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Are You Playing It Safe In The Comfort Zone? - 5 Steps To Break Free

Vicki Ravangard, is an Intuitive Mentor, Certified Angel Tarot Reader & Part Qualified Accountant. Vicki spent 10 years working in corporate finance and in 2020 was placed furloughed from her job.

Executive Contributor Vicki Ravangard

We hear so many people talking about The Comfort Zone and how nothing good ever grows there, so I took a moment to ask myself, "what does this really mean?" and how is it showing up in our day to day lives. Why do we create a comfort zone? Why do we stay there? And more importantly, how can we break free from it.

Woman at the top of the mountain holding a stick

What is the Comfort Zone and why do we create it?

Simply put, The Comfort Zone is something we create to feel safe, secure and in control of our own lives. From the moment we are born, our comfort zone is born with us. From a young age, we are surrounded by things that make us feel safe and protected in our lives, from blankets and teddies, to our favorite foods and movies. As we grow up and learn more about the world around us, our comfort zone naturally expands. We keep hold of the things that make us feel safe and discard the things that don't. We continue to create an environment for ourselves that meets our basic human needs of feeling safe and secure.

I perceive this as the Ego protecting us from harm. Any time we feel fearful or uncomfortable, the ego steps in and keeps us in the comfort zone, to try and protect us from the dangers of the outside world. This fear could be triggered by anything, from a small change in routine to a global pandemic.

So why would I want to leave my Comfort Zone if it's trying to keep me safe?

The comfort zone does exactly what it says on the tin, and it keeps you comfortable. And when we are comfortable, we are not moving forward; we are not moving at all. When we reside in our comfort zone for too long, it can often lead to a fear of the unknown, and we become scared of peering beyond the walls that we have created. Anything that makes us feel remotely uncomfortable is a no go and we build up a catalog of limiting beliefs about what we can achieve and what is available to us.

So, while your comfort zone keeps you safe, it is also holding you back from discovering new things and exploring the world that is available to you. This could present itself as something small, like always ordering the same food at your favorite restaurant because you aren't sure if the Spaghetti will ever live up to the Steak, all the way through to settling for a career that doesn't light you up because it provides financial security and pays the bills.

Is there anything wrong with being in the comfort zone?

No. In fact, from time to time, it's a place that we all need to retreat to, but we must challenge ourselves on how long we want to stay there and understand the reasoning behind it. The real question is: Are you happy where you are, or do you want more?

  • Do you feel like you have so much more to give, but you are always playing it safe?

  • Do you wonder how some people are out there living their wildest dreams while you feel you are stuck in a living nightmare?

  • Do you believe that there is more to life than working a 9-5 for a pension that you will probably never receive?

  • Do you want to experience more purpose and meaning in your life?

If you have answered yes to any or all of the above, the chances are it might be time for you to end your stay at the Comfort Zone Inn and see what lies beyond.

Ok, so I'm ready to leave... How can I break free?

Here are 5 simple steps to get you started:

1. Do something that scares you a little each day. Whether it's jumping on a Facebook live to promote your Business or asking your boss for a pay rise, find the courage to push your own boundaries.

2. Try a new food—something you wouldn't usually choose. If there is an exotic food that you have never tried but always wondered about, now is the time to try it!

3. Take a different route home. Whatever your usual route home is, switch it up. Take the road less traveled.

4. Say 'Yes' to something you would normally say 'No' to. We are so programmed to say No to everything that we don't realize all of the incredible opportunities we are passing up. Find something to say YES to this week.

5. Listen to some new music. Something that would definitely not be in your back-catalog. If you love Classical music, why not try some Rock 'n' Roll. If 90's pop music is more your thing, why not soothe your soul with some Jazz!

If you are serious about breaking through your comfort zone walls and expanding your vision, why not join my four-week Mastermind: 'From Fear to Faith'. We will be getting underneath the fears and limiting beliefs that are keeping you safely tucked inside your comfort zone, and we will be exploring spiritual solutions to overcome them. It's time for those walls to come down so you can experience the next level version of yourself.

For more information, check out this link

Love & Light,


Follow me on my Instagram, Facebook, and visit both my Facebook-Group and page. You can also find more information on my website.


After 10 years of working my way up in my corporate career, I am a Part Qualified accountant who works as a Finance Analyst for a UK Airline. I am also a Spiritual Mindset Coach. So how did I go from corporate to coaching? My coaching business 'Take Her To The Moon' was born after embarking on my own spiritual mindset journey where I discovered the art of creating a life with intention and the power of conscious thinking, which positively influenced all areas of my life, including my corporate career. My Business focus is helping women who have lost their direction in life, to master their mindset & discover their soul purpose. I put my own unique spin on some of the greatest spiritual teachings and use these to help my clients experience greater success. I have a huge passion for Music & Travel, which is where I draw a lot of my inspiration from - and I am also a Disney lover!

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