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Avoid 11 Decluttering Mistakes and Make Your Space Work for You

Danica Carson, creator of Hack Decks™, specializes in creating simple and effective ways to help others live their lives with less stress and more enjoyment. Focusing on pain points such as getting organized, becoming a mother, going off to college, and coming up with fresh ways to connect, Hack Decks™ provides a shortcut to a happier, easier life.

Executive Contributor Danica Carson

Sometimes, when you declutter, your results are less than expected. You still have too much stuff! Maybe it's because you're struggling with some common decluttering mistakes that many people make. Decluttering is difficult for many reasons. Despite your best efforts, you may have unrealistic expectations of the process and its results. Often, you are emotionally attached to certain items, making it difficult to let go.

Woven baskets in a shelf, labeled "every day." Warm light creates a cozy atmosphere. Baskets have a textured, natural pattern.

Is there a right or wrong way to declutter?

Simply put, the answer is no. The best way to declutter is the way that works for you. Some people love Marie Kondo’s method, but it is by no means the only or best approach for everyone. Her method involves tidying up by category. Others, like the Joshua Becker® method, suggest minimalism. These are just two of many ways to get your home in order.

Defined simply, decluttering is “removing a mess or clutter from a place.” That’s it. So, whether you choose one of the methods listed here, a hybrid approach, or another method from our website, do what works best for you.

A combination of Marie Kondo and Karen Kingston

I love to clean and declutter, so the less I own, the easier it is for me. I primarily use Karen Kingston’s method, combined with Marie Kondo’s philosophy of letting go. Together, they work great.

Now, back to common mistakes I’ve listed many below that people often make. Don’t feel guilty; just see if any of these apply to you. You may find that the decluttering process becomes easier once you recognize them.

Mistake 1: Starting a decluttering project without a decluttering plan

Set yourself up for success by creating a plan. It keeps you on track and helps you work through your entire home. Choose whether you want to declutter by category or go room by room the decision is up to you. Break your decluttering into bite-sized pieces so it’s easier to start and stop if you’re interrupted.

Keep going. That’s the main takeaway from this first mistake. Start with small areas and a plan at the forefront of your mind. Then, get moving. Your mind will catch up.

Mistake 2: Failing to put a sorting system in place while decluttering

Don’t leave the room to put things away and then return to the decluttering process you’re working on. Leaving the area takes you out of the flow, and the most important thing is to stay focused on your project. It’s easy to get distracted and find yourself going down a rabbit hole once you start putting things away. Instead, use a sorting box so you can put everything where it belongs at the end of your session.

One of the most widely used systems is the four-box method. It includes four categories: trash, put away, donate/sell, and store. Some people use the three-box system, eliminating the store box.

  • For trash, use a garbage bag.

  • For collecting and moving things from room to room, use a basket, such as a laundry basket.

  • For donations, use a cardboard box.

  • For storage, use clear plastic boxes.

Mistake 3: Waiting too long to donate or sell your items

The most important task while decluttering, aside from letting go, is getting things out of your home immediately so you don’t second-guess your decisions. Storing unneeded or unwanted items in a box in the garage is just rearranging your clutter this is a no-no.

Once you’ve decided what to donate, take the items to a donation center and say goodbye. This prevents you from rethinking your decisions and having to declutter all over again.

A simple solution is to place donation items in your trunk at the end of your decluttering session so you can drop them off sooner. A great idea is to put a sticky note next to your odometer as a reminder to leave extra time for donating while running errands.

If you’re planning to participate in a neighborhood garage sale soon, tape the boxes closed. If you haven’t participated by the sale date (write it on the outside of the box), take the items to donation. Better yet, skip the garage sale and donate them now be finished with it!

Mistake 4: Organizing before decluttering, the golden no no rule

If you have bought storage containers before starting the decluttering process, you are just rearranging your clutter. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen people make this mistake. The reason it is a mistake is that, more often than not, what you have purchased in advance is the wrong size or shape. Wait to purchase storage containers. Live with temporary ones or none at all.

Do not, and I repeat, do not purchase organizing baskets or storage containers until you have finished decluttering. How will you know what to buy if you have not decluttered first? Remove the clutter, place the items you are keeping in the area where you want them, and then live with the quantity for a bit. Since purchasing organizing baskets and bins is the most fun part of decluttering, save it as a reward for yourself. You first need an organizing plan. Buy only after you have decided what to keep.

Mistake 5: Decluttering everything at once

Decluttering is not a one day event. It is a process. It is hard work and takes time. Trying to do everything at once only leads to frustration. Avoid this mistake by creating a decluttering plan and sticking to it. Break projects into easy to manage, bite sized tasks.

