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5 Tips On How Kindness Can Boost Your Career Transition

Written by: Adelina Stefan, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Job search is stressful and hard. There’s no doubt about it. And often, people don’t have a plan B. All of a sudden, your daily calendar becomes empty, and you don’t know where to start. At the same time, your duties - the ability to pay rent, utilities, daycare, and make a decent living put a lot of pressure on you. Finding a new job – especially one that makes you happy and is aligned with your own values, a job where you feel valued and where you can constantly grow and develop new skills, takes time.

When you are facing unemployment or a similar hardship, showing kindness is a key tool that will help you find strength in the most difficult times and help you push through the uncomfortable work that the process of job hunting requires.

1. Be kind to yourself

First of all, it is essential to start being cognizant of the language you use with yourself daily. Listen to your inner voice. Are you predominantly telling yourself that you are a failure and no one will hire you, or are you kind to yourself and talk to yourself as you would talk to your dear best friend who is going through a rough time? Unfortunately, most people are downright brutal with themselves, and many agree that the way they talk to themselves is definitely not how they would talk to their best friend or even a stranger. Becoming more cognizant of the language you use with yourself is one way to become more compassionate towards yourself.

1. See your unique characteristics

Losing a job is also not a simple case of you not delivering enough or meeting some other performance factor within your control. It could also be the case that, due to pandemics or other economic or socio-political forces beyond your control, your experience of being let go was very much beyond your control.

3. Don't take rejection personally

With thousands of applications being submitted through the algorithms of most Job Board websites, there are thousands of brilliant candidates who are being dismissed without their CVs being viewed at least once.

Often job seekers get stuck on the ‘no,’ feeling helpless. Don’t take job rejection personally! Take a ‘no’ for a job as an opportunity for another role. Remember that not all the roles are for you. Re-evaluate your job search strategies, contact a professional to get further support, and ensure you are on the right path. As Dave Seejugut, Founder of the Digital Search Specialists, argues, “Job search is a very stressful process for everyone, and we all have different ways of dealing with it. As a job search platform, we do recommend that you put yourself first. We recommend that you periodically take breaks and walk away from the screens in order to recharge, breathe a little, get some sun or do whatever takes you to your happy place. Being kind to yourself will help reset your mind, body, and soul and allow you to re-center yourself, preparing you for upcoming challenges.”

4. Ground yourself in worthiness

Stay focused on the progress you are making, and enjoy the journey to achieving your goals. Capitalize your progress by celebrating small achievements along the way. As Tracy Eliss Ross stated, “I am learning every day to allow the space where I am and where I want to be to inspire me and not terrify me.” As a Professional Coach, in these challenging times, Personal Agility System created by Peter Stevens and Maria Matarelli has proved to be an effective framework for people to align their own values with what really matters in their job search and have a more impact through their actions. For instance, at the weekly Celebrate & Choose, we will review what you have accomplished, discuss what is important, what is urgent, and what you want to accomplish next. Similarly, at the beginning of each day, ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. What did you accomplish yesterday?

  2. What is the most important thing to get done today?

  3. If you cannot do it alone, who could help? Have confidence in your commitment and believe that the effort you put into setting healthy routines is worth it.

5. Offer support to other people in need

We feel valued when other people come and seek our support or advice! This will put your struggles into perspective with those of others and help keep you from becoming too overwhelmed with your problems. Compassion can extend beyond yourself also through, for example, participating in volunteering events for local and non-profit organizations. These opportunities will also help you build more confidence and provide you with opportunities to demonstrate and improve your leadership and communications skills. Furthermore, this will help you expand your network and potentially expose you to opportunities you are hoping for.

Look at the bigger picture

When you are searching for a job, it’s vital that you take a step back and look at the bigger picture. While it’s crucial to prioritize your job-search activities, it’s equally important to keep things in perspective. Remember that your situation is temporary, and even if it takes a bit longer than expected, you can use this time to do what you longed for when you were employed. Last but not least, your mental and physical health always comes first! Be kind to yourself! You are always doing the best you can!

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Adelina Stefan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Adelina Stefan is a Professional Certified Coach & Intercultural Facilitator specialized in Career Development, with deep expertise in international HR recruitment and selection and Training and Development. Having worked for 10+ years across cultures, Adelina seeks to catalyze individuals’ potential, helping them create and implement their unique career blueprint and, at the same time, achieve a healthy work-life balance. She specializes in working with ex-pats and mid-to senior-level executives dealing with challenging work environments that can affect both their performance and well-being. She supports organizations in building a corporate coaching culture by highlighting individuals’ maximum potential and engagement so that they become dedicated and highly successful employees. Her practice includes Career, Life, Executive, and Agile Coaching for individuals, as well as developing and implementing corporate Human Resources practices for improving intercultural relations.

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