Written by: Alison Rothman, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

There are so many who are finding themselves in that in-between time where they are changing and they can feel it on a deep level, yet the outcome, the direction, the actualization of this change process has yet to be revealed.

What they used to do and how they used to be are clearly no longer an option, yet, where they are going, how they are going to get there, and what this new version of themselves has not yet been made clear.
This is a juicy time to simmer in. A time rich with insight, information, and wisdom…if we are open to it.
It is an uncomfortable time of the change process. Unknown and uncertain. It is the natural tendency to want to fill this time with something, anything, yet if we can allow ourselves to sit in the unknown and get curious, incredible shifts are possible. Our intuition can be accessed and information emerges.
True, authentic, sustainable change cannot be forced. Yes, we absolutely need to give effort in many moments, however, the allowing, the opening, the softening, the space to sit in the unknown and listen, is invaluable and a crucial aspect of creating new pathways in our state of living and being.
When we choose to consistently fill the “void” with something that distracts us, numbs us, and keeps us swirling in the same old ways, then we bypass the opportunity to change on a deeply embodied and aligned level.
The in-between is scary for a lot of people. It is understandable. Yet, if we want to change ourselves, grow and morph ourselves, then we must take that risk of simmering in that unknown place. That is how we open up new channels of possibility in ourselves.
A great example is if you’re giving up an addiction of any kind there is that time “in limbo”. There is that in-between time when you know that you are done with the old behavior and addiction, yet have not stepped fully into the next realm of existing without it.
I had a client say that she was “bored” now that her consumption and obsession with food was diminishing. My response was to shift from the “boredom” into curiosity. To become curious about what else stimulates her, engages her, inspires her. To encourage the spaciousness and to allow herself to explore in those realms. She chose to write and pull out some art supplies to enhance her process. A beautiful choice!
If we can *not* fill every crevice of our lives while we are in midst of a change process (even with “good” stuff) and rather truly allow the spaciousness, that is where the gold lies. That’s when we begin to be able to transform ourselves and our lives from the inside out on a sustainable and embodied level.
What can we *do* in those in-between moments that will serve our unfolding? (Again, it is that fine line of doing vs. not doing. The below are suggestions of “healthy” and “productive” outlet of enhancing our human life process)
Drop into your body: Track your sensations in your body, tune into the pulse of your breath, feel your heart beating, get onto the ground and allow the earth to hold you through your body. Move from your own inner guidance, fill your cells with life-force energy, follow your impulses without an agenda.
Tap into creative outlets: Dance, Paint, Draw, Write, Create! Give the subconscious voice and shape through creativity.
Go outside into nature (yes, even if it is 3 degrees!): Nature is the ultimate healer. Sometimes just stepping outside into the elements will enliven something deep within.
Listen to a guided visualization/podcast/talk: Immerse oneself in something inspiring and growth enhancing.
Meditation: Have I mentioned lately that I truly believe that meditation practice is essential for every single thing in life? (Those of you whom have been reading my words for a long time have certainly gotten that memo!) Meditation is the gateway to your heart, to your soul, to your truth. Spending time in quiet meditation every day, preferably first thing in the morning, will support you in every way to access next steps in your life, work with your mind to utilize your neurochemistry to support your process, and gain insight into your most aligned and integral self.
Create in the Kitchen: Nourish your body, your soul, and your senses through cooking or baking something delicious and nutritious. This serves so many purposes in feeding ourselves and our families and also immersing us into a tangible and creative project.
Savor the Quiet: Leaning into and savoring quiet moments in life will propel your growth and unfolding to the next level and beyond. Learning how to sit in the quiet, to just BE in the quiet, to melt into the quiet is an invaluable life skill.
What is changing in you? Do you know what it is that you are letting go of, releasing, putting to rest?
Wherever your path of life may find you right now, can you surrender to it? Soften and lean into it? Open up to the possibility that this is exactly where you’re supposed to be right now? And, accept yourself, your circumstances and your situations for exactly as you are, and as they are right now.
Allow yourself to empty...to create space from within...to get curious...to hear those inner stirrings...and, to listen to what's next...unattached, open, and receptive.
May we learn to unlearn to learn again from a place of alignment and truth of who we are right now and the potent direction our lives are taking.
As always, if you need connection and/or support, please reach out. I am here in service of the evolution of humanity… with unwavering love and care.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, or visit my website for more info!

Alison Rothman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Alison Rothman MA CYT, is a Body-Centered Holistic Empowerment Coach and Transformational Group Facilitator with 25+ years of study and experiences in somatic healing arts and therapy, yoga and meditation, authentic embodiment, and holistic healing. Through her extensive studies, practices, and experiences she provides clients and students with the ability to tap into their innate inner resource and release debilitating life patterns in order to access their truth, power, and reclaim their body, mind, heart, and soul connection.
Alison is passionate about supporting and empowering women and men to unwind their nervous systems, make peace with themselves, and remember who they truly are. She is zealous about studying the art of relationship and has a commitment to bridge the gap between men and women so as to bring greater harmony, peace, and love into the world of relationship, partnership, and dating.
She has survived several highly traumatizing life events including a house fire and a near death experience. Additionally, Alison has navigated divorce and single motherhood for over a decade, utilizing her practices in support of her own embodiment during times of stress and challenge.
She carries with her an embodied understanding of the wisdom and intelligence of the body and brings to her sessions, groups, and writing a deep intimacy with herself, her own process of life experiences, and a passion for supporting and inspiring others in utilizing the magic of everyday living as medicine for growth and healing.
Alison is an expert in the realm of trauma, eating disorder and addiction recovery, body image issues, and utilizing holistic wellness practices to attain sustainable, embodied, and empowered healing.
In addition to her one-on-one work she facilitates retreats, runs women’s groups (both virtual and in person), writes, speaks and is the host of the podcast "Embodied and Awake." She lives in beautiful Boulder, Colorado with her partner and 13-year old son.