Tara Leigh is a certified life coach, certified health coach, and success strategist who’s passionate about helping you simplify your life, declutter your mind, build better relationships, and create space for what matters most.
Do you ever feel stuck? Like you're in a holding pattern and don’t know what to do or where to turn? You may even feel paralyzed, you know you want to take action, but you just aren’t able to get yourself into motion and get the ball rolling.
These feelings aren’t as uncommon as you might think. If you’re feeling this way, rest assured you are not alone. With so much going on around us all the time, and social media screaming at us to do more (because everyone else seems to be), we can get to a place of frustration and uncertainty pretty quickly. And that can slow us down. Sometimes even to a dead stop!
But remember, these feelings are temporary and there are practical steps you can take to regain momentum and get back on track.
1. Give yourself permission to feel stuck
Start by offering yourself grace. Feeling stuck is part of the human experience, and it doesn't define your worth. Don’t beat yourself up for being in a holding pattern. This too shall pass, it’s only a temporary state, not a permanent condition.
2. Journal your thoughts to gain clarity
Set aside uninterrupted time to journal. Get your thoughts and frustrations out of your head and onto paper. Let it all go. No judgment here, just you and the pen exploring your feelings. This practice can create a safe space for insights to surface. Afterward, review your writing with curiosity and an open mind. Is there anything on the page that might offer insight to where your fears lie or what you should do next? Do any limiting beliefs stand out? Is there something you’ve been avoiding that you need to step into?
3. Reconnect with your values
Sometimes feeling stuck happens when we aren’t living in alignment with our core values. Take time to identify or refine your core values. If you have trouble with this, think about the times you felt the most proud, the most fulfilled, or the most joyful. Once you have clarity on your values, ask yourself if your current lifestyle is in line with these values. If not, what adjustments need to be made?
4. Reevaluate your support system
What type of support system do you have? Do you have people who you trust that you can call in a time of need? People who you respect and value their opinions? People who encourage you to grow, who challenge your limiting beliefs, and who support your goals? If not, it might be time to find mentors, friends, or professionals who can be positive forces in your journey.
5. Identify underlying fears and address them directly
Fear often holds us back from taking the next step. Whether it’s fear of failure, rejection, or judgment, identifying these fears is key to moving forward. Ask yourself, “What am I really afraid of?” Then, break it down further: is this fear rational? Is it based on past experiences or societal expectations? By naming these fears, you can start to dismantle them and relinquish their power.
6. Define a small, aligned action
When you're ready, start small. Define one action that aligns with your values and the life you envision. It might be as simple as calling a friend for support, reaching out to a mentor, signing up for a class, or blocking off time to focus on a passion project. It might be sending one email that you’ve been avoiding, writing one paragraph of your novel, or making a call to the website designer you want to hire. The point is to take one step that feels meaningful to you. Sometimes by taking that first step, you create enough momentum to get you back on the road to success.
7. Celebrate each step, no matter how small
Acknowledge and celebrate every action you take, regardless of its size. Progress is progress, and recognizing it can build momentum. When you feel good about taking one step, you’re more likely to take another—and another. Don’t allow comparison culture to get the best of you. You get to create your path to success, and celebrating each step along the way is an important part of the journey.
8. Revisit and refine as needed
Remember that getting unstuck is a process, not a one-time fix. Life circumstances and goals can change, and it's natural to need a reset from time to time. Schedule regular check-ins with yourself to evaluate your progress, realign with your values, and adjust your goals as needed. Revisit your journal and support system periodically to ensure you're still on track.
By following these steps, you can regain clarity, overcome obstacles, and take meaningful actions that feel right for you. Remember, you are working toward progress, not perfection. Embrace each small step you take as part of your journey toward a more aligned and fulfilling life. And when you need to take a break and reset, allow yourself the space to do so, knowing that sometimes what you need more than anything is to give yourself grace. And by doing so, that next small step won’t seem so daunting.
Start your journey today
Feeling stuck may be overwhelming, but you don't have to face it alone. You have the power to rewrite your narrative. If you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, reach out to Tara here for information on her 90-day program From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed. You’ll have a partner in success every step of the way while getting unstuck, achieving your goals, and embracing your true potential.
Read more from Tara Leigh
Tara Leigh, Certified Life Coach + Success Strategist
Tara Leigh is a leader in personal development, simplification, and mindset mastery. She has been a life coach for 20+ years and is dedicated to helping others simplify their lives, declutter their minds, build better relationships, and create greater success both personally and professionally. She teaches you how to take back control of your life and live on purpose, rather than on auto-pilot, so you can live a life you truly love and leave the stress behind!