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Awakening Into Your True Essence – Exclusive Interview With Yvette Jaminon

Yvette is a high-level transformation coach who guides people in their personal and spiritual development. She offers next-level transformation that helps you remember who you are in essence, beyond the layers of your identity and attachments. She embodies what she teaches. You want to be with her, to bathe in her energy and let her light open and activate you at a deeper level of knowing and embodying who you are.

Image photo of Yvette Jaminon

Yvette Jaminon, Transformation Coach

What inspired you to bring your business into the world?

My main inspiration is a deep inner calling that awakened after I felt trapped for years in insecurities and fears. I decided to transform my deepest pains into love and chose self-development. I awakened to higher levels of consciousness, which opened up a whole new field of love, freedom, joy, passion, sensuality, and abundance.

The more I awakened, the more my soul's mission came to the forefront. My gifts and talents opened up, and I was guided by my own essence to embody what I am here to bring into the world. That is to help people remember who they truly are and activate their consciousness, helping them see their true value and embody their beautiful light.

What is awakening from your perspective?

Awakening, from my perspective, means expanding your consciousness into new levels and layers. Expanding your awareness into the higher dimensions while simultaneously grounding and embodying this awareness in your human experience.

When you awaken, your perception expands through your growth in the infinite of consciousness, meaning that you start to see more from a wider and whole perspective. You begin to experience life differently, more richer and fullfilled. Not from a level outside of yourself, but from within.

From another perspective, you can see it this way: awakening means coming back fully to the essence from the human perspective. You grow into what and who you really are. You start to see beyond the illusions and beyond only your physical reality. It is a deep remembering of Source, materialized in physical form.

Awakening is infinite, as consciousness is infinite. That's what makes it so incredibly beautiful; we keep expanding into new levels of consciousness, new realms of love. The more we stay open to the ever-expanding awakening, the more light we can embody in our lives and remind others of who they are in essence.

What does remembering your Essence bring?

Remembering your Essence allows you to see yourself and life from a completely different perspective one of love, pure consciousness. It enables you to take back control of your life, knowing that you are the creator of it. This brings a deep sense of freedom and empowers you to consciously choose the steps you take, as you are aware of your Essence merged with your human experience.

Remembering your Essence brings a deeply embodied feeling of love, infinity, abundance, and joy. But also surrender, trust, and serenity. It opens you to a state of 'being' that you have unconsciously longed for. You 'remember' who you truly are, which naturally brings peace because that is peace."

How can people remember their true essence? What does it take to remember this?

It requires going beyond the layers of personality, roles, and beliefs. You must detach from everything you identify with and from who you believe you are from the ego mind. After all, everything you identify with is not really you. It is a belief based on an illusion. There is nothing wrong with this. Even when you remember your Essence, you still choose your roles and identities; however, the coin is flipped. You know that “that” is not you; you are aware of your assumed roles and identities, and that is a game changer. The real you is your pure Essence.

To embody this awareness, you must become aware of what you attach yourself to from lack, fear, beliefs, and programming. This is important because it keeps you small and trapped in the frame of the ego. Once you expand your consciousness and heal and transform through inner, energetic, and body work, space is created for your pure Essence. You are still who you are, only now you can see yourself from a different perspective: from love, pure consciousness.

One of the programs you offer is The Awakening Experience. What makes this program so valuable?

In the Awakening Experience, we shine light on every facet of the diamond that we are. It is a transformative journey where we dive deep into attuning the participants with their highest potential while simultaneously shifting everything that holds them back from embodying it. Week by week, we peel off layers, allowing them to release and shift attachments and blockages on different levels. From a place of wholeness, their entire being can create space for the full embodiment of who they truly are. This is about merging your highest potential into your human experience.

In the Awakening Experience, it’s all about personal and spiritual development. It’s a constant movement from awareness to transformation to embodiment. I believe this golden elixir makes the program so valuable.

Personal and spiritual development go hand in hand for you. Why do you think this is important in transformation with your clients?

To grow spiritually, it requires you to embody your humanity more deeply, the human, physical experience. This is about ascending and descending, merging the earthly with the spiritual. One cannot exist without the other; both are essential for expansion in consciousness.

Personal development requires courage; it requires you to pass through density. But real growth in spirituality lies here. Beyond the layers, blockages, and beliefs lies your gold, your gifts, your superpowers. Only from here can you transform deeply and awaken to new levels of consciousness.

Who can work with you?

I have a spectrum of clients ranging from those who want to grow in their personal and spiritual development. These are the people I work with through the Awakening Experience and one-on-one programs. I also work with those who want to elevate their healing qualities, which can include coaches/healers, as well as people who just love energy work and want to go to the next level. For these, I offer workshops like Master Healer Level 1, 2, 3, and other expansion events.

If people want to connect and work with me, I invite them to my website, where they can find the services that I offer. They are always welcome to connect with me via Instagram or email.

To feel more of my energy and what I bring, there is a variety of free content on Instagram that opens and activates, both through written texts and live healing transmissions.

Follow me on Instagram or visit my website for more info!



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