Written by: Tammy Hui, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

You don’t need money or a resource to achieve success. You just need your vivid imagination.
In society, we have a heavy reliance on money to help us solve our problems to achieve ultimate happiness and success. We also believe that we will only feel happy or accomplished when we finally get to our ideal situation. With that, as a fight-or-flight human being, we will then spend most of our time in our head figuring out how to plan our steps to solve our problem. But what if I told you, a moderation to “fake it until you make it” really works?

Our imagination is humankind’s biggest gift. Good news, everybody has an imagination! When we use our imagination we can trick our mind, spirit, and body that whatever we are visualizing is real. In fact, our feelings and sensations that show up when we are visualizing are real. Therefore, it is not daydreaming. Take for example, if you focus on imagining yourself on the beach and feeling the sand through your hands, hearing the waves, and feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, you will feel relaxed already. You just took yourself on a vacation without even being there. That sensation is accessible anytime and anywhere.
Knowing we can access such power anytime it’s especially helpful in the busy world we live in. If we just took five minutes in our day to take our mind to a desirable self-image of ourselves, we can seek out the greatest opportunities in a day that we would only be able to see through that specific opportunist lens. Life is demanding and we can easily get sucked into seeing and paying attention to things from one perspective – which may not be one that will make us better versions of ourselves. We all know that our daily urges have its natural ability to catch our attention. Imagine that you carry your spirits from your visualization – probably a wiser version of yourself into your daily living.
Visionary exercises are a method that allows you to see the truth and helps you cut through the clutter. By taking a conscious choice of stepping out of a perspective into another one, you can make conscious choices that bring you closer to your desired situation.
Another very practical way of exercising visualization is treating it as a re-hearse to your goal. Many successful CEO’s or sports players use visualization techniques as a blue-print or rehearsal of their business or themselves reaching their goal. When we imagine, it isn’t just imagining the scenery but imagining all our senses (smell, taste, physical state, sound, etc.) When we can get ourselves deeper and more connected to who we are in that vision of ourselves we can then embody the full spirit into our real life. We will then show up in our life and relationships with that same charisma. That charisma will naturally attract the right opportunities into our life and naturally get us to our goal. This is simply a law of attraction phenomenon where we seek and attract situations that affirm our beliefs and desires. So, if in any case you are envisioning a negative future then you will act in accordance to that. For example, you will naturally be more careful, speculative, victimized, pessimistic and those traits inherently will impact your decisions. You won’t be making any decisions from any place of empowerment and even if a great opportunity becomes available, you will be hesitant to take a leap of faith in it. This is a true statement, if you believe in yourself, you are in an advantageous position compared to another individual who hasn't been able to imagine themselves making it.
Now that you’ve read this far, I hope you’ve gotten enough interest to give this an experiment.
Exploring our creativity and how far our imagination can go will set you apart from everyone else and put you ahead of others who haven’t tapped into this other part of their brain. Here’s some fun and practical visionary exercises:
Visualize yourself being successful in a particular area of your life – relationship, finance, career, family, personal hobbies.
What’s or Who’s around you – what do you see? Hear? Smell? Taste?
Notice your body and its posture. Are you sitting? Standing? lying down?
What is your energy like? Are you happy? Excited? Warm? Cozy? Butterflies in your stomach? Confident?
Who are you here?
What parts of this vision are you loving and wish that it’s true?
Now sit in those emotions and vision – take an image or structure that can remind you of who you are in this vision.
What is one symbol, image, music, or smell (something tangible) that will help you remind you of the sensation you felt in that visionary exercise?
Take that symbol and keep it around you throughout the day.
Show up as that person for a day (embody those emotions and state of being) and see how you show up in that area of your life that day.
What is the difference you notice about yourself?

Tammy Hui, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Tammy Hui is a leadership coach who focuses on utilizing sensory visionary, values, and metaphors techniques to empower women, leaders, and organizations by helping them shift perspectives by tapping into one's subconscious mind. She strongly believes we experience our lives based on how we see it with very little weight in the environment itself. When we see a situation from a different perspective a creative path forward will naturally be available. Tammy has overcome challenges after challenges in her personal and professional life by embodying her best self and simply shifting perspectives. You can see that Tammy has made some leaps in her career to pursue her purpose.
She made a career shift from a stable corporate role to pursue a passion for supporting women, leaders, and organizations to live towards their desired values and purpose. She's successfully launched a fashionable affirmation jewelry business, Alleyesonleadher, S.H.A.P.E.(She Has A Purpose Everyday), built around the concept of utilizing structural metaphors to empower women to live to their purpose. Her second business, Grow People Consulting and Coaching Ltd., guides executive leaders in organizations to build their presence and culture around their values and purpose. Her mission: Visualize yourself having arrived at your desired state and you are already one step closer to it.