Holding a unique frequency to facilitate your healing & expansion journey.

KAP is founded by Venant Wong who realised that he could activate a person’s energy system through touch and that he can pass this ability on to others. Discover the transformative power of the Kundalini Activation Process (KAP), a direct transmission of life force energy. Through KAP, embrace a journey of self-liberation, reconnecting with your authentic essence and unlocking profound evolution.

Photo credits: KAPacademy
What is KAP?
Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) is a direct transmission of life force energy and non-dual states of consciousness founded by Venant Wong, that activates the process of Kundalini awakening.
KAP allows us to reconnect with our authentic selves, releasing any blocks to our true essence and aligning us with everything and everyone that is true for us. This is achieved through the transmission of energy through our chakras and meridian points, leading us on a path of surrender and self-liberation.
The journey of self-liberation
Throughout our lives, we evolve in myriad ways, shaped by experiences and conditioning—both positive and negative. Ego, fears, negative thoughts, layers of unreleased emotions, personal limitations, and societal conditioning often veil our true essence, preventing us from accessing our inherent power and truth.
The awakening experience
In a KAP session, participants simply lie down on a mat while some music is being played and open themselves to receive the energy transmission. The energy flows intelligently, addressing individual needs in the present moment. Each session is unique, offering a safe and natural process of awakening that honors the individual’s journey.
Benefits of KAP
The benefits of KAP are manifold and profound, ranging from the release of emotional blockages and trauma to the expansion of consciousness and the deepening of personal connections.
Participants often report reductions in stress, anxiety, and depression, along with increased vitality, confidence, and mental clarity. KAP facilitates the release of limiting beliefs and patterns, empowering individuals to make better choices and live more authentically.
Embrace your evolution
These benefits are just the beginning of the transformative journey offered by KAP. By embracing the process with surrender, openness and receptivity, individuals can witness their personal evolution unfold, leading to a deeper sense of purpose, alignment, and fulfillment in life.
Gratitude and honor
I am grateful and honored to be the first KAP facilitator to bring this energy transmission to Singapore, Malaysia, and soon to greater parts of Asia. This journey has been filled with profound experiences and meaningful connections, as I witness the transformative power of KAP in the lives of individuals across diverse backgrounds and cultures. In essence, KAP invites us to awaken to our true selves, to reconnect with the infinite well of life force energy within, and to live each moment with passion, purpose, and joy.
Read more from Fey Wong
Fey Wong, KAP Facilitator, Clinical Hypnotherapist (RTT)
Hello, I’m Fey Wong. Childhood experiences sparked a quest for answers. Early spirituality led to healing modalities. Now, I specialize in swift, effective methods for mind, body, and spirit. My mission: facilitate healing and expansion of humanity through personalized modalities.