person on earth can ever bring to the table. So, what happened, you ask?

The Holy Spirit whispered to me… “You still are holding onto feelings of the past hurts from old boyfriends.” What? I thought I had let go, but there was still something inside of me I was not allowing God to release. God revealed a hidden wound to purge. A message from the spiritual realm I was not willing to lay down at Jesus’s feet. God will do what He needs to do in order to grab our attention. Dreams are one example of how the Lord speaks to us, but we must be vulnerable enough to allow God to start the pruning process.

During my prayer time, the Holy Spirit flashed a blue bin in my mind. I knew this bin was stuffed on a rustic bookcase in my garage. Friends, I forgot about this old bin, but went straight to the garage to find it. As I opened this blue bin, hundreds of pictures of my past flashed in my face. The most relevant were old boyfriends. Bam! There it was.

Do you know what He revealed next? To break soul ties with these men and get rid of the pictures inside the bin. How about that? So I obeyed what God told me to do. I have done this before, but only with one particular relationship. I proceeded to grab every picture I could. I will admit, I got a little choked up. This took me back to a place of reminiscing. The Lord told me, “I was not that woman any longer and to teach other women how to break souls ties too.”

Ladies, you can’t make this stuff up. When you put God first in your life, without a doubt, He speaks! All those memories were dumped in my trash can outside. After I released emotions of hurt, pain, and heartache- I looked up in the sky and a rainbow popped up. Just a friendly reminder of God’s covenant and He has my back.

Let’s take a step back here for a moment. Every time we have sex with a man who is not our husband, it leaves a toxic soul bind with another individual. Think about it. We give the most sacred part of our body to a man without the commitment, just to feel loved. The Lord says to – “Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does” (See 1 Corinthians 6:18 NLT). We allow our fleshy desires to cloud our judgment. Hey, I’m not judging, but God is trying to protect us for a reason, my friends’. Is God trying to get your attention? Maybe you have some possessions stored away too? Do you have soul ties that need to be broken?

As a Relationship and Dating Coach specializing in inner healing transformation, I am on God’s mission to help women break all barriers & have the loving relationships they’ve always desired. Ladies, we must get real with ourselves if we expect anything different to happen in our lives. We can’t continue to stuff the feeling of unforgiveness, bitterness, and anger in our soul and expect to have healthy relationships with others. Repeated patterns of unhealthy emotions that entangle the soul… need to be released!

Breaking soul ties is just part of the process if we want to have fruitful relationships. My transformational “HEAL MY WOUNDS" Jump Start Program is for Professional Christian woman who truly desire inner healing & transformation “God’s Way.” Break free from the discord, negative mindsets, soul ties, and subconscious beliefs stored in your hurting soul... God wants more for you!

Blessings xo

Follow me on Instagram, Facebook and check out my website and YouTube-channel!


Melia Diana, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Melia is an International Best-Selling Author, Certified Christian Counselor, and Relationship & Dating Coach specializing in inner healing transformation. She has spent over 13 years in medical & fitness field, as a Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant and Certified ACSM Personal Trainer helping people through her passion to deliver attainable and solid goals. But it doesn’t stop there!

Melia’s extensive certifications and background led her to utilize her faith, knowledge, experience and personal development to brand and design her own Signature Coaching Programs. She developed a unique methodology to help clarify the missing links and identify core root problems hindering God’s best. With a godly approach, she helps Christian women to break all barriers and have loving relationships they’ve always desired.

God’s mission for Melia, is helping lost souls find their true identity in Christ & restore broken relationships through an inner healing transformation journey, guided by the Holy Spirit. Her empathetic approach encourages others for growth, wisdom, and a stronger mindset for a more abundant & fruitful life.

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