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Being A Woman Is An Honour And A Sacred Blessing

Written by: Dawn Bates, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Dawn Bates

Not only are we divine beings able to naturally receive the seed of life into us, which our wombs nurture and grow into a human being, but we can birth this human life form into the world harnessing the power of our mind, body and soul, and then keep it alive on our natural breast milk alone.

selfie of beautiful woman

For centuries women have been persecuted, oppressed, raped, beaten and told we are less than, not worthy of a voice and we’ve had to fight for our right to be seen and heard.

Women have endured, and we have fought back against monarchies, armies, men, and sadly against one another.

We have betrayed ourselves by believing the lies we have been told that we are nothing more than a waste of space, a whore, a body in which man’s offspring grows. We have not spoken up for ourselves and we’ve allowed jealousy of each other to destroy our self-belief and sisterhood.

We have abused and shamed our own bodies, destroyed our womanly curves under diet pills, exercised until exhaustion and gone under the surgeon’s knife all in order to fit someone else’s idea of what a woman’s body should look like, and becoming someone we are not.

We’ve hidden our powerful bodies which have been blessed with innumerable gifts, including but not limited to motherhood, under oversized clothing and insecurities. We’ve stripped ourselves bare to the skin and bones for all to see in search of shallow validation and an empty feeling of superiority over other women.

We have betrayed our sisters, both the women we are bonded to by blood, friendship and the females we see around the world, as they suffer in silence, which is magnified by our indifference and choice to stay quiet in the face of their persecution and oppression, which is ultimately also ours to suffer.

We have betrayed each other by being the mistresses to one another’s husbands, competed against our female friends and colleagues in some of the most deceitful and spiteful of ways, and we have prevented our sisters around the world achieving success by not referring, promoting and celebrating each other to achieve more, leaving them feeling alone and struggling. ¹

Our female ancestors

For hundreds of years, we were burnt alive, hanged and held under water until we breathed our last breath all because of our intuition, our ability to SEE and our deep connection to nature and the spirit world; ² A connection blessed with an understanding of the natural healing powers of plants, fire, the seasons and the moon.

We have had the insight to extract oils for nourishing our skin, our health and tantalise our tastebuds, and we’ve made salves, eaten broths with the use of animal bones which fortified our bodies, our minds and our independence, and honoured the animals from which the bones came from.

We have lived in the woodlands, foraged for food, flora and fauna to delight our senses, made a house a home, planted gardens, raised children, communities and animals, fed the hungry strangers, and educated many with our innate wisdom. ³

We healed the sick and the wounded warriors who fought for our homelands to be free, the men who lay beside us and planted his seed within us; and the men who raped us.

We have persisted, persevered and protected, and due to this courage shown to us by a few, we saw the courage manifest in other women, and we saw the power of women coming together spread far and wide. It was met with both open arms of relief and immense resistance.

And still our ancestors fought for us.

Still, we rose and helped other women rise. We built communities, captivated the minds and hearts of many who crossed our path.

Men were enamoured by us, want to partner with us both in cause and love. They were inspired and motivated by the warrior women amongst us.

Vast numbers of women have died in the process of paving the way for the women of today to embody the inalienable rights we were born with in order to create our own wealth, own our own homes, and build great empires.

These ancestral women of ours, the ones whose blood runs through our veins have fought and died in battles for their sovereignty and ours. They knew and understood that their efforts and sacrifice would one day be honoured with the rise of women the world over. They did not fight for themselves alone; they fought for all women.

Believing the lies

They believed in the dream of women leading armies of women to greatness, and they believed one day men and women would be equal.

And then this belief became ours, and we started to believe that we too mattered, that we too could become great leaders, great warriors and live a life without fear of being destitute; of being raped and persecuted.

Until we didn’t.

Until the barbarism, weak minded men and the system started to push back against us.

We started to ignore our feminine powers, our connection to the earth and the natural world. We lost touch with our moon cycles, and we started to distrust our intuition, started to poison our bodies with toxins and poisons we put in our bodies disguised as food, drink, beauty products and medicine.

