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Beyond Divorce Empowerment And Healing

Karen Tomasi is passionate about providing holistic guidance and support to those going through a Divorce or Breakup. She helps them transform their lives by overcoming their feelings of overwhelm, loss, and heartbreak through a process of healing, self-empowerment, re-discovery of their true selves and the creation of a new and inspired life.

Executive Contributor Karen Tomasi

How is your journey to recovery, rebuilding, and getting your life back on track? With emotions often being sky-high after a breakup or divorce, there is often a lack of clarity and direction. Self-doubt and fear can creep in easily at any time. They usually arise at unexpected moments, and knowing how to deal with them can be a challenge.

caption: Depressed woman holds wedding ring.

If you have kids (no matter their ages), they will also experience pain and challenges. To help them effectively, you must have a good handle on things yourself. If you feel too overly consumed by your emotions, lost in overwhelm, or lack energy and motivation, you will have very little left to give to them. You can end up feeling even more drained, frustrated, and maybe even angry that you are not in a position to help your kids more.

Or, If you have already moved past the initial stages of your breakup and your life is somewhat getting there, but you know that you want more from life, have you ever found yourself asking what life is all about? What’s its real purpose? If so, that’s understandable. I think we all want to be able to live our best life. We want to live a life where we know the true meaning of love, joy, feeling a sense of freedom, and being fulfilled, knowing we are doing our best and that our kids are also happy and doing well.

By the nature of being human, we will always face challenges, dilemmas and obstacles. If we know how to live our best life, we can face all these things knowing that we’ll be fine no matter what happens.

Right now, the world is also facing its own challenges. There are changes never seen before on this planet. All the uncertainty is generally not helping people feel secure and safe. What do you think about all the major terrible events happening worldwide?

If you are moving forward precisely how you want and are not overly affected by societal challenges, I am delighted for you and wish you to carry on in the same way on your journey of recovery and reconstructing a new and better life.

If you find that you’re actually struggling and often lack motivation, be it connected to your challenges, society’s challenges or both, I get it; I genuinely do. Life right now, in general, is unsettling and also quite bizarre. So, if you are battling a breakup and also everything that is happening in the world right now, then that is a lot to carry on your shoulders…

I remember, vividly, when I got divorced, I hit rock bottom for quite a long period of time. I finally found myself a life coach to help me unpack all the possibilities, guide me objectively, hold a safe space, and move forward positively.

If divorce coaching had been on the horizon when I got divorced, I would have chosen a Divorce Coach without question. This type of coaching uses tools, techniques, and strategies explicitly created for those going through divorce.

When I became an accredited divorce coach, I chose a training school reputed as one of the top Global Divorce training centres. Its pivotal focus is helping you to process your emotions, commence a healing journey, and learn how to transmute your pain into your power so you feel fully empowered to create the life you want and that is a top priority. This, along with my holistic approach, where I can feel into and match your energy, helping you raise your energy level and thus expediting your healing process, can’t help but make you feel lighter, happier and more equipped to deal with anything.

I know that making the decision to engagement in coaching can feel a bit scary and can give rise to a number of fears. There may be a fear of committing and then discovering you do not like it, or feeling like it’s fine for others but not for you. Or, you may ask yourself if it will be good value for money.

All of these are understandable fears, and asking yourself the right questions before committing to anything in life is essential. At the same time, it’s also important to honour yourself and what you really need and want from life without letting fear take control and stop you from getting the life that you know in your heart that you really want and deserve.

Be honest with yourself. Can you reach your goals and go through your transformative post-breakup journey on your own no problem, or could it help you to have someone there who can guide you objectively, hold a safe space for you to be truly seen and heard (maybe even seen and heard for the first time)? Would it not be beneficial to be guided by someone who will help you discover all the options available while holding a safe space and allowing you to unravel and process your emotions so you can, indeed, start your healing journey?

Until you start to heal, you cannot properly move forward to create the life of your choice. Knowing, personally, the pain and challenges that go along with a tough divorce, I can guide you through whatever you are experiencing right now to become stronger and more empowered than ever. 

This is about an investment in you and your life. Do you want to move through life only in survival mode, or do you want to experience the best life you can, where you thrive and genuinely love your life?

I invite you to a free 30-minute exploration session, during which you can experience my coaching style and see if you believe it could work for you.

So, if you are ready to get the life that you want and to explore how we could work together contact me:



Karen Tomasi is an accredited holistic Breakup & Divorce Coach & Intuitive Healer focusing on Self-Empowerment. Having experienced a painful divorce followed by a Spiritual Awakening during the Covid-19 Global Pandemic, she has embarked on a personal journey of transformation more than once. Her signature transformation programme, "Breakup to Breakthrough," is designed to guide and support individuals on their transformative journeys before, during or after divorce or breakup.

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