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Are You Using Your Imagination Correctly?

Written by: Steve Bredschneider, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Imagine all the bad things that are going on in your life. How devastating would it be if you continued to receive the same circumstances, the same results, over and over and over again? How hard is it to imagine this? I’ll tell you from first-hand experience that it’s damn easy, it's lazy thinking, by the way, and 95% of the earth’s population does it and does it quite often and with remarkably accurate results. Using your imagination in this manner is a sure-fire way to manifest more of the same.

Now try to imagine how your life would be if you experienced the life of your dreams. Imagine having all the time and money you need to look after your needs and have some extra money to help someone else. Can you do it? Or do you dismiss it? Do you hear yourself saying, “It’s a pipe-dream. I’ll NEVER have that. Only lucky people get that and I don’t have that kind of luck. Those people that live like that are just in the right place at the right time.”? Is this is the type of noise that occupies your mind when you dream about what you want? Limiting beliefs that we were conditioned to have stops us cold from having what we want. The imagination is where it starts. Whether we imagine all the bad things to come or all the great things we want, that’s what we’ll get. Thoughts become things.

We have two types of imagination. The first is our “Synthetic Imagination”. That’s the type of imagination we were taught to use. We were conditioned to believe that our knowledge gives us all we need. The more we know, the more we earn. People go to school for years to study things that will provide them with a designation of some sort. They learned to use their synthetic imagination to take one bit of knowledge from something they learned, then take another bit of knowledge from something else they learned and create something different. Not something NEW. Something different. Innovation does NOT come from synthetic imagination.

The second type of imagination is “Creative Imagination”. This type of imagination is where dreams develop. We used it freely when we were children, but then we grew up and started to learn we were conditioned to stop wasting time daydreaming. We forgot to use our creative imagination. Our creative imagination is also known as our fantasy. But if you were to say to an adult today, “What’s your fantasy?” you’d likely get some description of some bedroom activity, and there’d be no correlation to the fantasy of how people would like to have their results to be.

Imagine winning the lottery. What a great fantasy, right? But, “I’ll never have that. I don’t have that kind of luck. I’d need a winning ticket.” is what you’ll probably tell yourself. All the things that our conditioning gives us as excuses will stop us from stepping out of our comfort zones to achieve what we want. Here’s some excellent news! If you want the fantasy, you can have it. All you have to do is keep the story in the forefront of your mind, create a plan for its acquisition and then take action on the plan. But our conditioning will stand in our way.

We’ve been using our imagination in such a poor way, thinking about our current results over and over again, for so long the limiting thoughts get implanted in our subconscious mind, in the Paradigm, so profoundly that we will likely never take action on the plan. Or if we do, we’ll try something, and if we step out of our comfort zone to take a step toward our goal, the Paradigm will cause us to feel sick and anxious, and we RUN back to the comfort zone. We literally have to work on changing our mindset from limiting beliefs to beliefs that will propel us toward fulfilling our dreams.

Using your fantasy consistently is the key to having precisely what you want. Keep doing it. It’s called setting a goal. Keep your goal at the forefront of your mind. Write it out every day. Read it as often as you can every day. Take action on your plan and make it happen. Dreams do come true if you want it bad enough.

Let's talk. I want to find out what you want. I want to know what your dreams are. I know that you can have them. I can help you achieve it all. Make a decision. The best decision you'll ever make. Contact me to make an appointment for a FREE DISCOVER SESSION.

I look forward to talking to you.


Steve Bredschneider, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Steve Bredschneider is a Certified Proctor Gallagher Consultant. Continually mentored by the legendary Bob Proctor, the world’s foremost instructor in personal development and human potential. Steve has been studying under Bob for ten years and has become an expert in helping organizations and individuals achieve goals and dreams.

There is a simple system to achieving all you want, and Steve has dedicated his life to understanding, using, and teaching that system. Steve knows that there is no way you can fail using the system unless you quit.

Steve is a former Air Cadet, mechanic, and Certified Engineering Technologist. With this background of discipline, structure, and ethical behaviour Steve has brought the best aspects of leadership, instructional techniques, and organization skills to the table for the benefit of his clients. Steve knows how to take all this knowledge and break it into bite-sized chunks to enable his clients to increase their awareness, understand the material, and use this understanding in practical application in their lives. This results in increasing the quality of their lives and improved results for organizations and businesses’ bottom lines.

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