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Brando Crespi – An Ecopreneur Pioneering A Greener Future With Biochar And Beyond

Creating impactful relationships between businesses and their ideal customers utilizing modern technology.

Executive Contributor Tristen Giles

On a sunlit afternoon in Santa Fe, Brando Crespi's study is awash in the golden hues of natural light that complement the rustic charm of stucco and wood beam rafters. As he adjusts his camera, his demeanor, warm, congenial, and unmistakably European—fills the screen. "Ah, now where did we leave off?" he asks with a smile, inviting a dive back into his wonder-filled story.

Image photo of Brando Crespi

Brando's journey began in the grandeur of an Italian palace, where as a child he delighted in racing up and down the long, marble hallways–a setting that could have predestined him a life of aristocratic ease. Yet, the walls that might have confined others only expanded his horizons, seeding a relentless curiosity about the world beyond the frescoed vaults. Educated in Italy, Switzerland, the U.K., and the U.S., Brando’s academic pursuits in anthropology and economics prefaced a rich tapestry of careers—from Italian journalism to Amazonian ethnobotany, each a thread weaving into his broader mission of environmental advocacy.


Having made a significant mark in commercial ventures early in his career, including launching the iconic Rodeo Drive and Hard Rock Cafe, Brando's journey took a decisive turn towards sustainability. His pioneering efforts in the luxury fashion sector included the development of eco-friendly hemp jeans for Armani, a project that not only showcased sustainable materials but also positioned hemp as a viable, environmentally friendly alternative in high fashion. This shift was a return to his lifelong purpose, deeply inspired by time spent in the Amazon rainforest and his abiding love for the natural world. When asked what sparked this course adjustment, he tells the story of a near-drowning experience from his childhood: “By all probabilities,” he said, “I should not have survived. But I did, and the experience sparked inside of me what I can only describe as a nostalgia for the divine.” This transcendent experience still fuels his dedication to protecting and restoring the natural world.


In 1985, Crespi co-founded Pro Natura International (PNI), an NGO that was initially committed to combating ecological destruction in the Amazon. As the organization grew, it gained international acclaim and was awarded the Mitchell Prize by the U.S. Academy of Sciences, often dubbed the “Sustainability Nobel Prize.” PNI became a cornerstone of Brando's environmental mission, pioneering sustainable development initiatives across 63 countries and helping to lift over 7 million people out of poverty.


During his time with Pro Natura, Brando "stumbled across" the concept of biochar in the Brazilian rainforest. While studying the fertile dark soils known as terra preta, he recognized their potential for revolutionizing agriculture and combating climate change. This ancient method of enhancing soil fertility with biochar—charcoal used as a soil amendment—ignited his interest in this simple yet transformative practice. However, he saw an even greater potential for biochar on a global scale.


Today, Brando stands at the helm of Global Biocarbons, a company at the vanguard of transforming bio-derived carbon black into a tool for industrial sustainability. By converting waste biomass into valuable biochar, Global Biocarbons offers an alternative to the environmentally detrimental production methods of traditional carbon black that are typically reliant on fossil fuel. This innovation not only recycles waste, but does so by capturing more carbon than it emits, presenting a scalable solution to one of the modern world’s pressing challenges via carbon sequestration.


Parallelly, Crespi co-founded Polymateria, tackling the global plastic crisis. The company has developed a “biotransformation” technology that allows plastics to biodegrade safely if they escape into the environment. This innovation represents a critical step forward in the fight against plastic pollution, providing products designed to become harmless, biodegraded waste within a year if not recycled.


Both ventures are more than business models; they are Crespi’s contributions to a world grappling with increasing environmental catastrophe. With Polymateria and Global Biocarbons, he offers practical, scalable solutions that address the ecological, social, and economic dimensions of sustainability. They underscore his belief in a model of progress that enriches rather than exploits, aiming to reshape industries and consumer habits worldwide into something that could truly be regenerative.


Reflecting on his eclectic past and the global future, Crespi remains optimistic about the potential for technology and human ingenuity to foster a more sustainable world. "We need a new narrative about what it means to be human in the age of environmental crisis," he muses. It's a narrative he’s helping to write, not just with words but with deeds that stretch from the labs of Santa Fe to the fields of Africa and beyond.


In a world often skeptical of happy endings, Brando Crespi’s story offers a reminder of the power of relentless curiosity and the transformative potential of aligning one’s life with a cause greater than oneself. As rain begins to patter softly outside his window, echoing the hopeful note on which our conversation pauses, it’s clear that for Crespi, the journey isn’t just about changing the narrative; it’s about transforming the very landscape of our future.

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Tristen Giles, Business Consultant

Creating impactful relationships between businesses and their ideal customers utilizing modern technology.


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