Written by: Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Executive Contributor
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Self-confidence is the key to a successful life.
You must believe in yourself to pursue your life goals confidently. All of us are blessed with special attributes though we rarely recognize these gifts. Although all are not created equal, there sure seems to be universal energy that balances all things.
Everything must start somewhere. If you don't have self-confidence, it can be a real struggle to get anything done. Lack of self-confidence can have a negative effect on your life, relationships, health, and even career.

Self-confidence does not come from the outside. It is built from the inside. You need to believe in yourself and know that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.
We are all capable of being self-confident. It is not something that we can touch nor see.
You may not possess it now, yet this does not imply that you are deprived of the capacity to develop self-confidence. Everyone can be self-confident, and luckily, all opportunities are laid in our front, only we must recognize them. Self-confidence is not that hard to achieve. Your journey would be swift depending on your willingness to drive yourself to be self-confident and discard all that you have been acquainted with doing in your comfort zones.
Do not procrastinate accomplishing dreams just for the lack of self-confidence. You can make dreams a reality by believing in yourself with confidence.
The key to developing self-confidence is that you must be able to have faith in yourself. You need to feel good about your being you. This all boils down to appreciating the things that you can do and accepting the fact that some things just won’t change however hard you try changing them.
One good example is a physical condition that you have to struggle with. A couple of things might hamper your progress, but nothing can stop you from developing your confidence.
Ask yourself what makes you more confident in yourself? Most likely, these are things that deal more with the external attributes that one has and can acquire.
Our standards of confidence affect most of the aspects of our happiness. Say we find more value in having a pleasing personality; then it is best that you start resolving your low self-confidence by making yourself more dynamic. Luckily, there are various methods of transformation and enhancements.
However, if your standards deal more with the inner beauty a person may have, like the best attitude or skills and talents, you may start revamping yourself by strengthening these areas.
Low self-confidence is more aggravated by our failures. Failing is inevitable, and so it must be dealt with, with a light heart. If you always take your failures seriously and amplify them by
ruminating on your mistakes, then it is likely that you are close to self-destruction. Practice an attitude that celebrates victories but forgets about your own stupidities.
Do not allow failures to hinder your growth. Learning from mistakes is an opportunity to grow with confidence.
Everything lies in the attitude we take to deal with things. We must be very careful with the way we handle things. If we think too negatively of ourselves and the events interplaying with our lives, we will never learn to get over our low self-confidence.
Believe in yourself. You are unique. For a long time, we fed ourselves with impressions coming from the people we interact with. Most often, we compare what we can and what we cannot do with other people. Enough with comparisons! There is nothing to compare. We were all built to fit a specific design different from anybody else.
Improving self-confidence is not that hard to achieve. Your journey would be swift depending on your willingness to drive yourself to the end phase and to discard all that you have been acquainted with doing in your comfort zones.
Take action to get out of your comfort zone. In the end, it would not really matter how long it took you to improve your self-confidence. What matters is the courage to get out of the comfort zone and embrace change to be a confident person.

Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Harmony Happiness Coach and Founder of HappyHarmony, inspires and empowers busy, ambitious, working women to manage stress effectively and integrate work-life successfully to pilot their flight of happiness with self-belief and confidence.
Pallavi is a highly sought-after Harmony Happiness Coach, a Work-life Balance Expert, an inspiring speaker, a passionate Soft Skills Trainer, a motivated Educator, an enriched Telecom Engineer, a poetess, an aspiring Author, and a nature lover. Pallavi holds a Ph.D. in her expertise in Work-life Balance amongst working women.
Stress levels of working women are quite high due to managing work-life, and constantly multitasking can be very challenging and taxing on their body and mind.
Pallavi specializes in helping working women manage stress with a smile and design a happy work-life harmony in a matter of months rather than years so that they can live a purposeful and joy-filled lives.
After 16 successful years in the Telecom industry and Education field, Pallavi found herself more passionate about coaching individuals to carve their own Happiness journey. Her passion is empowering individuals to discover their self-worth, unlock their unique potential, find true happiness, and live a life they love living. She has always been passionate about helping others and has touched hundreds of lives to lead a happy life.
Pallavi has been awarded by a highly prestigious club, The Indian Achievers Club, in the category “50 under 50”, the Indian Achiever for the year 2020.
Pallavi offers coaching, individual services, group programs, seminars, and workshops.
Her motto is: Be Happy and live in Harmony.