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Breaking Barriers In Financial Education – Exclusive Interview With Corwin C Johnson

An accomplished author, CJ has penned works that reflect his deep insights into the complexities of life, business, and personal growth. His entrepreneurial spirit shines through in his endeavors, where he combines creativity with strategic thinking to build a brand that resonates with audiences across various platforms. CJ Moneyway's journey from humble beginnings to becoming a respected figure in the entertainment and business world exemplifies his commitment to empowering others to pursue their dreams. Through his work, he continues to inspire and uplift, making a lasting impact on all those who cross his path.

Image photo of Corwin C Johnson

Corwin C Johnson, Podcast Host & Author

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

Hi, I’m CJ! I’ve been happily married for 15 years, come this December. I’m a proud father of several wonderful children—most of whom are grown now, except for my youngest son, who’s 14 years old. While I don’t have any pets, my life has been full of love, family, and sports. Growing up, I played basketball, football, and baseball, and to this day, I’m a big fan of basketball and of Magic Johnson, but Kobe was probably my favorite player of all time. So, in essence, I have been a Lakers fan for 44 years, which is hard for many to believe since I was born and raised in the Chicagoland area. I also enjoy playing poker and binge-watching TV shows when I have some downtime.

What I believe makes me unique is that I always had an innate sense of leadership, even as a kid. Whether it was in sports or just being with family and friends, I naturally took on leadership roles. However, it wasn’t until I turned my life over to God that my leadership qualities truly began to flourish. That spiritual journey has been a cornerstone in shaping who I am today.

One of my greatest passions is inspiring others, especially men. I feel a strong calling to encourage more men to step into leadership roles, and I have a deep desire to be someone who can help fulfill that need. My mission is to see men and young boys grow into who they were created to be, leading abundant and fulfilling lives.

What inspired you to start CJ Moneyway Entertainment LLC, and how did you develop your unique approach to financial education?

What inspired me to start CJ Moneyway Entertainment LLC was a combination of my passion for financial education and my desire to create a platform that would make money management accessible and relatable to everyone. I noticed a gap in the way financial advice was often delivered—many people found it too complicated or intimidating. I wanted to develop an approach that blended real-life stories, creative industries, and practical financial insights to help individuals from all walks of life take control of their finances.

How do you tailor your financial advice to cater to individuals at different stages of their financial journey?

My unique approach to financial education grew out of my experiences working with artists, entertainers, and entrepreneurs, many of whom faced financial challenges despite their success in their respective fields. By focusing on “Stories Behind The Success,” I’ve been able to bridge the gap between the creative world and personal finance, showing that managing money is not only essential but empowering. This blend of storytelling, real-world applications, and entertainment has helped me build a brand that educates while also inspiring people to take charge of their financial futures.

Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

One of my greatest career achievements so far has been the success and growth of The CJ Moneyway Show. Reaching the top 3% of podcasts globally, out of over 3 million shows, is a milestone I’m incredibly proud of. Being recognized by the Bleav Network and invited to bring my show onto their platform was another huge accomplishment that validated all the hard work I’ve put into the podcast. But beyond numbers and recognition, my greatest achievement has been creating content that resonates with people, helping them improve their financial lives, and seeing the real-world impact the show has had on listeners.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

If I could change one thing about the financial education and entertainment industry, it would be to make financial literacy more accessible and relatable to everyone, regardless of their background or economic status. Too often, financial advice is presented in a way that feels complicated or exclusive, leaving many people feeling overwhelmed or left out. I believe everyone should have access to the knowledge and tools needed to take control of their finances, no matter where they come from or how much they already know. By simplifying financial education and making it more engaging, we can empower more people to achieve financial independence and live fulfilling lives.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

A pivotal moment in my life that brought me to where I am today was when I made the decision to turn my life over to God. Before that, I had made many mistakes early on in life—despite having good jobs, the choices I made led to financial struggles that still affect me to this day. I lived recklessly, and those early struggles had a lasting impact on my financial situation. However, being pulled out of that lifestyle and into a healthy, strong marriage, watching my children graduate from college, and maturing as a person brought me to this point.

That spiritual shift not only transformed my personal life but also unlocked my true leadership potential. I had always displayed leadership qualities, whether in sports or with family and friends, but it wasn’t until I turned my life over to God that I began to fully embrace and develop those abilities. It gave me a deeper sense of purpose, leading me to create The CJ Moneyway Show and start CJ Moneyway Entertainment LLC. This turning point allowed me to focus on inspiring and leading others, particularly men and young boys, to reach their full potential and live abundant lives. These experiences have been the foundation for everything I do today.

Image photo of Corwin C Johnson

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