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Be Where Your Clients Are - Their Phone

Written by: Joe McKee, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Studies show that the 1 cost-effective way for businesses to grow is to market to potential prospects or existing clients precisely where their attention is. So, where is everyone’s attention nowadays? The answer is their mobile phones.

There is a good chance that you are reading this on your mobile phone. In my life, I wake up in the morning and grab my cell phone to see if there is anything I need to tend to right away. Then, I roll over to see if my wife is still breathing and go right back to my cell phone to see what is happening with the rest of the world. Right or wrong, this is the world that we live in today.

Know where to market.

We live in a fast-paced world where attention spans are very short. We know that mobile marketing is the number one way to grab someone’s attention because 90% of text messages are opened within the first five minutes they are received. This is a perfect tool for filling your business with last-minute specials, sharing ideas, recognizing birthdays, and letting those who love your business know that you are open and they are important to you.

Marketing is always your friend.

There is always going to be something going on that throws off the world and can trouble businesses. Whether it be a pandemic like we have going on right now, a war, or some other crazy scenario, your business can still endure with wise marketing efforts. I hate to see businesses fail because of a pandemic, but part of that failure is that they stop putting money into marketing. That should not happen. Putting money into marketing for your business will allow your business to survive and thrive.

Wise Marketing.

When times are difficult, it is even more important to be wise about your marketing and marketing by design, not out of desperation. We live in a new economy where building and nurturing relationships is a key component in marketing and remarketing to your existing clients. Ultimately, the wisest way to spend your marketing dollars is to remarket to those who have already spent money with you and keep building that relationship, so they buy again.

Mobile marketing is a solution.

There are three steps to be effective and efficient mobile marketing.

  1. Create a VIP club that has an offer for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special promotions you want to run throughout the month. Customers that sign up for your VIP club are the ones that are telling you that they want you to market to them, and they want reasons to come back to spend money at your business.

  2. Step two post signage about your VIP club within the store, add social media posts, and encourage your instore staff to let customers know about the VIP Club.

  3. Having a slow day or a special running? Send out a text to promote to those who love spending money with you for a higher return of clients to participate. It cost seven times less money to get a current client to come in more often than to get a brand new client to come in for the first time.

To Learn more, visit Invoteq


Joe McKee, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Joe McKee is the CEO of Invoteq, which offers free processing for credit card processing as well as full-service custom-designed marketing programs. Offering local companies a strategy to Strive and Thrive in the current economy and future economies that are still ahead of the service industries.

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