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Are You Ready To Become A Hero?

Written by: Léa Agbo, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Everybody knows the movie Spiderman and the uncle’s very famous line, “With great power comes great responsibility” (Stan Lee).

What if we were to start taking responsibility for making our great power appear? Indeed, when you take a closer look, you can see that Spiderman is the story of a young man who has to become responsible and who has to confront, and eventually overcome, his fears in order to become a hero.

Of course, he has special powers. And not everyone is given the chance to be bitten by a spider, to draw incredible power from it, and to change their clothes in a matter of seconds before emerging in a superhero costume. I fully agree with you. However, the point of my example is that I want you to really look at yourself and to tell me whether you have truly never had to face a situation before in which you had to overcome your fear(s).

Who is a hero?

To answer this question, let me first ask you another one: What do all heroes have in common?

In fact, apart from their supernatural powers, of course, a hero is simply a person, like you and I. What heroes have in common is that they have experienced suffering for a long time as a result of a situation and/or a personality trait. But one day, the pain, whether emotional or physical, became so loud and the situation so unequivocal that they simply had to change to stop it. And they did. They changed.

The other question I would like to ask you is: What would you like to do to make yourself and your life a little better? Then, does it frighten you to think about how you would go about creating this change? A bit, I guess. Going through various (emotional) stages, changing things, habits, and being consistent in working toward what we want to achieve scares many of us.

Nevertheless, a hero will go ahead because he/she knows that it is for their own benefit.

What does a hero do?

A hero perseveres. Committing to what we really like to do and become means that, at times, we must work, act and think differently. It may result in us considering things in a way that conflicts with the perspective held by a majority of people.

Two keywords are essential in driving us: Clarity and perseverance.

Why clarity? Because you have to be aware of your fear(s) to face them.

Why perseverance? First, because we all have to keep following the right path by keeping our dream(s) alive and continuously forging ahead. Secondly, because perseverance is one of the most powerful ways not to lose sight of our goal(s).

What do you fear?

“What would happen if….? “At least once in our lives have we all asked ourselves this question. However, there is a better approach to be inspired and see things from a positive angle.

“What is the worst thing that can happen if I decide to go MY way?” is, for sure, a much more optimistic way to question ourselves. As a matter of fact, once implemented, we quickly come to realize that this phrasing has the power to demystify what could/would happen. This leads to a massive increase in our self-confidence and impacts our emerging powers.

How? Well, we will have to bring the best of us to the surface to act and make things happen the way we would like them to be.

Why not you then?

Alright! You now believe that it is certainly possible for you to become a hero.

To actively start this transformation, you should start thinking about:

  • Finding the costume that suits you…

Who are you? Who is your authentic self? And who would you like to become?

Obviously, here we are talking about reaching the best version of ourselves in order to feel that we are fully living the life we envision for ourselves.

  • Training your brain…

You should ward off your “lack of superpowers” thanks to intensive training. Why that? Because superpowers, like in the movies, don’t exist in real life. So, your job is to finally let go of your dreams of saving the planet and instead definitely make your own great powers come to light.

Preparing yourself to be mentally ready to take on your (new) ambitions is critical.

As you know, a hero is a champion training daily. So, train like a champion and you will become one.

  • Discovering your own (super) powers…

Pursuing your goals of feeling better and reaching your achievements also means choosing your field of action wisely. Don’t forget that being a hero is ultimately about being responsible. Consequently, you are responsible for confronting yourself. How? By increasing your force to make them your own powers. No need to completely reinvent yourself. Use what is already within you and reinforce it.

  • Being able to surround yourself well…

Once you have assumed your responsibilities and are on your way to a well-trained mind, you will attract people who are much more connected to what you do, what you want to do and who you are working towards to become.

  • Living according to your own values and ambitions…

A hero fights for a particular cause. As the hero of your life, think about what touches you personally. From there, only your values will guide you. Those values will inspire you daily and will preserve your will to keep your ambitions intact and accomplish your dreams.

Be in charge of your life!

Around the world, many people have decided to put on their own costumes to create their own paths.

They first had to accept themselves for who they are this includes getting to know your own vulnerabilities and the power that comes with being us.

Taking control of their lives through realizing their own aspirations for a positive affirmation of themselves is how heroes triumph.

This is what makes you feel confident, efficient and caring at the same time.

This is also how you begin to impact others around you with great vibes.

How to avoid to continuously run after perfection?

Keep aiming for excellence because you are worth the best!

But keep away from the idea that perfection is a synonym for excellence. Perfection comes from a balance between our particularities, what we master and the rest ☺. “The ideal of life is not the hope of becoming perfect. It is the will to always be better.” Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Hence, accept that you already are the perfection that you might still be looking for at this time. Embody it as accurately as possible to open up a whole world of possible actions.


No need to mention that the idea is not to become a “real-life hero” with a home-made costume and you going to the streets to act as an avenger.

The idea is to realize you can become the hero of your own movie, the hero of your own life.

When becoming a hero impacts you, in a positive way of course, it also means that you begin to primarily focus on your main purposes such as justice and making people happy/ier. Therefore, let’s start with you being fair with yourself and authorizing yourself to go after what it is that you want most. You will promptly notice that, at the same time, you will make people around you happier thanks to the beautiful energy you exude in living your wonderful life.

Follow me on LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Léa Agbo, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Léa is an entrepreneur and infopreneur, a certified coach in positive psychology, and a specialist in cross-cultural business. With over 10 years of experience in personal development, her focus is for you to become a better version of yourself. A wide range of clients, including entrepreneurs, require her services to smoothly optimize their lives and/or business projects, have more confidence and energy to pursue their goals, and build real, constructive, and consistent self-esteem. She specifically coaches entrepreneurs on the cross-cultural aspects of their businesses and is the author of the ‘Globalisation Programme.’ Léa holds a master’s degree in Strategic Business Management and Entrepreneurship. She is also a Certified Operational Manager.

Léa is the Founder of AGBO Business Consulting, a company aiming to challenge you to the next level.

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