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Breaking Free From Dopamine Addiction – 4 Self-Love Practices To Reclaim Your Happiness

Maren Kristensen is a psychologist and mindfulness coach specialising in women’s mental health. As the founder of TherapyWithMaren and her signature virtual therapy program, flourish, she helps women of all ages and backgrounds access joy, success & fulfillment in all parts of life.

Executive Contributor Maren Kristensen

Do you ever feel stuck in a cycle of scrolling through social media, indulging in comfort snacks, or buying something online, chasing instant pleasures, only to feel empty or unsatisfied afterward? Whatever your vice is, I am sure you have found a way to indulge in a dopamine addiction, like most of us have, with or without being aware of it. Your dopamine addiction is rooted in small actions that you just do, often without really considering other options, to feel at ease, that momentary “ahhh”, but that’s often quickly followed by a “I want more”.

Woman stretching in the beams of the sun near balcony

Dopamine: The quick fix that's draining you

Dopamine is the brain's "reward" chemical. When you get a like on social media, bite into a sugary treat, or receive a notification, your brain releases dopamine, triggering that instant hit of "this feels good, I want more". It is often your simplest coping mechanism for stress, but that, in the long run, doesn’t actually make you feel better.

Dopamine-driven habits can drive you into cycles wanting more and more, without ever feeling truly fulfilled. But these cycles aren't about true happiness; it’s an endless pursuit of quick fix pleasure, which can leave you feeling disconnected and lost.

Why you need a dopamine detox

Dopamine addiction is an easy escape from reality that scatters your attention and makes it harder to feel focused and present. Over time, this can contribute to you feeling depleted, anxious, and stressed. A dopamine detox allows you to shift from chasing the quick fix of instant pleasure to being able to savor long-lasting contentment.

A dopamine detox isn’t about cutting out all pleasure from your life but about giving your brain time to reset. By reducing your reliance on the quick-fix dopamine hits, you can gently move towards activities that provide lasting fulfillment.

The path to lasting happiness: Serotonin

It isn’t just dopamine that makes us feel good, serotonin is a neurotransmitter that actually plays a much more important role. Instead of bringing you that instant drip of pleasure, serotonin brings us a sense of contentment and long-lasting happiness.

When serotonin is released, it says, "This feels good, I am content, I am complete." This is a slower, more long-lasting process and doesn’t have the same addictive qualities. That is why shifting your focus to habits that you can appreciate and enjoy over time is the key to getting out of the urge for those dopamine hits.

This is where self-love practices come in. You can heal your dopamine addiction by transitioning from dopamine-based habits to serotonin-producing practices. This means shifting from quick, fleeting rewards to understanding what helps you create a life of long-lasting fulfillment.

How to integrate self-love practices into your life

Begin by creating small actionable steps to free yourself from the urge of instant gratification and move towards the self-loving person you want to be. Remember, going from cold turkey to an overflow of new habits is not the answer to creating life-sustaining habits. Be smart when creating new habits:

  • Specific: What is the specific end goal/habit you want? Make it simple, sensible and significant. A 15-minute yoga practice, a date night, a morning walk – how do you enjoy spending time with yourself?

  • Measurable: How can you break it up into tiny steps where you can measure each step that will take you to the end goal habit? Making the journey meaningful and motivating.

  • Achievable: How long do you need to get to that end goal? By breaking it up over a 3 month period or longer reaching your end goal becomes attainable and helps you achieve it.

  • Relevant: How can you make each step realistic based on the resources you have? Be reasonable with yourself when making each small step.

  • Timebound: Decide how much time you spend on your habit each day. What is the minimum and maximum amount of time to spend, allow some flexibility, but also provide a clear timeline to create a predictable schedule for your habits.

One small step in the right direction will lead to big leaps down the line. By following the SMART principle, you can make your new habit simple, easy, and enjoyable.

4 self-love practices to beat dopamine addiction

Self-love practices can help you rewire your brain to enjoy steady, sustainable habits that you truly enjoy. But it’s not always easy and it takes courage to make the changes that aligns you with who you see yourself as, but it is the key to building long lasting happiness.

"Unplug & recharge" self-love practice for your mind

For just 2 minutes a day, engage your mind without a screen. Whether it’s reading a book, learning a new skill, or doing a puzzle, focusing on the present moment calms your nervous system and helps lower anxiety. This screen-free time strengthens your attention span and allows your mind to rest.

"Dance like no one’s watching" self-love practice For your body

Create a 5-minute playlist of your favorite dance songs and let your body move freely. Dancing releases natural, feel-good chemicals and helps you reconnect with your body. It’s a joyful and healthy way to get that dopamine boost without falling into addictive patterns.

"Love the space you’re in" self-love practice For your environment

Spend 3 minutes creating a peaceful environment by tidying up a small area or adding ambiance with lighting or scents. A well-cared-for space reflects self-care, and when your surroundings are in harmony, you’ll feel more grounded and cared for, too.

“Checking-in” self-love practice for human connection

Call a loved one for an intentional check-in. Human connection releases oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone," which provides a deeper sense of happiness than fleeting digital interactions. By fostering genuine connection, you replace superficial distractions with nourishing bonds.

Take control of your well-being

By integrating simple self-love practices into your daily routine, you're not just detoxifying from dopamine. You’re creating a loving, intimate relationship with yourself. These small acts, when practiced regularly, help you build a more fulfilling, balanced life where true happiness thrives.

The journey from dopamine addiction to self-love is a journey toward peace, contentment, and lasting happiness. It’s time to prioritize yourself, reconnect with your needs, and make space for joy that doesn’t fade after the screen goes dark.


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Read more from Maren Kristensen


Maren Kristensen, Psychologist and Mindfulness Coach

Maren Kristensen is an up-and-coming leader in the women’s mental health industry. Her education, clinical experience, and personal mental health journey give her an in-depth understanding of the mind-body connection and how it impacts overall well-being. As the founder of TherapyWithMaren, she guides women all over the world to move from self-doubt to self-love so they can live the life they actually want. With a strong belief that caring for your mental health should be a manageable, practical, and celebrated part of life, her holistic therapy program, flourish, is paving a new path of mental health support for women.



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