French by birth, Nadija lived in Scotland for 7 years and travelled the world. After recovering from some serious health issues, Nadija had a wake-up call and came to Ireland to find her path. She has been living in Dublin since 2017.

In this article, I want to talk about a very important topic: Men’s mental health. For a long time now, I have been advocating for men’s mental health. In my practice and work, I have more and more male clients who, when they start working with me tell me how hard it was for them to make that first step and ask for help.

I used to have more female clients (80% women against 20% men) and nowadays the trend is very different as I tend to have more and more male clients (40% women against 60% men).
Men and therapy
What is it about a man’s perception that asking for help is a form of weakness rather than a strength?
As much as we women are under societal pressure, men are also.
Men often do not want to ask for help as they do not want to appear a burden to their loved ones. There are many reasons why men do not ask for help.
Sometimes men do not want to spend money on asking for help as they prioritize their family’s financial well-being. Asking for professional help is not only a financial investment, but an investment in your well-being as well as the well-being of your family.
There is still often the stigma that “real men” do not complain about their emotional, physical, or financial problems. They simply “suck it up” and figure it out. This has resulted in men having difficulty describing their feelings. Unfortunately, leaving some issues unresolved can lead to more serious emotional challenges, like anxiety, depression…
More often than enough, men fear appearing to be weak if they seek help. They are expected to automatically know how to manage any situation. Well, sometimes they do not know, and that is ok.
In a world where vulnerability is often equated with weakness, it is no wonder that many men feel ashamed to seek out therapy. The societal burden placed upon them to be strong and resilient can leave them feeling isolated and ostracized when they struggle with their mental health. But it's crucial for men to understand that asking for help is not a sign of weakness; rather, it's a testament to their strength and courage. Just as a building relies on its support beams to remain standing, men must recognize that seeking therapy is an essential support system for maintaining their mental and emotional well-being.
Reaching out for help speaks to your confidence and strength as a man. It is important for men to know that physical, mental, or emotional issues do not have to be tackled alone. Facing important societal expectations, men are often cast as the pillars of strength, the stoic figures who bear the weight of the world on their shoulders without complaint. From a young age, they are taught to toughen up, to push through adversity, and to never let their emotions show. But what happens when these pillars begin to crack under the weight of their burdens? Where can men turn when the weight becomes too much to bear alone? The time has now come to shatter the stigma surrounding men and therapy, to redefine strength as the courage to seek help when needed, and to embrace the healing power of vulnerability.
The importance of men seeking therapy cannot be overstated. By addressing their mental health issues head-on, men can break free from the shackles of societal expectations and live more fulfilling lives. When men prioritize their own mental health, they become better partners, fathers, and friends. By taking care of themselves, they can create healthier, more supportive relationships with their loved ones and contribute positively to their families and communities.
But breaking the silence surrounding men and therapy requires more than just encouraging words—it requires action. Men must be empowered to embrace vulnerability, to tear down the walls they have built around their emotions, and to seek out the help they need. Fortunately, there are resources available to support them on their journey toward healing. From traditional therapy sessions to alternative approaches like hypnotherapy, there are countless avenues for men to explore as they navigate their mental health journey.
What is hypnotherapy?
Contrary to what you have seen in movies, therapeutic and clinical hypnosis involves a lot more than traveling into a trance-like state after looking into someone’s eyes.
During a hypnosis session, you undergo a process that helps you relax and focus your mind. This state is similar to sleep, but your mind will be very focused and more able to respond to suggestions. Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness.
Hypnotherapy is the application of psychological therapy during a state of hypnosis, to change or modify behaviour patterns.
Hypnotherapy can deal with psychosomatic problems, that is, problems that are rooted in and controlled by the subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy can bypass the conscious mind, allowing positive, life-affirming suggestions for change, to be fed directly to the subconscious mind and acted upon. Hypnotic suggestions have a cumulative effect; over time, there is a buildup of reinforcement in the subconscious that will be acted upon by the conscious mind.
While in this relaxed state, you are more willing to focus on your subconscious mind. This allows you to explore some of the deeper issues you are dealing with.
The practitioner, or therapist, is there to help guide this process. They are not there to control your mind.
How men can benefit from hypnotherapy
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy, in particular, offer unique benefits for male clients seeking therapy. Unlike traditional talk therapy, hypnotherapy delves into the subconscious mind, allowing clients to access deeper layers of their psyche and uncover the root causes of their issues. Through guided hypnosis sessions, men can break free from negative thought patterns, overcome limiting beliefs, and cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and empowerment. By harnessing the power of their subconscious mind, men can take control of their lives and rewrite their own narratives.
At its core, therapy is about empowerment—it is about giving men the tools they need to live their best lives on their own terms. It is about reclaiming control over their mental and emotional well-being and refusing to let society dictate their worth based on outdated notions of strength and masculinity. As the late Maya Angelou once said, "I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it." Let us empower men to embrace their vulnerabilities, to seek help when needed, and to rewrite their own stories of strength and resilience. Because true strength is not about never falling—it really is about having the courage to rise each time we do.
Some statistics
Men are more likely to die by suicide than women. In the United States, men account for nearly 75% of all suicides. A total of 759028 (523883 male and 235145 female) suicide deaths were reported worldwide in 2019. The global ASR of mortality of suicide was 9.0/100000 population in both sexes (12.6 in males vs 5.4 in females).
Men are less likely to seek help for mental health issues than women. In a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, only 35% of men reported they would seek help from a mental health professional, compared to 58% of women.
Men are more likely to struggle with certain mental health conditions. For example, men are more likely to be diagnosed with alcohol dependence and antisocial personality disorder, while women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders.
Men are more likely to experience workplace stress and burnout. According to a survey by the American Institute of Stress, men are more likely to report feeling overwhelmed at work and are less likely to take time off to care for their mental health.
Men are more likely to engage in risky behaviours as a coping mechanism. This can include substance abuse, reckless driving, and other dangerous activities.
Final words
In conclusion, it is high time for men to embrace the transformative power of therapy. Breaking the silence surrounding men's mental health not only fosters personal growth but also cultivates healthier relationships and communities. By seeking therapy, men demonstrate courage, strength, and a commitment to self-improvement. It is a journey toward emotional wellness and resilience, empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence. Let's shatter the stigma, inspire one another, and pave the way for a future where seeking therapy is not just accepted, but celebrated as a vital step towards living our fullest, most authentic lives. Together, let's redefine masculinity and champion the importance of mental health, igniting a movement of positive change and empowerment for generations to come.
Nadija Bajrami, Strategic Hypnotherapist, Mind Coach
French by birth, Nadija lived in Scotland for 7 years and travelled the world. After recovering from some serious health issues, Nadija had a wake-up call and came to Ireland to find her path. She has been living in Dublin since 2017. Nadija is working mostly online worldwide and shares her time between Ireland, France, and Switzerland.
Nadija is a multi-award-winning trauma and empowerment specialist and holds a double diploma in Hypnotherapy, Mind Coaching, and online therapy. She is also a Reiki master as well as a grief educator and trained with the international grief specialist and best-selling author David Kessler.
She is dedicated to helping her clients get empowered, supercharge their confidence and self-esteem, overcome their limiting beliefs as well as manage anxiety, and symptoms of traumatic experiences and help people on their grief and healing journey through her therapy, coaching, grief education and support programmes and spiritual work.