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Breaking Mental Chains – How To Transform Limiting Beliefs And Unleash Inner Potential For Success

Written by: Adriana Bárbara Rodríguez, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Adriana Bárbara Rodríguez

In this article, I invite you to challenge your limiting beliefs, unleash your inner potential, and discover the path to limitless success. Join this journey towards liberation and personal growth. Let's begin.

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Imagine living in a completely dark house for years, so you know exactly where everything is and can navigate freely despite not being able to see. Suddenly, someone turns on the light, and you realize that your furniture is out of place, making the arrangement quite dysfunctional. You discover that the TV is right in the middle of the kitchen, and to reach the stove, you have to go around it. Or that there's a barbecue grill in your bedroom, making it uncomfortable to sleep when it's in use, filling the room with smoke.


Before, you felt a certain discomfort, knowing that something was not right, but you had become used to living that way, creating shortcuts to function better. But now your eyes see it. It's clear that it's not right, and a change is necessary for everything to flow and work better.


This is how our mind works. The unconscious mind is full of mental paradigms, which are beliefs that have been planted throughout our lives through people (parents, grandparents, teachers, etc.), experiences, and the environment. We assume these paradigms as true, forming mental conditioning that becomes the ruler of our lives. It determines our emotions, perspective on life, and behaviors, also guiding our decision-making and shaping our identity.


The unconscious mind, which houses this conditioning, is the one truly directing us, sending instinctive signals to the conscious mind that align with the conditioning and make us think, feel, and act in a certain way, thereby producing the results we have in life.


Now, there are good paradigms, but there are also toxic ones that truly limit us. These paradigms are equivalent to the TV in the middle of the kitchen or the barbecue grill in the bedroom in the analogy I presented. These are precisely the ones we need to change if we want better results.


The question is, how do we change them?

  1.  First and foremost, we must "turn on the light," that is, become aware of their existence.

  2. Second, we must understand where they come from, go back to the past, and comprehend where they originated and settled in our lives.

  3. Third, once their origin is understood, it is necessary to reconceptualize them, that is, to see them from another perspective to take away their power.

  4. Fourth, create a new healthy paradigm that counteracts the toxic one.

  5. Fifth, establish effective strategies (e.g., targeted neuroplasticity) to plant the healthy paradigm in the unconscious mind and stabilize it to create a new conditioning.


To explain it better, here's a real example:


John believed that intelligent people are not good at socializing, so he, being very intelligent, struggled to socialize. This was limiting him in his relationships, but the paradigm was still directing and sabotaging any attempt to socialize because doing so would make him "stop being intelligent."


In a neuroscientific coaching process, he was able to identify this toxic paradigm and how it was limiting him. He discovered that the origin was his mother when she said, "Your sister is the sociable one, you are the intelligent one." He adopted that belief as his truth and planted it in the unconscious mind, directing his entire being over the years.


Once understood, he decided that this would not be his truth, reconceptualized his past and belief, and defined his new paradigm: "I am so intelligent that I can perfectly learn to connect with others and maintain deep and effective relationships." He integrated this thought and stabilized it with targeted neuroplasticity strategies (such as visualization, affirmations, and being intentional in his thinking, feeling, and acting in the present) until it became a habit.


As a final result, he internalized this new paradigm and made it a habit, generating different outcomes: his ability to relate and connect with others deeply and effectively, thus changing the results in his life.


So, the key to breaking free from these mental chains lies in awareness and the willingness to challenge and change our paradigms. Conscious self-exploration allows us to identify limiting thought patterns and question their validity in the present. By doing so, we open the door to new perspectives and possibilities. Once this is done, the disciplined application of neuroscience techniques that rewire our neural networks, transforming the mind at its core, makes the transformation effective and sustainable, yielding lasting results.


As a Mind Coach, I guide my clients through this process to generate this change and transform their minds at the core, achieving decisive and lasting results. In the business realm, I apply this to leadership teams, transforming entire organizations to achieve extraordinary results. (For more information on my Neuroscience Leadership program, visit my page.


Don't miss my next article where I'll discuss how paradigms affect leadership and organizations in general.

Follow me on LinkedInand visit my website for more info!

Adriana Bárbara Rodríguez Brainz Magazine

Adriana Bárbara Rodríguez, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Adriana Barbara is a Mind specialized Coach that is focused on helping CEO's and high-level entrepreneurs to develop their leadership teams by assisting each member to transform their mindset from the root, achieve their full potential and improve their highest productivity in order to accomplish the organization’s goals in an effective and sustainable way, with her innovative NEUROSCIENCE METHOD IN LEADERSHIP.



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