We were told our emotions, natural gifts of foresight, intuition and healing were sinister, the work of the devil and the work of a crazy, mentally ill woman, which saw us locked away in mental asylums, along with our sisters who suffered from depression from the rape, brutality and the natural act of giving birth alone.

And yet we warrior women continued to fight for each other, for everyone; man, woman and child, including the rights of animals and our planet. The stronger men joined us, stood by us, fought for us, and they protected us.

Then just as things were starting to look hopeful for women to have our own sacred spaces, our own sporting competitions, our own businesses and be seen on a global stage as the magnificent beings we are, a new threat came along determined to infiltrate and destroy everything the wild and warrior women have fought hard for over the centuries, and millennia.

Endangered species

This threat came from those who felt like they didn’t belong anywhere, including inside their own bodies. They wanted to belong, they wanted to be adored like women were now being adored. They wanted to be loved, they wanted to fit in, and just like the cuckoo bird, they were willing to push women out of the nest that had been built; and would kill, rape, torture and mimic women, taking away the voices which had long been silenced; just so they didn’t have to be left out in the cold.

The women who moved amongst us, the ones who would betray other women with their silence, with their compliance, deep rooted and unacknowledged fear, combined with their weak-willed willingness to belong, now had something else to be silent about.

After centuries of persecution, women let go of their connection to the natural world of healing, replacing it with the synthetic world of science. Our herbal remedies were tainted by chemicals sprayed upon them and leaked into the soil. Our natural remedies were demonised and dismissed in the mass media so the world of science could take over, with women now being courted and seduced by prestigious careers in a world designed to ignore and abuse the sacredness of the female body.

Women’s lives and bodies have been missing from the world of data since data has been collected, not just in the world of product design, transportation or urban development, but also in the scientific world of medicine. We have been invisible and dismissed for far too long.

Our once fresh herbs and extracts have been replicated and synthesised destroying the health and natural healing process of the body all in the name of profit. The wisdom and knowledge women were persecuted for having, became the biggest industry in the world making trillions of dollars in revenue for making people sick.

And as any business owner knows, the trick is to identify a problem, market the problem whilst at the same time offering the solution to the problem.

Women around the world have been left to die in childbirth, allowed to suffer at the hands of abusive men, whilst governments the world over have watched and done nothing.

Women and young girls (and young boys) are being trafficked around the world with the knowledge and acceptance of the elite in political, society and commercial circles. These sex slaves have been seen as nothing more than a plaything for those who could pay for the evil pleasure of violating these young and tender bodies, resulting in females so afraid of their future they have become complicit in the crime itself. These young girls and women, if they survive, grow up to become female traffickers themselves after having been conditioned by the fear, drugs and need to survive. ¹⁰

Hidden agendas

Wars, famines, droughts, viruses all used to distract the masses from what is really going on behind the scenes, and now the science and technology companies have their data, their drugs and their agendas firmly in place, women now face not only the threat to our rights, but our very existence.

The violation of the female body, once so sacred, revered and misunderstood is now being replicated using the male body; the body which has had millions invested in it to understand how it works, moves and responds to pharmaceutical drugs. The body which contains the most predictable measures of hormones, unlike that of the female form due to our monthly cycles, has given way to the biggest threats to women since the beginning of time.

The increase of fertility clinics, cloning, surrogacy and the EctoLife Human Birthing Factories ¹¹ are steps being taken to remove even the sacredness of the conception and birthing process once only possible through women, our mothers.

In addition to these human factories, is the rise of The Transgender Movement, a movement which has gained so much power and backing from law and policy makers, it has taken over women’s rights, religious rights, employment rights and every other form of human rights we have ever seen, including the right to free speech, as noted in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ¹²

Those of us who wish to question and understand what is really going on are silenced, branded haters and many are now living in fear of being attacked in the street, having our careers destroyed and even our lives threatened.

It will come as no surprise to those of us who are awake not woke, that the women who are in support of this movement are the women who have been people pleasing all their lives, the ones so conditioned by the need to belong and be seen to be the ‘good little woman’ that they have lost their sense of power.

