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Beyond The Buzzwords – A Critical Examination Of Thought Leadership

Lars Friedrich, a seasoned expert in personal and professional leadership development, brings a unique 'Touch of Zen' to his approach. This distinctive method, honed over a proven track record of over three decades, sets him apart in the field and piques his curiosity.

Executive Contributor Lars Friedrich

Nowadays, it seems as if everyone is or wants to be a thought leader! Unsurprisingly, entire marketing and branding strategies are built around establishing or upholding this label, almost worn as a medal of honour.

woman speaking with the reporters through the microphones

However, in this rush to claim the title, we must be vigilant of its potential misuse, which can dilute its true meaning and purpose.

For exemplary leadership with clear-defined goals, expertise and measurable outcomes, this raises some questions:

  • What does thought leadership mean?

  • Why do so many self-styled and self-declared thought leaders seem like blunt self-promoters?

  • And do we maybe need a different approach to thought leadership?

Based on actions

When talking about thought leadership and being a thought leader.

Shouldn't the terms be an attribution, a compliment, or an honour to be earned and given to someone by other people referring to truly visionary people instead of something typed in a self-ascribed bio?

As a credible professional statement of the kind of leadership that inspires and motivates, not just a self-proclaimed title?

To clarify:

  • Visionary itself is clearly defined as a novelty!

  • Not repetition or quoting!

If the above is true, people don't have to tell others, as their displayed actions always give them away.

This active demonstration of leadership engages and commits others to the cause, fostering a sense of involvement and commitment.

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

Undeniably, it's lovely and flattering to be called a thought leader by someone else, but an obnoxious thing to call oneself, as it makes it unrelatable.

It is very similar to giving the impression on social media of being rich, which, in fact, usually means that those who do aren't!

The importance of thinking

It's a shame that the true essence of thought leadership, which encourages open and diverse communication of thoughts and ideas, is often overshadowed.

  • This is why genuine leadership and critical thinking are more important than ever!

  • Both have the power to inspire and motivate, making the world a better place!

  • Another reason why the idea of thought leadership itself is essential!

Executives, leaders, and entrepreneurs should often and deeply consider what they do and what their actions might lead to.

They should also always push personal boundaries and wonder where they might go next to achieve bigger and better things for themselves and those they lead.

These advancements should be openly displayed as an example of an actively executed mix of exemplary self-leadership, -development and -improvement at its finest with the personal pursuit of excellence as an organic evolution of the already existing.

That's when the novelty of visionary kicks in!

The sad reality

When digging deeper, most currently over-displayed and over-hyped thought leaders and their widely spread thought leadership...

Sadly, they are just sheer impractical nonsense lacking substance and originality!

This misuse can lead to a lack of trust and credibility in the business and professional world.

Even worse, neverending repetitions or lousy copycats of insights and ideas are used and not fact-checked as quotes, too often removed from the original context of centuries-old texts and sources.

So, it's not a novelty of active personal thinking at all!

Instead, that kind of proclaimed thought leadership is full of ivory tower hypotheses and buzzword-riddled self-congratulation designed to slot neatly into the latest echo chamber that sounds good in theory.

Thoughts on thought leadership

On the other hand, if someone's professional star is objectively rising to the point that this re-discoverable compliment of being a thought leader comes out...

Then let other people call them that and cherish them!

But before, it's more important to focus on solving the daily pressing problems while facing their accompanying challenges and continuing to serve to make a difference in other people's lives.

Actively displaying and executing leadership instead of only thinking about it is essential because exemplary executives, leaders, and entrepreneurs worth following don't just think and talk.

They also do and actively demonstrate the work, which might eventually make them genuinely credible and quotable thought leaders.

After they did what they said they would and could do!

Leading and inspiring others

John Quincy Adams ¹ was an American statesman, politician, diplomat, and lawyer who served as the eighth Secretary of State from 1817 to 1825 and then became the sixth President of the United States from 1825 to 1829.

His chosen quote above highlights the attitude of actively displaying and executing exemplary leadership while inspiring others and serving as a thought leader and visionary for the greater good.

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Lars Friedrich, Leadership Expert

Lars Friedrich, a seasoned expert in personal and professional leadership development, brings a unique 'Touch of Zen' to his approach. This distinctive method, honed over a proven track record of over three decades, sets him apart in the field and piques his curiosity.

With a career that has spanned from being a former Officer and Special Forces Operator to a COO in international and intercultural corporate business operations and development positions, and now as the founder of his boutique business, Lars has accumulated a wealth of practical leadership, resilience, discipline, motivation, endurance, commitment, persistence, and dedication.





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