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Breaking Free From Comparison – Embracing Your Unique Identity In Christ

Written by: Jasmine Kelly-Stephens, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Jasmine Kelly-Stephens

Comparison is a trap that many Christian women entrepreneurs find themselves ensnared in, often unknowingly. It's a subtle thief of joy, robbing them of their sense of purpose and fulfillment. When you constantly measure your progress, success, and even your worth against others, you inadvertently hinder your own growth and block the blessings that God has in store for you.

Cropped shot of an attractive young woman enjoying the beach.

Comparison often stems from a deep-seated insecurity or a fear of inadequacy. In a

society that glorifies success and achievement, it's easy to fall into the trap of measuring yourself against others' standards. Social media exacerbates this phenomenon, presenting curated glimpses into the seemingly perfect lives of others, leaving you feeling inadequate in comparison.

Furthermore, comparison can also arise from a lack of faith in God's plan for your life. When you doubt God's provision and timing, you may look to others as a benchmark for your own success, instead of trusting in His faithfulness to fulfill His promises to you.

Constant comparison not only breeds discontentment but also stifles creativity and innovation. When you're too busy looking at what others are doing, you lose sight of your unique strengths, talents, and calling. It's like trying to run a race while constantly looking over your shoulders at your competitors – you lose momentum and focus on your own journey.

Comparison can also lead to a sense of unworthiness or inferiority, diminishing your confidence and self-esteem. This can manifest in various aspects of your lives, including your business, relationships, and even your spiritual walk. Instead of embracing your identity as a daughter of the Most High, you diminish yourself in the shadows of others' achievements.

Here's the encouraging truth, you can liberate yourself from the comparison trap and embrace the abundant life that God intends for you. While it demands deliberate action and a change in perspective, it's entirely achievable. Let's delve into actionable steps to overcome this common struggle.

Cultivate gratitude

Dive deeper into the practice of gratitude by keeping a gratitude journal. Each day, jot down three things you're thankful for, no matter how small they may seem. Reflecting on your blessings cultivates a heart of contentment and diminishes the desire to compare yourself to others. Additionally, consider starting or ending your day with a gratitude prayer, verbally expressing your thanks to God for His provision and faithfulness.

Embrace your uniqueness

Take inventory of your strengths, talents, and experiences, recognizing that they are unique to you. Reflect on past accomplishments and the challenges you've overcome, affirming your ability to navigate your journey with grace and resilience. Embrace the truth that God has bestowed upon you a set of gifts tailored specifically for your purpose. To reinforce this, create a "strengths board" where you list your strengths and achievements, visually reminding yourself of your unique qualities and capabilities.

Focus on your journey

Develop a clear vision for your future and establish goals aligned with that vision. Break down your goals into actionable steps and celebrate each milestone along the way. By staying focused on your journey, you'll find fulfillment in your progress, rather than comparing it to others'. To maintain focus, create a vision board that illustrates your goals and aspirations, serving as a visual reminder of your personal journey and progress.

Guard your mind

Practice discernment when consuming media, especially on social platforms. Limit exposure to content that triggers feelings of comparison or inadequacy, and instead, seek out sources of inspiration and encouragement. Engage in activities that nourish your soul and reinforce your sense of identity and worth. Consider implementing a social media detox, where you take a break from social platforms for a set period, allowing yourself to reset and realign your focus on your personal journey and goals.

Seek community, not competition

Surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow entrepreneurs who champion your success. Foster authentic connections with individuals who celebrate your victories and offer encouragement during challenges. Collaborate with like-minded peers, recognizing that collaboration breeds innovation and collective growth. Join or create a mastermind group where you can share experiences, insights, and resources with other entrepreneurs, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment for growth and development.

Trust in God's timing

Surrender control and trust in God's divine timing for your life. Recognize that His plans are far greater than your own and that He works all things together for your good. Rest in the assurance that God's timing is perfect, even when circumstances seem uncertain or challenging. To deepen your trust in God's timing, spend time in prayer and meditation on His word, seeking His guidance and wisdom in every aspect of your journey. Practice surrendering your desires and plans to God, trusting that He will lead you according to His perfect will and timing.

By embracing these principles and practices, you can break free from the comparison trap and step into the fullness of God's blessings and purpose for your life. Instead of measuring yourselves against others, you can find joy and fulfillment in embracing your unique identity and calling, knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of your Creator.

In conclusion, comparison is a common struggle that many Christian women entrepreneurs face, but it doesn't have to define your journey. By cultivating gratitude, embracing your uniqueness, focusing on your own journey, guarding your mind, seeking community, and trusting in God's timing, you can break free from the comparison trap and embrace the abundant life that God has ordained for you. As you align yourself with God's purpose and walk in obedience to His word, you will experience true fulfillment and success in every area of your life.

Follow Jasmine on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website for more information!

Jasmine Kelly-Stephens Brainz Magazine

Jasmine Kelly-Stephens, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jasmine is an exceptional Trauma-informed Emotional Eating Holistic Health and Wellness Coach who gracefully manages her roles as a dedicated mother, wife, and leader in various church ministries. Her journey is marked by notable accomplishments, such as co-authoring two Amazon Number 1 Best-Selling books and attaining the esteemed title of a Number 1 International best-seller.

Jasmine's personal story spans several decades, interwoven with the trials of comfort, stress, and emotional eating. This deeply personal struggle propels her unwavering commitment to addressing the emotional eating crisis, and guiding women towards healing, restoration, and liberation. At the heart of her mission is the empowerment of women, helping them liberate themselves from the chains of shame and guilt linked to emotional eating, all while drawing on her expertise in trauma-informed care. Through this transformative process, women rediscover their relationship with food and their bodies, embracing a journey of self-love and acceptance that brings forth renewed energy, freedom, and confidence to fulfill their divine callings within the Kingdom.

Jasmine firmly believes that the healing experienced by women extends its positive ripples outward, fostering healthier relationships within families and communities. This ripple effect creates a transformative impact for everyone involved.

While Jasmine offers personalized coaching tailored for Christian women entrepreneurs, her passion knows no bounds. Actively spreading the message of transformation through speaking engagements and workshops, she aims to reach anyone open to the journey toward healing and well-being.



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