Written by: Juliette Stapleton, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The times of crisis and uncertainty are always challenging. You can decide to freeze in fear, or you can start showing up as a true leader and a beacon of light the world desperately needs.

Are you feeling the paralyzing effects of thinking about uncertainty and perhaps you have already started getting affected in terms of clients canceling their commitments? Or maybe you are just worried that they will. The truth is… some definitely will, and some will continue, there is nothing we can do about that. We must be ready for what is coming.
I understand - it is terrifying. In my personal life and my business, I have been through several situations where I have lost everything and could not even imagine physically surviving, let alone having a successful, abundant business and a global audience of students and followers.
What I learned through those experiences was that life always gets back on track - and the only way to get through it is to focus on the point when normality is fully restored, and the current crisis seems like a bad dream. In fact, I started focusing on my own personal brand just days before my husband got diagnosed with very advanced and aggressive cancer, and it turned out world upside down.
"Right now, it is the time to BE SEEN more than ever."
Yet, despite all logic, my decision to focus on building my brand and growing my business during the time while my husband was fighting the biggest battle of his life paid off! Not just in terms of business success, but with my husband fully recovering. And our dreams of moving to a new location, the one that fits every box on our dream homeplace list, have also all become possible!
Here is the deal. Right now, when everyone feels uncertain and scared- right now, it is the time to BE SEEN more than ever. Right now, it is the time to focus on the point where the order has been restored, and things are thriving. This focus will pull you through, no matter what. This focus will position you above the crowd as it will give you a channel to tap into for drive, consistency and motivation.
"There is no greater vehicle for personal development than intentionally developing your personal brand and creating more visibility in the world. But without a method of converting that visibility into paying clients, you will never turn that visibility into income". – Nick Connor
Here is where focusing strategically on your personal brand, or in other words- HOW your audience perceives YOU is key to future-proofing your business. And future-proofing your resilience too! I second what my fellow branding advisor, Nick Connor says in his brand new book "Brandability". "There is no greater vehicle for personal development than intentionally developing your personal brand and creating more visibility in the world. But without a method of converting that visibility into paying clients, you will never turn that visibility into income".
Building your personal brand does not immediately translate into sales. It will take some time. But it will create a massive foundation for you to harvest the fruit of your time and effort investment when things start getting back to normal. Because they WILL get back to normal, and long term vision is critical right now.
Building a presence online always takes time. It can take up to 3 years to REALLY establish yourself. But we can give it a push and put you up there in just six months! Right now, YOU can become a beacon of light, positivity and calm in the world of chaos. These are the luxuries that people are craving for. These are the feelings everyone needs to tap into, and WE can make it happen if we ourselves refuse to fall into the trap of overwhelm and thinking.
In my opinion, there has not been a better opportunity to get noticed than it is during a crisis.
Show up!
Stand Out!
Focus on leading with value.
This strategy will build an audience of followers who know they can trust you and win in the long run, doubling, tripling and quadrupling your business as a result. This strategy will build an audience of followers who know they can trust you and win in the long run, doubling, tripling and quadrupling your business as a result. Just like Dorothy in the all-time favorite movie, "Jerry McGuire", says, "I care about the job, but most of all, I just want to be inspired".
Yes, people care about their limited resources right now, but most of all, they want to be inspired. Focus on the way you can encourage and empower them through your unique presence and your unique light - and it will not be unnoticed.
Find out more about Juliette's VISIBILITY THAT SELLS coaching at her website!

Juliette Stapleton, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Juliette Stapleton is a Visibility That Sells strategist, host of the Show Up! Stand Out! podcast, and a thought-leader on a mission to help experts, coaches, and service providers build an online presence that positions them as the authority in their niche. Juliette has helped thousands of students and clients from more than 30 countries reach millions and make millions with EASE. She is known for her V.A.L.U.E. visibility system, a simple, but powerful strategy based on showing up with integrity and creating a ripple effect of influence through personal connection and thought-leadership. Juliette has been featured in Forbes and several major business and marketing podcasts, like 365Driven, Rising Tide, iHeart Radio, and Confident Live. She is an active contributor to world-leading online publications, such as Influencive and Addicted2Success, Thrive Global, and many more. Find out more about the VISIBILITY THAT SELLS at: https://juliettestapleton.com/