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Are You Suffering From BOSOMOCO?

Written by: Karina Stephens, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


In 2012, I contracted BOSOMOCO. I was literally burnt out, stressed out, maxed out, and checked out. Maybe you know the feeling?

I was suffering from severe adrenal fatigue and burnout. Life for me was always about the “Doing”, My motto was “if it is to be it's up to me” and if my body was tired, I told myself to “suck it up princess” and I would just push through.

This diagnosis was the catalyst to completely change the way I did life and business. It was my wake-up call and the beginning of a realisation that there is another way to make things happen.

We can slow down and still achieve our goals. I call it The Pace of Grace, it’s where ease and flow replace push and shove. It’s where we step off the path of the old way of doing things and embrace the new energy of life.

The world is calling us to wake up and step into our light. To express the truth of who we are in the service of what we are called to do. What if we didn’t let fear, stress, and fatigue slow us down? Where would you be if you had more than enough energy to make it through your day? And what if that day involved you doing something that helped heal our planet in some small but significant way?

Imagine putting voice and action to your calling because you overcame the struggle involved in reaching that calling. Think of how amazing it will feel when you achieve your desires because you decided to become the best version of yourself possible.

If anything, I think that what we have learnt by today’s fast-food, fast-paced, ASAP rat race is that it’s not really working for us. We are more stressed out than ever before. Our planet has never been in such a state of dis-ease, and I believe it has never been more important to wake up and do something.

“We have to become the best version of ourselves we can be, that is our sacred human contract” — Albert Einstein.

How right you were, Mr. Einstein; to live the most ethical lives we can is the key to a kinder world.

When we devote our lives to becoming the best version of ourselves, we undertake the most extraordinary adventure imaginable.

How can you live your BEST life WITHOUT getting Burnt out, Stressed out, Maxed out and Checked out?

Awareness is power: it provides us with the power to change, yet if we are not aware of why we do what we do even though we know what we know, how can we even think to make an impact on this world in our lifetime?

Emotions and feelings are there to guide us home, to our inner home. Yet we tend to ignore or suppress the ones that make us feel less than great. We don’t like to go there because we fear what the answer may be. Purpose-based leaders are the ones that go there because they know that when you shine a light on the darkness it disappears.

When we do the inner work then the outer work is magnified. When we break through limiting beliefs and sabotaging habits, we have the key to unlock our genius. What used to stress us out no longer bothers us. We play a bigger game and in doing so we have the potential to create a larger impact on the world.

Conscious communication equals StressLess Leadership

In order to create change, we have to be the change we want to create. We must become the type of person we need to be in order to inspire others to do the same. Then together we can revolutionise the things we care about.

As we take the time to work on our inner world our outer world will alchemise. When your body is in alignment with your life purpose your purpose lines up with your life. We become conscious leaders in our families, in our neighbourhood, our community, and in our circle of influence.

Marianne Williamson once wrote, “I will go at the slowest part of me.” That’s what conscious StressLess leaders do.

Their lives are integrated with habits, rituals, and beliefs, which minimise the stress in their lives, which in turn keeps them in the groove of life.

Conscious communication with your inner self will set you apart from everyone else for life. Being aware of your beliefs, your internal dialogue, your thoughts and feelings, and the physical sensations in your body can literally heal your life.

Honouring the truth of who you are.

Our truth leads us to our divine potential. When we really, truly love ourselves and honour the truth of who we are, we break through whatever limits us. Creativity explodes, serendipity dances with synchronicity, and life as we know it will never be the same again.

The Pace of Grace leads us to our divine potential; it is how we access all that life has planned for us. It is a choice we make each and every day to love ourselves. To forgive ourselves and to want what is ours to have.

Adopting a StressLess Lifestyle

According to Dr. Lissa Rankin, the average person experiences over fifty stress events per day and each one taxes your adrenals and kidneys, leading to eventual fatigue or worse, disease

When we adopt a StressLess lifestyle we become what I term fully awake and fully at rest. Fully awake means to be completely present and conscious, grounded in the NOW moment, vibrant, alert and actively allowing the fullness of your intuition to come through you.

Fully at rest means to be operating from your para-sympathetic nervous system where you are in rest-and-relax state. This is where your whole body is at a gentle peace and harmony.

When we operate from this place, grace has free reign to take control and guide us into our divine potential, free from the constrictions with which we put on ourselves.

Both of these states are possible at the same time, and we can learn to instantly turn them on once we have cleared the blockages which prevent us accessing them.

Our body aligns with its natural state, free of toxicity, blocks from chronic stress, dis-ease, and stress, then the organs and systems have a chance to completely recharge when resting.

Then when you go about your day, your body can operate at optimal capacity, being fully awake, present, and charged with a magnified life force, where all areas of life start to come into balance.

The Ultimate Goal

We all want the same things: to love and be loved, to matter, to feel worthy, and to be the best we can be, yet we let our thoughts get in the way of experiencing all of this. We rush around trying to prove ourselves, and all we gain in the process is to feel like we are still not good enough. We race after this goal and that goal, all the time forgetting that the ultimate goal is to know peace, joy, and love.

The road less travelled

We live unconscious lives, moving with whatever pace society dictates, but life has a different pace, and it’s here where you step off the treadmill and onto a road that will lead you towards more happiness than you can imagine. This road is not governed by dictatorship; it is not fuelled with unkindness and fear. This road is your road; you decide where it leads, you dictate the outcome, and you determine the elements it is made up of. You get to decide how fast or how slow you go based on divine guidance.

This road can be made up of untruths and fears, it can be ruled by the ego, and based on the premise that this is the way it’s always been done. Or it can be the road less travelled, the one where truth lights your way, where there is only love, and where choices made from grace and mercy result in a kinder world for all species.

It’s your choice: are you going to let stress, struggle, and fatigue keep you on the treadmill, always seeing the same things, never getting anywhere, just repeating the same day every day? Or are you going to choose ease, joy, and abundance, living life at the Pace of Grace and creating a StressLess Revolution?

If you would like to know more about the Pace of Grace and overcoming stress, struggle and fatigue, then head on over HERE and check out Karina’s latest book, “The Pace of Grace, A new energy for a changing world”.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Karina Stephens, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Karina Stephens is an award-winning entrepreneur, author of The Pace of Grace and creator of The Modern Day Alchemist Academy. She founded the award-winning enRich Retreat & Spa in 2012, winning the industry award for best day spa in Australasia after only eight months. In her book, The Pace of Grace, Karina shares her personal story of completely healing from Adrenal Fatigue and guides readers on how to transform their energy in order to avoid being burnt out, stressed out, maxed out and checked out. She is a transformational speaker and writer, sharing stories, philosophies, tools and strategies on living life from an energetic perspective, focusing on frequency, vibration and life force.



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