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Are You Unknowingly REPELLING Premium Clients And The Money You Desire?

Written by Eugenia Oganova, Business & Marketing Coach

Eugenia Oganova is an international Conscious Wealth Energetics Business & Marketing Coach for coaches, healers, and holistic health professionals who desire to fully step into their Soul Mission and live their Purpose through a profitable business.

Executive Contributor Eugenia Oganova

It is amazing to me how many entrepreneurs constantly focus on fear, lack, not-enoughness, and unworthiness – and yet expect that their work will result in a successful business! It is basic Conscious Energetics – whatever you focus on you broadcast and thus attract to yourself. You are constantly sending energy waves out and the Quantum Field of the Universe meets all of them. Whatever you send out, this is what you get back:

she work and focus

  • If you focus on “I don’t have clients” and “How do I get more clients” – all you are creating is NO CLIENTS!

  • If you agonize over “Who will ever pay this much!?!” and “What if they don’t like it?” – you are broadcasting “I am not worthy of your attention and your investment!

  • Or my favorite: “I don’t want to brag about how good I am…” (aka self-minimizing). And how do you think your potential clients will find you then?

All these hang-ups and karmic issues are parts of our “subconscious shadow”. They are the STORIES we’ve been telling ourselves for years – so many times that we believe them to be true! These negative self-limiting patterns MUST be faced and dealt with.

Entrepreneurship is a personal development school that will uplevel YOU if you do it right. There are so many entrepreneurs, especially women, who DO the “right thing” by working on themselves and their business constantly, yet they remained FOCUSED on the negatives! They are not stepping into the new identity of the person they are BECOMING – instead habitually focusing on what they do NOT have.

You cannot drive ahead if you are looking into the rear-view mirror! You will just be parked!

And that is exactly how THIS happens:

  • I’m doing everything right, why is my business not improving?

  • I raised my fees, why does no one want to pay me?

  • I’m working all the time, and I am trying to “stay in flow”, why is it so hard?

  • Why do clients only buy my low-end offers?

  • Why do I attract the wrong clients all the time?

Sound familiar? Even though Strategy is super important, and so is your Mindset and your resourcefulness, most of the time, the main sabotage is a NEGATIVE FOCUS! I’ve seen people “do everything right” and end up with no results at all because they were “looking into the rare-view mirror”.

Everything is energy – a Quantum Field of undifferentiated waves. When you FOCUS on something, you bring it into existence in our 3D reality. In physics, it’s called “collapsed potential” – we make a particle (matter) out of wave (potential). Everything is 100% possible 100% of the time! We collapse potentials into particles through what we focus on. This is science and consciousness woven into one. Even though you might not control some of the material circumstances, you do control how you RESPOND to what has occurred. We do control how we resonate in response to the triggers that occurred in our lives. You CAN ALWAYS consciously control your Energy Broadcast.

See, everything is energy (a wave) and we make it into anything we want (a particle) by FOCUSING on it. So if your focus is on what you do NOT have, guess what you will be CREATING in your business? Right… more of what you don’t have!

Here are the 3 things you can do RIGHT NOW to correct your negative energy broadcast so that all your efforts in your business and in personal transformation actually produce the results you desire (and exceed them!):

  1. Give yourself time to fully ENVISION the reality you want to create. Most entrepreneurs tend to just rush ahead with some vague idea of “more leads” and “converting funnels”, but they forget to actually see how THEY themselves will FEEL inside with this new reality. Take a moment to imagine what it would FEEL like to already be at the place you are trying to get to. How will you feel when you wake up? What would your daily thoughts and activities look like? How will your business function? What type of clients will you be working with?

  2. EMBODY all the experiences you have just envisioned. This means – experience these feelings and states of being in your body NOW. Let’s say you envisioned that you will be generating double the income that you have now. This is an abstract thought. What would that actually FEEL like? Will you feel strong? Relaxed? Confident? Safe? Whatever that feeling is – feel it in your body right now.

  3. Focus on Gratitude for what you WANT to have, even if you don’t have it yet! Experience Gratitude in your heart for every experience you’ve imagined and every feeling you have just anchored in your body. You can literally go through them all, one by one, from your larger future vision and connect them into your heart, so you feel grateful for them NOW (even though they haven’t arrived yet). This is called “Future Creation” in the Conscious Wealth Energetics.

The fear is an addiction to the past. And when we focus on the negative, it is a subconscious desire to protect from that past. I have helped so many of my clients clean up this addiction to the past and the negative habitual programming, so that they can create an awesome business that is aligned with their PURPOSE, and so that all their strategic efforts actually pay off!

To learn more about working with Eugenia, go to


Eugenia Oganova, Business & Marketing Coach

Eugenia Oganova is an international Conscious Wealth Energetics Business & Marketing Coach for coaches, healers, and holistic health professionals who desire to fully step into their Soul Mission and live their Purpose through a profitable business. She creates custom high-end business, marketing & energetic strategies so that you can attract premium clients and uplevel to multiple 6-figures, without burning out or self-sacrificing. Eugenia is a Soul Strategist and a Self-Transformation expert with over two decades of expertise in spiritual entrepreneurship, transformational therapy and conscious healing, and a best-selling author of 3 books. Using an energy-based approach coupled with transformational psychology, extensive business and marketing knowledge, and her clairvoyant wisdom, Eugenia has created many programs that activate long-term core-level transformation in her clients.

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