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Bestselling Productivity Coach Has Released Book On How To Achieve Work/Life Balance

Brian Tracy Certified Time Management Master Christoph Nauer has released the paperback version of the book, “From No Time To Free Time: 6 Steps to Work/Life Balance for Business Owners.” It is designed to help the reader find a balance between time, money, relationships, health, spirituality, and self-improvement. Christoph Nauer provides a six-step process that shows business owners how to establish the best possible schedule for every week. The book is suitable for business owners who are saying that: they are so busy and have no time; they want to work smarter not harder; they want to improve their work-life balance; they need more hours in their day; they want to have some time off because they are working seven days a week, and they are so stressed out, haven’t had a vacation in years (and people who take vacations live longer), and they don’t have a life. Having a good work-life balance is essential because according to John Maxwell, the no. 1 New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than 24 million books in 50 languages, “Time is more valuable than money because it is irreplaceable.”

Learn more about Christoph Nauer's material on how to be more productive in business, and in life + balance your every day on his website, here you also can find a link to his best-selling time management book; "From No Time To Free Time". At Balance6 Inc, they are offering a comprehensive business coaching program provided by Christoph Nauer, a certified business coach. This three-week program will allow participants to learn how to increase their productivity, enhance the clarity of their goals, and improve their work/life balance.

In the three-week program, participants will get productivity tips that will allow them to triple or double their productivity while getting some time off, getting rid of stress, and ensuring that their well-being is their top priority. Participants will also learn goal setting or how to establish their goals in six different areas. They will also learn how to: come up with a schedule for every week; own their schedule and have a less stressful and more balanced life, and begin living a better life with better balance. Organizations, businesses, or individuals looking for a productivity/business coach to support their work-life balance with time management to increase productivity and improve clarity with proven systems can also explore the 7 Steps Course here.

Balance6 also offers One on One Business Coaching, which is private one-on-one VIP business management coaching sessions done on the telephone or through Zoom lasting for 45 to 60 minutes and is scheduled bi-weekly. The private business management coach can help the business owner by acting as a sounding board and helping with the various decisions; sharing their specific expertise based on the particular situation; helping the business owner focus on the key issues and to prioritize time properly to solve them; working with the business owner to develop the appropriate systems and structures for having a high functioning team; and helping the business owner to improve wellness strategies, stress management, and work-life balance.

They also offer Group Mastermind Coaching, which is provided twice a month through group coaching sessions lasting for 50 minutes. Sessions are held using the phone or Zoom and each group is composed of 10 to 12 people. Each session includes a question and answer portion. This is expected to help with: goal setting and prioritization; overall time management, planning, scheduling, time blocking; stress management; wellness strategies; employee training and retention, management, evaluation, leadership, and teamwork.

Christoph Nauer is a certified business coach who has the goal of helping business owners increase their productivity, boost their profits, and enhance their personal life. He wants to point out that he is coaching business owners to work smarter instead of working longer to allow them to nurture themselves and their relationships and gain more profits with less stress. His coaching includes strategies and plans for both time and financial management.

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