Ange Helie, CEO & Founder of AfterGlow Lifestyle Coaching, spearheads an anti-diet health movement, empowering one million women to discover food freedom & their natural healthy weight.

In a world obsessed with numbers on the scale, the pursuit of health and fitness often comes at a cost. Women striving for a “healthy, toned body” can find themselves burdened with strict dieting rules like calorie counting, fasting, or rigid meal plans, leading to constant thoughts about food. When these efforts fall short, self-blame and the promise to start over tomorrow perpetuate a never-ending cycle.

But what if there’s a more balanced, sustainable approach to achieving a healthy, happy weight—one that doesn’t involve guilt over enjoying a cookie or a piece of chocolate? Research from a 2017 study by David Benton and Hayley A. Young, published in the National Library of Medicine, suggests that traditional dieting methods focused on calorie restriction may not be the most effective or sustainable for weight management. Calorie counting is essentially an attempt to restrict calories and manipulate the body for fat loss. If these methods aren’t working for you, read on!
6 ways to find your healthy, happy weight without dieting
1. Redefine your healthy weight
Before diving into how to achieve a healthy weight, it’s crucial to redefine what “healthy weight” means to you. Dr. Lindo Bacon, researcher & author of Health at Every Size, explains that focusing solely on weight can distract us from actual health. People with different body sizes can have varying health habits and conditions that are not reflected by their weight alone. The missing link is often your relationship with food & body.
2. Unlearn diet culture
You didn’t fail the diet; the diet failed you. Traditional diets often ignore human emotions and the body's natural mechanisms for safety and survival. Your body is designed to protect you, not work against you. Understanding this can reduce fear and empower you to work with your body rather than against it. If you’re constantly starting over on Monday, it’s a sign that dieting isn’t working for you. Dieting can turn eating into a stressful math equation, inducing fear and removing the joy from food, which leads to a cycle of deprivation, overeating, and guilt. Recognizing this cycle is the first step to breaking free from it.
3. Simplify
What if prioritizing health can feel easy? Well, the good news, it can! How? By learning to trust your body. The problem isn’t food itself but our thoughts and feelings about food. Shifting from a restrictive mindset to an inclusive one, focusing on how your body feels, is key. Research published in the National Library Of Medicine, titled, “Feel Good, Eat Better: The Role of Self-Compassion and Body Esteem in Mother’s Healthy Eating Behaviours," shows that listening to your body improves psychological well-being, body image, and the relationship with food. By listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, you can tune into and trust your body without the food drama (win/win!)
4. Remove food fears & embrace your eating style
Speaking of food drama, let’s unpack what this means. Food drama, aka food fears, is described as any sort of food fear-mongering in society that is not supported by credible research. Dr. Idz (@dr_idz on Instagram) dedicates his time debunking food fears, so if you’re curious, he’s a great resource to check out. Supportive eating practices without food fear can support your journey to a healthy weight. Mindful eating, as suggested by research in the Journal of Obesity, can reduce emotional eating and binge eating. Practicing mindfulness during meals helps regulate appetite, prevent overeating, and develop a healthier relationship with food.
5. Prioritize sustainable lifestyle changes
A healthy body is about more than just the foods you eat —it’s about your lifestyle. According to the International Journal of Obesity, sustainable changes like regular physical activity, stress management, and adequate sleep are crucial for long-term weight management and overall health. Prioritizing self-care and holistic well-being creates a lifestyle that promotes lasting health and vitality.
6. Celebrate non-scale victories
Remember to celebrate non-scale victories on your journey to finding your healthy weight. Research in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour suggests that focusing on non-scale progress like increased energy, improved mood, and enhanced self-confidence leads to greater satisfaction and adherence to healthy behaviors. By celebrating achievements beyond the scale, you cultivate a more positive and empowering relationship with your body and yourself.
If you’re tired of being on the diet hamster wheel, doing all the healthy things but not seeing results, book a free chat with me today. We’ll create your personalized roadmap to finding a healthy weight using my 4-step proven framework so you’ll never have to diet again!
Read more from Ange Helie
Ange Helie, CEO & Founder of AfterGlow Lifestyle Coaching
Ange Helie, CEO & Founder of AfterGlow Lifestyle Coaching, spearheads an anti-diet health movement, empowering one million women to discover food freedom & their natural healthy weight. With over 15 years in the health industry as a Volleyball player, Personal Trainer, and CrossFit athlete, she battled with her own food and body relationship, struggling to shed weight despite trying various "healthy" approaches. After unlocking the secret, she now helps women find their "glow" through her wellness programs as well as offers the opportunity to pursue an AfterGlow Coaching Certification.