Avarea's life work Is the path of purification. An atrocious childhood and a life full of trauma set her on the path of self-healing 25 years ago and initiated her into spiritual disciplines that have became her saving grace. Her philosophies and direct transmissions come from a lifetime of devotional practice to protecting, honoring, and speaking up for the Sacred, Innocent, and Immaculate Will of the Divine Embodied. Her book "Awakening Through The Path of Purification" has guided countless beings through a ritual purification of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as well as activates the light body system. She has dedicated the last 10 years of her life to her ministry based in Kauai, Hawaii.

Avarea Alexander, Purification Specialist and Light Body Activation
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
Aloha, my name is Avarea. I am a true tantrika and yogi on the path of purification. I have been in this practice for 25 years and helping others on or entering this path for the last 10 years. I am the founder and director of a spiritual purification center in Kauai, Hawaii, The Altar of Life Center, as well as the founder of Heartstar Ministry Inc., a 501c3 spiritual educational ministry. My passion and highest joy is facilitating the activation of the light body consciousness as well as guiding others towards radiant health and wellness.
What inspired you to create Altar of Life, and how does the mission of your organization reflect your personal beliefs and spiritual journey?
After working with 10’s of 1000’s of individuals through yogic therapy and bodywork, and being devoted and disciplined in my own practices of purification, during a deep inner retreat, fasting for 10 days and deeply listening, I offered my heart on the altar of life and asked spirit how I would serve the collective in my knowing. Two weeks after this deep internal retreat someone reached out to me and said “I’ve watched you for years in your cleansing journey, I want to do that” and after sharing my practice, saw the profound affect of this work and ever since then people have been calling me asking for my help to cleanse and purify their wholly sacred vessels of the divine. Hence, I founded Heartstar Ministry Inc., as an educational ministry for the benefit of sentient beings who wish to reclaim their radiance and come into full embodiment. Altar of Life Center is the result of my own personal life’s work of healing and my lifetime of devotion to these practices. I am eternally grateful that I may be of benefit to others in this way.
Can you share more about the types of services and offerings available through Altar of Life, and how they benefit individuals seeking spiritual growth?
We offer a full spectrum, multidimensional path of ancient and modern healing practices and modalities including but not limited to, colon hydrotherapy, nutritional education, high frequency energy medicine, bodywork, yoga, Breathwork and purification of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. We have had 100% success with everyone who has graced our center in their full reclamation of their sacred vessels.
How do you ensure that the teachings and practices you promote on Altar of Life resonate with a diverse audience, considering the varied spiritual backgrounds of your visitors?
We are a non-denominational educational ministry in service to All Life. Our practices are based on the Essene practice of ritual purification of our own multidimensional nature and our ultimate goal is to facilitate the individuals remembrance of their own source. We have served all walks of life and honor all paths, religious teachings and lineages as valid ways of life.
What role does community play in the Altar of Life experience, and how do you foster a sense of belonging among your members and participants?
We here in Kauai have a fully established community of healers and those who serve healing. All of our practitioners cleanse and keep their vessels clean and clear and we all serve each other in our various roles and in our mastery of what each teaches and practices. The Hawaiian Huna way of life, sees all teachers as “kahunas” and masters of what they teach and share with their community. This offers everyone the opportunity to master and therefore teach what they themselves practice. We also hold community gatherings where the community can come together and share and learn from everyone within the community.
Can you discuss any success stories or transformative experiences that individuals have had through their involvement with Altar of Life?
We have served many individuals that doctors said were “incurable” some sent home to die and have witnessed in great joy and delight, as they reclaimed their life and health. One story that is pertinent is a man came to us a few years ago with a liver condition, his eyes had dark black circles and the doctors had basically said he had a year to live. He came to us and in one year of being in the practice of reclaiming his life, had healed his liver, black circles around his eyes gone and now 5 years later he is alive and thriving in good health with a whole new lease on life!
What are your future plans for Altar of Life, and how do you envision the growth and evolution of your business in the coming years?
Our dream is expanding into a fully functional healing center to better serve more individuals in claiming their own radiant health and d wellness. We can see a center where the healing power of pure water is facilitating lights body activation for as many beings as we can. We are also developing a training course so that others may come and learn what we do and share it in their community’s, expanding our message of the healing, living, power of water.
Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.
I feel my greatest accomplishment personally is solely in my dedicated practice to honoring life and the fact that I have never advertised my service and that everyone we have worked with at Altar of Life Center and Heartstar Ministry has come to us by word of mouth or because they have seen the profound affect of this work on someone before and after experiencing our program.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
It would be wonderful if the establishment and the industry would recognize the fact that faith based healing as well as our own bodies innate knowing and capacity for healing anything, given the correct set and setting as well as tried and true guidance that is duplicatable.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
After being “diagnosed” with an “incurable disease” by doctors, I decided I would get to know my own body and learn how to heal myself. And that “incurable disease” they diagnosed me with does not exist any longer, and there is absolutely no trace of it in my system since I healed myself through my own practices and dedication to honoring my own life!
Read more from Avarea Alexander