They are the Mummy Martyrs, the ones who say “Yes” to their little darlings and never say “No” for living in fear of being ‘the bad mother’. They are the ones who have become the child in the parent/child relationship, with their child becoming the parent. They live in a distorted and fearful world of ‘always being seen to do the right thing’ rather than doing the right thing. They fail to discipline, set boundaries and encourage resilience in their children.

These women are supporting the loss and intrusion of sacred women only spaces, personal and professional networks, refuges, and the much fought for celebration of female athletics and sports. The female sports arena, including the safety of female only changing rooms, are being encroached upon by the men masquerading as women, the men who cannot compete against stronger men in their chosen sport.

Deadly silence

Due to the fear of those not wanting to go against the narrative of this movement, we are seeing men being allowed to enter female prisons which is giving rise to women being violated and raped by these sexual predators simple because they claim to be women ¹⁴ – a claim no one is allowed to challenge.

These naturally born women are betraying vulnerable children who are being groomed by paedophiles and corporations via the use of social media, who are choosing to experiment and abuse children from a delicately young age, with the paedophiles now being protected and given new politically correct and socially acceptable names such as MAP, which stands for Minor Attracted Person. What’s next SAP: Sibling Attracted Person? OAP: Offspring Attracted Person? Intercourse with children and family members is wrong on so many levels, and yet it is being normalised and protected by governments, the weak willed and the people pleasers.

The cheerleaders and protectors of this dangerous movement are not able to see the end game, or the bigger picture. They do not realise we are on a very dangerous path where vast numbers of vulnerable children and adults are being exploited in the name of science, power and profit.

The individuals who are so at odds with themselves that they are willing to go through such horrendous surgeries, untested drug trials and treatments, just so a dangerous ideology can take shape, have been indoctrinated, lied to, manipulated and placated.

Many are suffering from an array of traumatic issues and mental illnesses stemming from parental rejection, bullying in schools and not having the support needed during adolescence; and instead of being castrated into today’s modern-day version of eunuchs and violated by the surgeon’s knife, they need love, support and therapy.

The dangers of this movement are not just violating the rights of women, but causing great harm to the individuals who are experiencing gender dysphoria, ¹⁵ leading to an increase in severe mental health issues, suicides, full body organ failure all due to adverse reactions by the body resisting the drugs pushed by doctors, therapists, and of course the pharmaceutical companies who are making billions at the expense of these individuals. ¹⁶

As humans we have used science as a way to explain nature and its phenomenon’s, but now we are seeing scientific institutions pushing new and untested scientific Frankenstein practises on the most vulnerable and innocent individuals in society; and it has to stop.

What we are witnessing is the fast decline of what was becoming a wonderful time for both men and women to be alive, to co-create and thrive together and build an enlightened future for all.

If there was ever a time for women to rise and allow their voices to be heard, to fight for their rights as a woman, it is now.

It is time for women to own their ovaries, their voices and their feminine fire, becoming the warriors our ancestors would be proud of, and the women our sons and daughters look up to.

Follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter and visit my website for more info!

Dawn Bates Brainz Magazine

Dawn Bates, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dawn Bates is a true international bestselling author multiple times over on five continents. She specialises in developing global leaders into real authorities who wish to give a voice to the voiceless whilst working with them to create brand expansion strategies through activism and authorship.

Profound truths, social justice and human rights underpin everything she does, and at the core of her soul is a passion for being of service to humanity, giving hope, courage and confidence for others to stand in their truth and live a life of conviction.

She writes for various magazines, sails around the world on yachts as a digital nomad and is currently working towards her PhD in Human Rights and Social Justice with the University of Oxford, whilst also hosting her own podcasts The Sacral Series and The Truth Serum.

Her books are powerful and comprise of solo compilations and multiple collaborations of the highest caliber. Dawn brings together the multi-faceted aspects of the world we live in and takes you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, whilst delivering mic dropping inspiration, motivation and awakening. Her work captures life around the world in all its rawness.

Dawn’s expertise and insights will make you rethink your life, whilst harnessing the deepest freedom of all: your own truth. She’s an authority on leading others to create exceptional results by igniting the passions and fires deep within to speak and live powerfully.



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