Written by: Kshama Singhi, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

We have all noticed a growing trend to the evolving thought process of relationships. People are more open to new types of relationships like polygamy, age difference is becoming less of an issue and even the traditional norms like the guy needs to be taller than the woman are starting to break. Which is great.

However, In the ever-changing world of relationships, where we're all about embracing differences and being open-minded, there are some rock-solid truths that never go out of style. Despite all the new trends, these timeless elements still play a huge role in making connections that last. Check it out:
1. Keepin' it real: Authenticity rules
Amidst the constant changes, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters – authenticity. Embracing who you are and allowing your partner to do the same is the secret ingredient. Often, we enter relationships with the misguided notion that we can change our partners – their appearance, speech, or behaviour. This sets the stage for relationship struggles and failure.
Instead, when both partners wholeheartedly embrace their true selves and the partner’s true selves, the connection becomes genuine, transparent, and resilient.
2. Grow together or grow apart
Tony Robbins nailed it when he emphasised the importance of shared values and goals. These elements act like the glue that holds relationships together. I'm not referring to the minor details like choosing a TV show; I'm talking about the broader life values and goals. Take, for instance, my passion for self-development and constant growth. On the flip side, my ex-partner was entirely focused on securing a stable financial future. Neither of us were wrong. But while he prioritised earning and saving, I was eager to invest in learning, personal growth, and new experiences. Unsurprisingly, this divergence became a recurring source of tension in our home.
3. Love needs work: Relationships aren't a walk in the park
Let's dispel a misconception – relationships require effort. Just as you invest time and energy in pursuing personal goals, relationships demand the same dedication. When searching for a job, you put effort into crafting your CV, applying for positions, and attending interviews. Similarly, if you're aiming to lose weight, you allocate time for gym sessions, plan your diet, and prepare healthy meals. It's not about making it overly challenging; rather, it's about avoiding autopilot mode and actively investing in your relationship.
The direction you set your focus determines where your energy flows. Neglecting to prioritise your relationship means it won't prioritise you in return. Shower it with care, or it may not weather the challenges ahead.
4. Ditch the perfect picture: Life's not a rom-com
We often grow up with an idealised view of relationships, shaped by movies and fairy tales. However, the reality is more than a brief narrative. Movies and stories often overlook the nuanced aspects of relationships. When faced with the complexities of real life, some find it challenging to accept, as it deviates from the picture-perfect scenario.
Yet, it's perfectly fine NOT to aim for perfection. Instead, create a list of your desires, highlighting non-negotiable and must-haves. As long as your essential criteria are met, be open to flexibility or letting go of the less crucial aspects. Life is messy, and the best relationships embrace imperfections.
5. Gratitude and forgiveness go hand-in-hand: Release and reconnect
Gratitude and forgiveness serve as superheroes in relationships. Forgiveness releases grudges, creating space for new beginnings, while gratitude strengthens the bond. Take a moment to appreciate each other, acknowledge quirks, and express a simple 'thank you.' It's these straightforward gestures that solidify the connection.
In the ever-changing world of relationships, where things are always shifting, these timeless truths are like our rock. Let's cheer on all the different ways people connect and not forget the simple stuff that keeps the love journey going strong.
If you want to build stronger habits for a better relationship with your partner, you can download a free ebook here – 7 Habits To Create A Healthy Long-Lasting Relationship

Kshama Singhi, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Kshama Singhi, a certified Empowerment Coach accredited by Jay Shetty, has been on a mission since 2020. Her passion lies in guiding women through powerful transformations. Kshama's own journey, marked by a pivotal divorce, ignited a fire within her to empower others. She firmly believes that the foundation of our lives lies in the relationship we have with ourselves. Today, fuelled by this newfound purpose, she's unwavering in her commitment to help women emerge as the architects of their own empowered destinies.