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Be Guided By Your Intuition

Written by: Ceza Ouzounian, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How often do you tune into your intuition?

Your intuition is that inner knowing, that instinctive ability to understand or know something. Sometimes it is called a gut instinct.

It is our ability to process information that is held in our subconscious and conscious mind, in our ability to take in information from our first impressions.

One of the things I work on a lot with clients is tuning into their intuition. Our intuition tells us what we are feeling or what is the right move before the resistances take over.

I believe that our intuition tells us what is the right next move. Sometimes it goes against our logic or what feels safe (that good old comfort zone) but it is what will move us forward in the way we desire.

In a relationship, deep down you may feel that it is time to take a particular action and you know it is the right move, but then all the resistances come up.

Maybe you feel fear about taking that action or worry about the consequences.

Maybe the thought of change is freaking you out.

Maybe it is easier to ignore that step and keep going, pretending everything is fine.

Whatever the resistance is, it is stopping you taking action that will benefit you.

Sometimes that action step you are being guided to take seems illogical. How will it possibly help? But it does.

I see intuition as a part of us that takes in all information around us and from within us, all the things that we consciously don’t pick up on. It guides us to take steps that will move us forward in the way we want.

I know there have been many times in my life when my intuition has been strong and told me to take a certain action and I haven’t always understood it logically or my resistances are going crazy, but that action has always benefited me in some way. Always!

I wouldn’t be a Relationship Coach if it wasn’t for an intuitively guided action. I wouldn’t be with my fiancé if it wasn’t for an intuitively guided action.

Listening to your intuition can be hard, especially if you aren't used to it. With clients I use the sway and EAM (Energy Alignment Method) and there are other ways to tune into your intuition.

Something as simple as asking works: ask yourself the question, what feels good or right to do next? And wait for a response, it could be a voice in your head, it could be a knowing, it could be an image, totally depends on how your mind works.

And start small. Maybe you just ask yourself what you want to eat or do. Notice what that first thought is and listen to it and do it.

The more you tune into your intuition the more you’ll be able to hear it and follow its guidance.

Our intuition is so powerful and I really think it makes a huge difference to our lives when we can tune in and hear what it is telling us.

Next time something isn’t feeling good in your relationship, why not tune into your intuition, what feels good to do next? What is your intuition telling you? What is that first thought/feeling that came up?

I remember when my ex was sending inappropriate messages to other women, my intuition had alarm bells ringing like crazy! This got me asking him the question of what is going on and eventually finding out the truth.

Or maybe you are dating and looking for that special someone, but you feel conflicted and unsure about those you meet, tune into your intuition. Does meeting up with that person feel right? Do you want to see them again? Is your intuition warning you to back off? Is your intuition guiding to keep seeing them even though you aren’t sure?

I had a client who was dating and met someone who was ok and her mind was saying give him a few more dates, but her intuition was saying forget him and move on, he isn’t right for you. At the start she resisted listening to her intuition but when she did and she moved on, she met the man who is now her long term partner.

It can be such a powerful tool that we all have and that can allow us to have an amazing relationship.

Sometimes we resist listening to it, so start small if you've never listened to it before, like deciding what to eat, before making life changing decisions. Keep practising with the smaller things and as you learn to tune into your intuition you can get guidance on the bigger things.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Ceza Ouzounian, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ceza Ouzounian is a Relationship Coach, an Energy Alignment Method Mentor, Fitness Instructor, best-selling author, and speaker. She helps successful entrepreneurial women have the relationship they desire. Ceza knows exactly what is required to have a relationship you love that is full of support, passion, and love and has helped many women reach their desired relationship. She shares the valuable lessons from her own journey and what she has learned from work with clients and those around her to support her clients to have their dream relationship.

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