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Astrology For Career Cycles And Relationships

Written by: Jamie Carroll, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It is an acknowledged truth that the key to success is self-mastery. We make progress in our career or our relationships by showing a whole series of qualities: vision, persistence, imagination, planning, patience, empathy and kindness.

All of this is completely true. But it is not the whole story.

We also live our lives within invisible cycles. Sometimes the cycles of our lives flow easily and we say “the momentum is with me”. On other occasions it takes more time to get things done, and there can be setbacks. What most people aren’t aware of is these cycles correspond with the time it takes the planets in our Solar System to do an orbit of the Sun. And astrologers follow these cycles on sophisticated astrological software programmes.

Jupiter and Saturn Cycles

For example, there are Jupiter cycles. Jupiter brings prosperity and expansion. When Jupiter approaches a sensitive career point in a person’s chart, it is going to be easier for them to get that promotion or the recognition that they crave. In this time window, they’ll also undergo considerable expansion in their sense of self-confidence.

Saturn cycles are notorious for bringing in challenges. If you have Saturn moving through the Career house in your chart, you can expect heavy responsibilities to be loaded on your shoulders. Saturn can also bring sudden redundancy or a promotion to a very demanding position. If you’ve experienced a run of niggling injuries or visits to the hospital it might be because Saturn is working through your house of Health. Those are the times to take it easier with physical activities.


Our relationships involve many planetary cycles (because relationships are complex). But Saturn going into the Marriage House can signal a new marriage or pressures on an existing marriage. Jupiter going into the same house often means male energy coming on the scene (either as a business colleague or a lover or both). The position of Venus in a natal chart, and its movement in the sky, is also very important. Venus is the planet of relationships. It predicts when infatuations and new connections may be beginning. The times when Venus crosses the First, Fifth and Seventh Houses are times when an individual is at their most attractive to others. It’s not unusual during these times for men and women to get more attention from potential partners.

Understanding the Cycles

Knowledge is power. Once you start to realise that you are in a specific cycle, you can start to work with it. If you know that Jupiter is approaching the career point within the next 12 months, now is the time to re-envision your career plans and redouble your efforts. The momentum you build for yourself will be augmented by Jupiter.

Conversely, when Saturn spends two and a half years in your Sixth house (the workplace) you can expect plain hard work. There is no point beating yourself up because you are not getting your promotion. Just keep going, nice and steady. When Saturn is moving through your Twelfth house, you will struggle for those two and a half years to gain recognition. But after that period, your star will shine bright again as Saturn moves into your First House. Knowing this is obviously a huge psychological advantage as it helps you manage your expectations. You can also start to visualise what you want to do in the time periods which are more obviously working for you.

Free Will

None of this is to say that the stars and planets control our lives. Free will and a clear vision will always be vital components of success. But the position of the planets supplements our knowledge and acts as an early warning system. It tells us what is coming up. We don’t need to know how astrology works. It’s just helpful to be aware that there’s this wonderful resource out there and life can often be very much easier when we work with it. After all, it is giving us a peek at the bigger picture. And who doesn’t want to tap into that?

Some Key Cycles

  • Saturn Return: Occurs between the ages of 28-30. Expect to find yourself getting more serious about your career. The vibe will be: “Everyone else is getting on, I’ve got to too”.

  • Jupiter or Venus Approaching the Midheaven: This happens every 12 years (Jupiter) or 243 days (Venus). Those born in the day get a major boost from Jupiter every 12 years. Those born in the night gain less dramatic benefit from Jupiter, but smaller and more regular career benefits from Venus.

  • Saturn Changing House: Saturn spends two and a half years transiting a House (which is a themed area of your life). The change to a new House introduces an element of discipline, limitation and concentration in that area. Saturn moving into your 9th House might mean you are inspired to go back into Higher Education or start to re-train in new skills. Saturn moving into the 2nd House will bring some challenges with cash flow and a reining in of extravagance.

  • Uranus Half Return: Occurs between the ages of 41-43 (typically). It is commonly known as the “midlife crisis”. This is where you start to really question “why am I doing this job?”, “Why am I still with this person?”, “Why aren’t I doing what I love?” Uranus's energy needs to be handled carefully. Used in the right way, it can catalyse the start of a major transformation of the second half of your life.

  • Second Saturn Return: Occurs between the ages of 54-58. You will be starting to critically appraise everything you have achieved. You’ll feel the urge to put more of your energy into the absolute essentials of life: family, friendships, charity, philanthropy, bequeathing, fun projects – anything that leaves a lasting legacy.

Just from these small examples, you can probably see that astrology contains valuable information on your life potentials and opportunities. As more and more people start to discover astrology, the knowledge and insight they glean will serve them in their personal and professional development for years to come.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Jamie Carroll, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jamie Carroll is a Hypnotherapist and Astrologer. His goal is to deal with the Soul Wound which we all have within us and to activate transformation. Using hypnosis, past life regression and talk therapy, he helps clients move past their blocks – be they depression, anxiety, or a phobia and start to find their authentic selves. He uses Astrology as an adjunct to the therapy, and as a tool in its own right, to explore the hidden forces that drive the client’s personality and unlock their potential. He operates in the UK and internationally (over Zoom).

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