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Audit Your Inputs To Change Your Life

Written by: Zach Bailey, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Changing your environment is single-handedly one of the most potent initiatives you can take to level up the results in your life.

old life, new life written on wood road sign.

Specifically, changing your environment to reflect the version of yourself you want to become and the life you want to create.

People ask me all the time, what to do about those lazy friends, those negative family members, naysayers, and people that are simply not thinking on the same playing field.

It’s simple, reduce or eliminate exposure to those types of people, and introduce or increase exposure to people who reflect who you want to become, and what you want to create.

You aren’t handcuffed to hanging out with your same old friends at the same old frequency.

I’m not suggesting you cut them off, although if they are a negative influence in your life I would consider that.

I’m suggesting you just start to set some boundaries with the people whose energy and thoughts bring you down or keep you stuck.

You may face some awkward backlash or digs when you start saying “no” more often, but if you evaluate the alternative, you’ll find it’s well worth it to set the boundary.

Start to get in rooms with higher-level people.

  • Join Clubs.

  • Attend Seminars.

  • Reach out on social media.

  • Hop on a zoom call.

  • Introduce yourself.

  • Ask questions.

  • Join communities.

  • Join a mastermind.

  • Hire a mentor.

Start reconfiguring your network to reflect who you want to become, and what you want to create.

You’ve heard it a thousand times “you are the product of your environment” or “you’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”.

The punchline is, who you surround yourself with is who you become, and who you become determines what you create.

I suggest you immediately start to reconfigure your network and inner circle in ways that will serve you the most.

This is a bridge that is imperative to cross if you want to reach your full potential.

In the meantime, “who you surround yourself with” isn’t exclusive to living, breathing human beings.

The people you consistently and directly expose yourself to carry the most power, but they aren’t the only factors of your environment.

Just like you’re going to reduce or eliminate exposure to negative people in your life and introduce or increase exposure to higher-level people...

Start to do the same with your INPUTS.

An input is anything that enters your brain. Again, people are a form of input, but what are your other dominating inputs currently?

Do you currently watch the news? Consume endless amounts of BS on social? Do you watch expensive porn or Netflix?

These things can drain your energy just like negative people do.

Start to reduce or eliminate those inputs, and start to introduce or increase positive inputs from higher-level people.

Start to BRAINWASH yourself with books, audiobooks, podcasts & YouTube videos of people who you want to become more like and people who have created similar things to what you want to create.

The world’s most successful people, dead and alive, have compressed decades of vital wisdom, mindset, strategies, and insights into hours of digestible content for us to consume.

Brainwash yourself with these positive inputs daily.

Over time this will begin to level up your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and identity.

You will start to think and act in alignment with the people you’re listening to.

Leveling up your network in addition to your inputs is like a legal performance-enhancing drug for success in your life.

Take advantage of it.

Author's Note: There are thousands of positive inputs you could choose. I encourage you to find the people and inputs that resonate with you the most. To get started, here are a few people that I look up to and consume content from regularly.

I also have a public playlist on my YouTube channel that houses videos I’ve watched over the years that I have found particularly valuable and inspirational.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or visit my website for more info!


Zach Bailey, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Zach is an established Fitness & Mindset Mentor focused on helping the world's most ambitious entrepreneurs develop into what they define to be the max-potential versions of themselves mentally & physically (Their “EliteSelf”). Zach helps his entrepreneurs get in a movie star shape, become disciplined with their routines, create sustainable health, revitalize their energy, and 10X their confidence so they can take their business, life, and impact to new heights.

Zach is the Founder and CEO of EliteSelf Coaching, whose mission is to help solve every single world problem within this century by helping 1 Billion entrepreneurs develop into their EliteSelves. This mission will effectively create an army of the world's most ambitious, impact-oriented people who are becoming their max-potential selves, creating their dream lives, and impacting the world to the extent they know they’re truly capable of.

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