Our Declutter Deck® is a perfect tool for breaking projects into manageable pieces. Maybe an extra weekend with uninterrupted periods works best for you. Even better, a solid thirty to sixty minute session can produce great results without leaving you fatigued. Check out the Pomodoro Technique, which the Declutter Deck® uses to help time your tasks.

Mistake 6: Lingering over sentimental items

Sentimental items are the most difficult to declutter. This is why Marie Kondo leaves them for last. If you struggle with sentimental items, you are not alone. It is one of the biggest decluttering roadblocks and can keep you from reaching your goals.

By the time you get to sentimental items, you will likely be better at making decisions than when you first started. If not, remember that many others struggle with this as well, so be patient with yourself.

Mistake 7: Assigning a monetary value to your clutter, it has very little

If you think you are giving away expensive items, you will be less likely to part with them. Instead, you will keep them, only to rearrange them again. You may never use them, but because they were expensive, it is hard to let go. Shift your mindset.

Instead of thinking about these items in terms of their monetary value, consider how much it costs to store things you do not use. Accept that your past purchases have already cost you time and money, and then let go.

Think about it this way. Holding on to an item you once thought was expensive is now costing you more. Bigger houses, storage units, you name it. We have seen it all.

Mistake 8: The "someday syndrome"

Many people hang on to things "just in case" or believe they will use or wear them "someday." You are afraid you will need them in the future. Guilt tends to drive this decision. People hold on to their "skinny jeans" just in case they lose fifty pounds. Think of all the guilt associated with that thought. You feel bad that you bought the item. You feel bad that you are not fifty pounds lighter. Meet yourself where you are. Plain and simple. The end.

To combat this in clothing decluttering, you can use the hanger trick, where you turn all your hangers backward. As you wear an item, turn the hanger forward. If you have not turned the hanger around within six months (twelve if you live in a seasonal area), then the item must go. Unless you are keeping a special dress or something similar, it is safe to say that if the hanger has not turned, you will not wear the item again.

Mistake 9: Avoiding the room that is the most problematic

Most people know which room bothers them the most. Go for it! Once completed, you will be encouraged to tackle your next hardest room, and so on. Seeing progress keeps you motivated.

Of course, using some of the previous suggestions, try to get through the room in bite-sized pieces of decluttering work. This is your low-hanging fruit. Not because it is easy, but because it is motivating.

Mistake 10: Decluttering things people have given you or that do not belong to you

One of Marie Kondo’s most important points is that we should only declutter what belongs to us. Leave everyone else’s stuff alone. Decluttering is a personal decision and one that can take you places emotionally. People hold on to things for a reason, whether it is because they do not want to confront what they own, need to confront themselves, or have emotional baggage. That is theirs to confront, not yours.

Of course, you can encourage others in your household to let go of things and join in the decluttering movement you have started, but let them work through their belongings at their own pace. Support can include simply sitting with them and keeping them company while they sort through a pile (we do this with our virtual sessions) or talking them through their choices if they want your input. But do not offer advice unless asked, and even then, it should be given sparingly.

The exception to this is decluttering things from a loved one who has passed. If you are helping someone move through the stages of grief, remember that letting go of their loved one’s belongings is part of the process. Save a few sentimental items, but do not create a shrine to them. Box up the items and store them in the garage. After a given period, if the items in the box have not been reopened to retrieve something, then it is time to give them away.

You will always have the memories associated with a loved one. Memories cannot be donated or discarded.

Mistake 11: Letting clutter back in after you have said goodbye to it

Once you have learned to declutter, you have honed a new skill. However, unless you stay on top of it, clutter can return to your home. You may feel a sense of emptiness and want to rebuy. Instead, stay put and let the space surround you.

Create new habits. Throw junk mail away every day instead of letting it pile up. Keep your counters clean. Create a "command central" space in your home that you sort through daily. Put a donation box in your closets.

Remember, decluttering takes a lot of work and energy, and having to repeat the process is not your goal. Your goal is to find new energy and time for yourself. Decluttering is freeing.

Time to get started

Create a plan, set up a sorting system, and get to work. Start with the room that bothers you the most and get moving.

Declutter decks®

For more information about decluttering in bite-sized pieces, pick up a Declutter Deck®. Our box of 52 prompt cards encourages a decluttering routine that will forever change the way you declutter.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Danica Carson


Danica Carson, Co-Owner and Creator of Hack Decks™

Danica Carson is the Co-Owner and Creator of Hack Decks™, a line of prompt cards designed to simplify life and reduce stress. Hack Decks™ is owned by The Uncluttered Life, Inc., a boutique organizing company based in Dallas-Fort Worth specializing in optimization, efficiency, and home function. The flagship product, Declutter Deck®, was created as an exclusive tool for clients to get and stay organized in all aspects of the home.

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