Written by: Brad Bizjack, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Did you know a six-year-old is more likely to achieve their dream of becoming spiderman, an astronaut, and the President of the United States of America all rolled into one, over an adult’s? Interested in the why behind this absurdity? It’s because a six-year-old, and any child for that matter, know how to dream unlimited. It is in that pivotal detail that allows their dreams to give them the pull motivation necessary to reach their dreams, no matter how ridiculous or impossible we as adults may deem them. Which brings me to my next question.

Are your dreams big enough to pull you effortlessly toward them, or are they based on your past successes or failures?
In my nine years of coaching and helping tens of thousands of people, this is one of the largest hurdles I see my clients face over and over again. They base their dreams on reality.
This fatal flaw is the reason for so many stalled and stifled success stories. Because when you base your dreams on what you know you can already do, or presumably can’t, it isn’t a dream at all. It’s just another item taking up space on your to-do list that distracts you from the real dreams you harbor inside. The ones you’re too afraid to say out loud or dare envision.
A dream inspires, and that inspiration is what provides us with pull motivation. You know, the secret ingredient the above six-year-old has to accomplish their huge dream? Pull motivation is a magical thing, because it means working hard doesn’t actually feel like hard work at all. You’re not wasting energy and time pushing toward reaching your goals and dreams, you’re inherently being pulled toward them because that inspiration means you have a compelling vision of what you want.
If you have trouble allowing yourself to dream big, there’s a significant chance a limiting belief is holding you back by hiding out in your blind spot. Before you start to panic wondering how exactly you’re supposed to identify that pesky limiting belief, let alone a blind spot, I’ve got the perfect tool to help! Learn more about how you really tick when it comes to success, and how to identify your limiting beliefs and conquer them with my free 60-second quiz, What’s Your Unique Success Archetype. Upon completion, you’ll receive a free PDF that breaks down your archetype, the limiting belief traps you're most likely to fall into, and how to move past them to your next level!

Brad Bizjack, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Brad Bizjack is a personal development expert, mindset strategist, coach, inspirational speaker, and podcast host with over 9 years of coaching experience. He's coached over 10,000 people in the area of personal development and human potential. His mission is to help people maximize their life, master their mindsets, and elevate their relationships and career to the next level and beyond! Brad is happily married to his beautiful wife, Janiece. They reside in the Lakeview neighborhood of Chicago and have a little girl named Lillian and a dog named Oliver.