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Aromatherapy To Stress-Less – 4 Botanicals To Increase Your Stress Resilience

Dr. Monica Riley, MD, affectionately known as Dr. Monica, is a Doctor of Integrative Medicine with over 30 years of expertise in the Holistic Health Sciences. Dr. Monica is the Founder of Dr. Monica's Natural Beauty, LLC; the award-winning sustainable body care, skin and haircare collection featuring clean fragrances that inspire women 40+, with careful care to communities of color, to Self-Love through Self-Care.

Executive Contributor Dr. Monica Riley, MD

These days, I am stressed all day, every day! And, as a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, I had to reign in my daily stress-mess to remember my Aromatherapy Alchemy.


Essential oils

You might fantasize about living a stress-free life, but the reality is that stress is as inescapable as the need to eat and drink. Rather than avoiding it altogether, let’s focus on finding ways of managing it. Stress resilience is something that we can get better at with practice. A daily practice of Aromatherapy can be the best stress release ever! And with April being National Aromatherapy Month, there is no better time than NOW to experience the bliss of it all!


Aromatherapy alchemy: Did you know that scent controls 70% of your emotions?

Aromatherapy is both an art and a science. It is rooted in the healing practices of ancient civilizations. Essential oils were used more than 4,000 years ago in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Inspired by the traditional medicines of these cultures, the healing science of aromatherapy employs fragrant plant/flower extracts for treatments. Essential oils work their physical, emotional, and psychological wonders by interacting with the olfactory nerves or entering through the skin, thus, affecting the limbic system in the brain. In these ways, they reach the bloodstream directly. Once they are absorbed, the oils enter the lymphatic and blood capillary systems, benefiting circulation as well as the sinuses and lungs.


Research dates the use of essential oils back to 4500 BC. Ancient Egyptians (North Africa) were the first to discover the medicinal potential of fragrance, and records demonstrate that oils and aromatics were used for treating illness and performing rituals and religious ceremonies in temples and pyramids.


Essential oils enter the body in three ways

  • Inhaled

  • Applied to Skin

  • Ingested


During inhalation, aroma molecules travel through the nose and affect the brain through a variety of receptor sites, one of which is the limbic system, which is commonly referred to as the "emotional brain." The limbic system is directly connected to those parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance. This may explain why smells often trigger emotions.


Scentsations: Let’s look at the “core 4” aromatics to stress-less


  • Lemon Balm: Lemon balm is an essential oil that helps to reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone disruptor)

  • Lavender: Lavender is an essential oil that dispels stress in the nervous system and creates a sense of peace in the body

  • Vanilla: Vanilla is an essential oil that may induce a sense of calm and relaxation. The sweet aroma of vanilla boost mood and performance

  • Rosemary: Rosemary is an essential oil that has a toning affect on the digestive system soothing the tummy


Dr. Monica’s Natural Beauty Luxury fragrances that titillate your senses

Coming off a huge win as the “celebrity perfumer” for this year’s Oscars 2024, Dr. Monica’s scentsational fragrances have been embraced by celebrities in the spotlight! “It’s an amazing scent! The Best Award for natural fragrance goes to you!” “I will tell you that everybody loved your perfume. They were smelling it and in love with it! Very well received!”


  • Black orchid perfume! The Ultimate Scentsation Luxurious notes of lily-of-the-valley, Tonka bean, Sweet cream inspire confidence

  • Unapologetic Perfume! This smooth, scentsual fragrance is a fave with the "it" crowd! Notes of Hibiscus Jasmine and Plumeria with a solid Musk inspire Unapologetic "Bad-A$$ness"

  • Egyptian Goddess Perfume is yummylicious! Notes of vanilla, amber & musk (unisex)

  • OUD! Sensual & Mysterious with notes of frankincense, myrrh, leather & golden amber

  • Cleopatra Love Perfume – notes of jasmine, rose, violet, lime and powder! Inspires self-love


I Am a Celebrity Perfumer. My nose is my palette. I curate clean fragrances with natural floral essences and botanicals. I create beauty through the essence of my spirit.



Dr. Monica Riley, MD, Award-Winning CEO, Educator, Philanthropist

Dr. Monica Riley, MD, affectionately known as Dr. Monica, is a Doctor of Integrative Medicine with over 30 years of expertise in the Holistic Health Sciences. Dr. Monica is the Founder of Dr. Monica's Natural Beauty, LLC; the award-winning sustainable body care, skin and haircare collection featuring clean fragrances that inspire women 40+, with careful care to communities of color, to Self-Love through Self-Care. This active Vassar College Alum and 2-time Emmy Award winning documentary producer continues to inspire communities to action through her activism against human trafficking and cyberbullying. A sought-after public speaker and podcast guest, Dr. Monica believes that “Self-Care IS Healthcare"™

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