Written by: Stephanie Benjamin, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Definition of a BILLIONAIRESS: a woman whose wealth is estimated to be at least a billion dollars, euros, pounds, or any other monetary units.

This is the basic definition that you will find in dictionaries or Google. Now, let me give you my definition:
A Billionairess is a woman who achieved the very limited status of unlimited wealth ownership and who does not just possess large finances assets of over a billion but also won a recognised leadership statement. Which is even today, exceptional!
Being a billionaire for a man or a woman is a real deal. This is a fact. However, based on the world’s history, the womanhood is on this way for prosperity in the wealth and business world. Let me introduce you to that generation of women, who are fearless, powerful, and successful.
Since forever everything we know about leadership was crafted and designed for men. Men were meant to lead and provide. Until today this mindset remains valuable. But it is not the only one. Now, women are taking the freedom of ownership and leadership, more than ever, and it seems to be limitless. So, what about women and leadership nowadays.
1867 a woman called C.J Walker, open the door of woman empowerment by becoming the very first self-made woman millionaire. To rephrase the American TV Personality, Tyra Banks: “First is hard. First is lonely. But first is necessary. First is crucial so that a door can be opened for others to fit through.” - Ms. C.J walker was the first. Now doors are open and the number of women taking this road is increasing for good.
Using March 2021 Forbes Top women Billionaire statics ranking, names such as Francoise Bettencourt Meyers 68 years old from L’Oréal and Alice Walton 71 years old from Walmart are at the top of the list, but also more recently, younger personalities such as the celebrity singer and businesswoman, Rihanna, 33 years old and the TV reality personality Kim Kardashian, 40 years old, also have joined the very selected list of billionaires.
So here we are. Just in the last decade, the number of women in business and leadership has increased by over 60% and they are younger, smarter, and stronger, coming from every industry with iconic ambitions, and on top of that, you… can be next.
When it comes to leadership it is said by the experts that men provide direction for their employees, while women encourage employees to find their own direction. They also say that women are rated better than men on key leadership capabilities such as taking initiatives, women are rated at 55.6% while men are rated 48.2, builds relationships, women rate 53.2% when men are rated 49.9%. Those are just few numbers of examples…however we can also just highlight what is undeniable when it comes to women, multi-tasking, listening skills and the capacity to just be able to overcome obstacles are what defines a woman’s potential.
But what does it take to be a woman in leadership and what does it takes to be a Billionairess?
Before anything, if you are a woman and you read this article, I want you to understand that you have the choice. No matter how the society changes, you have the choice to be the woman that you want to be. You have the choice to be a mom, a housewife, a businesswoman, an entrepreneur, an artist… you have the choice to be rich, to be single and happy, to be ambitious, to want more from life. You can have it all if you want to. If this is your decision than it is ok. And this is entirely a woman luxury.
Now here are my top 6 most significant characteristics of what it takes to lead at a level of a Billionairess:
1. Leaders works toward a vision.
And this applies to every gender. When you have a clear vision of what you want, where do you want to go and when, it also gives you a clear idea of how to get what you want, how you can get there, and how long it will take to reach the goal. So be focus.
2. Have a “Why”.
You will never ever be all the time motivated. This is the reason why you need a “why”. Your “why” will be what will help you keep going no matter what. Your why is your fuel, it is what you consider as being non-negotiable. It can be anybody from your family members to just being yourself for example, or anything that has a deep meaning in your eyes but if you must fight for once in your life, it will be for this “why”.
3. Be coachable and open to personal growth.
Life is challenging at any level. But the higher the goal is, the hardest the obstacles will be challenging. Be self-aware and open to professional and personal growth. Be curious and never stop learning.
Be coachable. Many people seem to have an issue with that, but truth is, top leaders, professional athletes, millionaires, and billionaires get coached. The first reason is that you need an outside perspective of your business and your life. The more you get feedback the more you can work and adapt toward your goal. The second reason is that it allows you to keep track on your progress.
4. Be organised, discipline and consistent.
This is probably the most difficult part. But this is also what separate the winners from the losers, the rich from the poor, or the one who get results from the one who doesn’t. Organisation will help you to keep your mind clear on your task and avoid being overwhelmed. Discipline, set up the ton, and unconsciously train your brain in getting tasks done even when you don’t want or don’t like it. Consistency is the key to success. You do it once, you learn, you get it twice, you become good at it, you do it for the third time and you become the best at it. It is purely good sense.
The more you become organized, discipline, and consistent toward your goal, the more it will feel natural with no other options for you then success.
5. Create a supporting environment.
You cannot achieve success by yourself and so you cannot achieve the billionaire status by yourself. So do yourself a favour because your goal is not negotiable. Be selective with your environment. Build strong and supportive relationships in life just like in business, this will help you remain confident at any stage of your journey toward your billionaire life.
6. Own your Femininity.
This is a special for you Ladies. There is absolutely no reason for you to hide your femininity or to try to behave differently just to please others. Own your femininity. The more comfortable you will be being your true self the more you will be able to build a long lasting and prosperous leadership style. Even in the men’s world, it takes a bunch of confidence to be yourself and face criticisms and so it is for women. Just embrace it and be yourself.
My final words:
Even knowing that being successful by achieving the billionaire status is possible. It is important to mention that success doesn’t always means happiness. And it is even more mentionable for the billionairess.
Like I previously said, you have the choice to decide the woman you want to be, but for every decision there are consequences that comes along. In the world of super wealth, sacrificing family and relationships are often one of them. The question is, how much are you willing to sacrifice?
Now for my aspiring Billionairess, here are some positives notes. The future is yours. There will be more and more global wealth owned by women than men by 2050 and those are not my words but the experts’ words. This is a new era, where the “controversial feminine leadership” will have a powerful voice in the public eye, where woman elevation will no longer have limits, where you can wear heels and run an empire. You can dream big. There is nothing wrong with that. And yes, you can be the next Billionairess.
If you are interested in learning more on the subject, a book is about to come out soon in November 2021, with testimonials and storytelling coming from successful women leaders and millionaires from around the world. You can subscribe to SuccessLifeGoal Mastermind or join the Facebook group Billionairess (female leadership) to stay updated.

Stephanie Benjamin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Stephanie Benjamin is the Founder of SuccessLifeGoal Mastermind, as well as, a Celebrity Life Coach, an International Speaker and a Business Writer.
Stephanie is a certified international coach and dedicated herself to the Show Business industry. She mostly coached high-profile personalities, such as Athletes, Celebrities, Influencers and Creative Business owners.
She has participated in two books: "UNSTOPPABLE COURAGE" and " REJECTION TO REDIRECTION", bestseller books on Amazon. She is the author of the E-Book "ENTER TO THE BADASS INFLUENCER BUSINESS" and has an upcoming book coming out in November 2021 that focuses on Female Leadership.
So far, she has been featured in the UK market on WOTC magazine as well as in the USA market on FOX, NBC and CBS.
Stephanie inspires others to never giving up on their dreams or goals and build up a winning mindset through the power of Influencing, Leadership and Self-Awareness.