Written by Cleanne Johnson, Author, Dietitian, Podcaster, Singer
Cleanne Johnson is a talented and creative artist who immersed herself in acting and performing arts from a young age. Blessed with her storytelling prowess, she perfected the art by telling stories to her family, creating fictional characters who came to life through her words.

The key to achieving your goals, whether physically, mentally, or spiritually, requires belief and faith. No one else can experience the joy of a solo game on your behalf. The responsibility of initiating the belief system falls on you. It doesn't begin operating by itself initially. Belief is essential, but action is equally important to manifest that belief.

Despite my initial disbelief, the words spoken to me on the train were proven true through years of personal growth and dedication. It was challenging to begin affirming something to myself that I didn't initially believe. I continued to say it, even when progress was not visible. Molding my mind proved to be a struggle, given the negative comments I received as a child. Each time I uttered a positive affirmation, a negative one would materialize in my mind. It took me years to remove negativity from my subconscious mind and replace it with positive affirmations.
Belief is an important factor in reaching our goals, but without effort and hard work, it remains incomplete. You can convince yourself that you are wealthy by affirming it daily, saying, “I am a millionaire; I am a millionaire,” and sitting on the sofa all day watching TV. Your belief is pointless, then. To become a millionaire, it's important to set goals for yourself daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly unless you receive an inheritance.
The longer you're around someone, whether they're honest, it starts to manifest in your behavior and attitude. When you believe someone to be true, they will become that in your eyes. It will become your undeniable fact. Breaking the lie and confronting the truth demands commitment and perseverance. It's as if you must relearn how to walk from scratch, one step at a time. I had to ingest words that felt untrue, learning to digest these words, to change my state of mind.
A freed mind comes with responsibilities that sometimes we are unwilling to take, and when we do take on these responsibilities, our role in the story will definitely change, which is onerous. Sometimes we need to put on a new character to make these changes.
In order to prioritize mental health, success, and self-love, we need to eliminate harmful traditional culture that unknowingly negatively affects our minds. I believe that shifting perspective can positively impact self-esteem and increase our capacity to love. A simple word or gesture has the potential to greatly enhance someone's life and bring them true satisfaction. It's up to you to begin the belief. Have faith in your abilities, and you can achieve anything you focus on. Belief is something no one else can do for you. Your life can be transformed by simply believing in yourself and staying determined.
Cleanne Johnson, Author, Dietitian, Podcaster, Singer
Cleanne Johnson is a talented and creative artist who immersed herself in acting and performing arts from a young age. Blessed with her storytelling prowess, she perfected the art by telling stories to her family, creating fictional characters who came to life through her words. Cleanne started writing short stories and poetry to express her feelings and found writing to be a safe haven. Through her podcast, Beauty of Colors, the author of Love My Colors, Beauty of Colors (poems), Beauty of Life: 101 Inspirational Quotes, and Why This Trip, she loves to inspire people and listens to their stories. Deep in her heart, she believes everyone has a story to help change someone's life. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics and a Master’s in Public Health from Andrews University in Michigan and now works as a registered dietitian in New York.
When she is not busy working on her next literary project, Cleanne enjoys cooking, hiking, reading, sewing, singing, and encouraging people from all different ethnicities that they are special, unique, and beautiful.