Written by: Adele Chee, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The word “authenticity” used in business texts has tripled in the last decade. With this much being said, have we fully comprehended what this word means and why is it important to be authentic?
For me, being authentic is to be accountable for being present to yourself. That is, to be consistent in expressing yourself in a way that aligns with your internal sense of self.

When you’re in tune with yourself, you will create a life where your passions thrive as you genuinely offer your unique contribution to the world; and experience fulfillment when you achieve what you truly want and not based on societal pressures or cultural norms. This will see you grow and realise more for yourself and others around you, because you do not waste time and energy on things that don't align with who you are, especially on trying to be someone else.
How can you be accountable for being present to yourself?
As you progress towards your goals, remember to always be unapologetically R.E.A.L. – Recognise, Engage, Attend, Love.
Recognising your progress, big or small will help accelerate you further. So take that pause to celebrate and reward yourself for the advancements you have made. Even if you’re facing a disappointing moment. In fact, especially when you’re facing a disappointing moment. Because progress is you taking the action to work towards achieving your goals; it is you learning what else can be done or how it can be done differently, and progress is definitely you overcoming obstacles. So, cheers to YOU!
Engaging with your inner voice will help you discern your next course of action because you’ll be reminded of your values, strength, vision, and purpose. So take time to check in with yourself and reflect. Are you still living your values? Have you acquired new strengths on this journey? Is your vision still clearly in view? Are you realising the true motivations for your purpose? Noticing the changes in yourself will help provide further clarity of who you are, who you want to be, and what you want to achieve.
Attending to yourself is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Just like a machine, if we’re not well-oiled or if something that needs fixing isn’t fixed, our output won’t be optimal. So, make time for self-care in your goal-chasing plans in order to run like clockwork because you'll always be charged up and ready to go. This doesn’t just mean scheduling a spa day once a month. It is daily, be conscious of what you’re feeding yourself - your mind, soul, and body. Notice what you’re constantly accepting to tell yourself. Pay heed to how you’re feeling and notice the source of this emotion. Consider the nourishments that you put into your body, including the air that you breathe. Just as importantly, ensure that you get your limbs moving - especially, for the purpose of getting all the good vibes circulating your entire being.
Love yourself. This is the most important part of all in being authentic. If you haven’t got love inside you for yourself, then what passion are you going to give to the work that is required to achieve your goal? The more love you have for yourself, the more love you have to give. Then, you will realise more for yourself as well as those around you.
I hold dear this quote from Sophie Bush,
“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.”
To simplify, you're enough. So, you do you. Be you.
If you need an accountability partner to support you in being R.E.A.L., please schedule a FREE 30-min session with me. For more info, follow me on LinkedIn, or visit my website!

Adele Chee, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Adele is a transition coach and mentor. Committed to seeing a world filled with thriving individuals living their lives authentically, she created the S.P.A.R.K.© self-alignment model and programme, to help professionals and entrepreneurs around the world leverage their strengths and overcome their fears to transition into having a purpose-driven life.
She believes that having clarity and alignment of one’s values, strengths, vision and purpose - “core elements” of oneself - are essential in enabling a person to take ownership and be the agent of their own life. This is because when you are certain of who you are and what you want, and they are in alignment, you will live your life authentically as you achieve ambitions that fulfill you.
Her idea of a fulfilling life is to live a life of choice where you can achieve your dreams without succumbing to the pressures of society. Her determination and resilience to experience this life aspiration see her realising her 3 life goals - travel the globe, help others lead a better life, and write; alongside her successful 15-year international corporate career prior to starting her own coaching practice during a global pandemic.