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Being Human

Written by: Dr. Erika Montgomery, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


There is diversity in every species of animal and plant living on earth. Every bird has a unique song. Every flower has a different color pattern. Every human has a distinct fingerprint. Diversity is what makes living things adaptable for survival.

Yet humans have become infatuated with the idea of being alike, fitting into a category based on a shared characteristic, or following a designated path designed by socialization. I believe our need to belong is not only rooted in our instinct for survival, but also our awareness that we are energetically connected to a greater consciousness. Our natural state is love. Our brains are wired for love and science proves that our brains are diverse and continuously changing over the course of our lifetime. Your purpose is simply to share and receive love in your own unique way.

As human beings, we have the gift of thought and imagination. Our uniqueness is expressed outwardly in how we express ourselves as well as internally by how we perceive the world. Learning to appreciate our individual differences in our appearance, in our belief systems and in our self-expression without losing our sense of belonging is empowering.

There is so much division in the world today. Many of the messages we receive from social media, news and television programming perpetuate ideas of division, competition, scarcity, and fear. It is important that we think about the messages behind the images and stories we see daily. We want to understand how those messages impact us and contribute to what we believe about ourselves, our relationships, and our world. Many of our beliefs are limiting and simply false when we challenge them with facts. From my work as a Psychologist, it seems we are programmed to believe the fallacy that we are not good enough. We are often taught that our external appearance or personal achievements are what give us value. Individuals struggling with low self-esteem tend to compare themselves to others they perceive as better than them in some way, which makes them feel insecure, jealous or a deep dissatisfaction with themselves. This tendency towards upward social comparison often results in feelings of unworthiness and social isolation. The truth is no one compares to you. You were created to be one of a kind. You are as unique as your fingerprint. No matter how hard you try, you can’t be anyone else and they can’t be you. Stop comparing yourself to others!

If you don’t like your experiences or don’t feel good about who you have become, then change. You become what you do, think, and feel daily. One of the most important advancements on your life’s journey is forgiveness, understanding, and unconditional love of yourself and others. Here are some suggestions on beginning the process of change.

  1. Challenge your self-imposed limitations. Give yourself permission to pursue what you want most. Not what you think you can have, but what you are passionate about.

  2. Push past your fear and anxiety. These feelings are a sign that something great is about to happen to you. Courage is having the strength of mind to carry on in spite of fear.

  3. Claim your gifts. You have many talents that you have never used. When you accept your gifts they grow to serve you better.

  4. Go somewhere unfamiliar or try something new. A different experience requires a different action. Challenge yourself to start a new habit.

  5. Act as if there are no limitations to what you can do or who you can become. Whatever your mind can conceive with blind faith, you can achieve. The love energy of the universe is always conspiring for your highest good.

Humans have an innate ability to grow. Don’t be afraid to change and expand outside of your mental limitations. Your power is in being perfectly you.


Dr. Erika Montgomery

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Dr. Erika Montgomery, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr. Erika Montgomery is a Clinical Psychologist and Life Coach with 25 years of experience providing mental health treatment. Dr. Montgomery owns an online CBD dispensary with Wakanna, a Female Black-Owned CBD Company, and advocates for the daily use of CBD for mental and physical health. Dr. Montgomery is a Mental Health consultant with the Social Security Administration for the past 11 years. Dr. Montgomery hosts a weekly podcast called, "Master Your Mind with Dr. Erika," on the Law of Attraction Radio Network. Dr. Montgomery believes every human is worthy of unconditional love and has the power within to change. My motto: "Mental Health Is Human Health."

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