Written by: Gloria Grace, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

It requires radical honesty with yourself, defining your own standards for YOURSELF, plus of course supreme integrity deep within.

However, it is almost impossible to stick to supreme integrity with your own truths, standards, and unique laws within the realm of the Collective.
We have to be willing to make ourselves independent from the “collective-grid” and unhook from the collective belief systems for that.
The collective has huge tolerance towards low-standard ideas and beliefs.
And as long as we subconsciously operate under the influence of the Collective, we simply will not have the stamina, the awareness, and the inner drive and power to say NO to things that aren’t related to supreme integrity (sidenote: that is why I developed my special “Grid Change” service for helping my clients unhooking from the Collective and shift into their Sovereignty). We are okay with being wishy-washy around our standards: in our relationships, business, finances, home, habits, emotional state, outlook, food, etc.
Integrity also means radical self-honesty.
Honesty is about to what degree your life is to YOUR OWN taste. Admit it if you feel like you have to elevate your standards because you outgrew your previous ones and make certain sacrifices if needed so that your unique, purest so-called “Genius” frequency could come online.
We desire to define our own laws and be able to live according to them. But do we do it?
It is mind-boggling to perceive how different ideas, meanings, and unique “laws” we could and would have in our own microcosmos, if we were fully, completely unhooked from the collective belief systems and stereotypes. Think about what your practices and how strong your efforts are towards living your everyday life based on your own, unique laws.
Everything is energy, and our most unique, unfiltered, individuated frequency is our purest frequency.

With pure frequency, we can create magic. We can prophesize our creations. We can time them.
But for that, we need to get radically honest about where our frequency is still distorted, not purified or refined yet. Because shadows (aka low-frequency beliefs, fears, etc.) block magic, they block your access to your unique gigantic “Genius”.
So alchemizing your shadows is crucial to access your highest, purest frequencies, especially if you would like to experience your own magical magnetic power.
Do you know how you can tell if you have shadow(s) within you? If in a current situation of yours, you don’t feel like you are in your power INSIDE YOUR BODY. Your body can tell that to you. I am sure you know that feeling when you feel so powerful, so unstoppable, you just feel so bold inside your body around something. Like your whole body is vibrating from power. The same goes for shadows. Shadows also live in the body, so if you feel powerless about something inside your body, that is a clear sign that you are supposed to alchemize those shadows and transform them into pure power. If you feel the need for guidance in that, feel free to contact me through any of my platforms. It is a truly powerful transformation.

So let’s talk about how a desire can be both shadow or power-based. Many people aren’t aware of which of their desires are power-based (pure desires) and which of them are shadow-based. And as long as we are pursuing shadow-based desires, even if they get fulfilled or we achieve them, we’ll still not feel satisfied. Why? Because they just satisfied a fear inside us. How can this be ultimately satisfying?
Any desire which would add to or determine your worth or value when fulfilled is shadow-based. Let’s see a real-life example: you desire a more luxurious car than what you currently have. If you desire it only for the pure fun and joyous experience it would provide to you when driving it and it is just for your convenience and more luxurious experiences, then it is a power-based desire. But if owning that more luxurious car made you feel like it adds to your self-worth and value, so it would make you feel more worthy in the eyes of your colleagues or family or society, then would be a shadow-based desire and you would need to work on purifying your beliefs around it.
If you are in your sovereign and you are unhooked from the Collective, then working on seemingly tiny little aspects of your life like this “simple” example drives and inspires you and you understand why it matters and why it is important.
But if you are still hooked into the Collective, then you close your eyes on aspects like this and you unconsciously tell yourself: oh, of course, most people buy fancier cars to show off and it naturally adds to their worth, why would I work on my standards around it? If you are your own Sovereign, you do care about being in supreme integrity and having a purified frequency. You don’t desire to stand out to show off or to prove yourself because you define your worth, but you do care about defining your laws for your creation. You are aware that these are your God-level codes and you want to master that, don’t you?
To reach me you can contact me via gloria@gloriousgeniuses.com or https://flowwithglow.com/contact/

Gloria Grace, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Gloria Grace is a transformational coach, a healer and soul therapist. Her passion is to help her clients and students heal from their core and transmute their deepest traumas so that they could enjoy their most fulfilled selves. Gloria has worked with hundreds of clients – gently and lovingly guiding them on their spiritual awakening and inner healing and transformational journey. Many report that their lives have completely transformed through their collaboration with Gloria. Many of her clients state that all other healing methods or ways they have tried were just scratching the surface compared to the deep healing work they experience with Gloria's guidance.
One of Gloria's special offerings is twin flame coaching. She has already guided several twin flame couples into reunion.
Gloria was born in Hungary and lives in the fascinating capital, Budapest, mainly offering her video content on her Hungarian YouTube channel, but she also loves working with English-speaking (international) clients