Written by: Julia Borodina, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

As a photographer, I’ve seen so many times that people make mistakes about business photoshoots. They think that if it’s for business purposes it definitely should be in a suit, crossing arms on a chest, and with a wide painful smile or quite the opposite – super serious, almost angry face.

Damir Khalilov. Founder of a Social Media Agency GreenPr
It was. 15-20 years ago. When a dress code for work in an office was mostly suit or business alike. And it still is if it's corporate rules. But nowadays it’s not necessary. And a business photoshoot means a bit more than just 2 photos in a suit standing full body shot and a headshot with crossed arms.
These Tips Will Help To Do Your Best Business Portrait:
1. Find The Right Photographer.
Not all photographers can do all types of photoshoots. Some photographers are really good as wedding photographers, some take amazing product photos. And it doesn't mean that all of them can do other types of photography for the same good. Before you go, check the photographer's portfolio, so that he/she really knows what to do and his/her vision suits you.

Andrei Koivumäki Founder of Neliöt Liikkuu LKV Real Estate company
2. Where Do You Work Or Apply?
Let’s talk about your professional area and what you actually wear for work. Your outfit shouldn’t be completely out of place and your everyday look. Of course, if you work or apply for an investment company, bank area, or a company that prefers classic suits, you definitely should go with a classy look!
But before you go, be sure that your suit still fits you, is clean and looks decent. Make sure that the white shirt is still white. Yeah, I know, sounds annoying, but it’s better to check before than trying to clean it right on a photoshoot. In any other cases you should do a bit of research – what’s the company? What kind of photos do they have on their website? in this work area?

Valeria. Investment consult and owner of account company
3. Save Some Examples Which You Like/Need.
And you would know how to stand, what to do with your hands, and how to sit. It also helps a lot if you practice at home a bit (especially if you've never done any kind of photoshoot).
4. Variety Is Good.
If it's your first photo, better to have "basic" not too complicated photos – gray backdrop, a couple of headshots, sitting, standing, full body, and half-body shots. These kinds of photos can use for any purpose. But it's also good to have more than just basics – you can use your phone and pretend that you're speaking, use a laptop, books, magazines, cafes, or a cup of coffee – there are many options. But make sure that they still look business-like.

Nicholas Dadiani Sales and Marketing Officer at Imperial Tobacco
5. To Smile Or Not To Smile?
Yes! Why not?? Even serious CEOs of investment companies have photos in their portfolio where they are relaxed and smiling. But! It's better to have options – a serious and happy face. Some tricks to look like million dollar CEO:
relax your face, and think about your achievements or your goals like you already have them. And smile!
your eyes should be open, lips parted, and make sure that the upper lip covers a bit of your teeth (I know, sounds super weird, but you want to look like a one million professional, right? So, go to a mirror and practice your one million smile)

Ludmila.Real Estate
6. Posing
To look natural you should act natural. Take steps back and forth, left and right, put hands in pockets, roll your sleeves, talk on the phone, look at the camera, and other directions – some actions will look better and more alive than just standing like a statue.

Ivan Dementievskiy Photographer National Geographic
7. A Professional Makeup Artist.
Yes, even if you are a man and don't need any of "this stuff". Professional makeup artists will fix skin color and hair. And for ladies – don't go wild – it still is a business photoshoot. And don't ignore it either. A professional makeup artist knows what kind of makeup should be. Just mention if you aren't wearing makeup every day.
8. Checkup List.
Make a checkup list, for example:
What to take with you?
Is it clean and fits?
Makeup artist
Shoes, accessories, and other details which you want to use on a photoshoot?
Socks, tights, underwear – different colors for different outfits.
Is there a steamer or iron at the studio to fix your clothes?
Examples for the photoshoot.
In the end, I want to tell you that nowadays having a business portfolio it's not just a normal thing, it's necessary. Managers in big companies have their business portfolios with a variety of photos for different purposes and they update the portfolio at least once a year – for magazines, websites, social media, etc.
And it's not too complicated – you just have to know how you want to present yourself and what impression people should have when they see only your photo.

Julia Borodina, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Julia Borodina is a fashion photographer. She works mostly with model agencies, clothes brands and stores, as well with magazines. What was started as a hobby 13 years ago, while she was working at the office as a Head of Sales department, became a passion and new profession. From a small camera and curiosity to shooting advertising campaigns for brands in Europe. She is always open to achievements and new horizons.