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Are You Lying To Yourself About Having No Confidence? – I Can Prove That Confidence Comes From Within

Kim Constantineau is a strategic life coach and leader specializing in helping beauty professionals and entrepreneurs. A tragic childhood left her in a victim mentality for too long. However, becoming a business owner was a turning point that led her towards growth and change

Executive Contributor Kimberly Constantineau

Everyone is confident in this world. And I mean, each and every one… including you. Even if you believe you don't feel confident at all. Here is how… 

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As a small little girl, my mother abandoned me at only 5 years old. How do you think I felt chasing after my mom driving away in her car when she said she was never coming back... I felt sad. My confidence was shattered like a house built out of glass. 

There is a concept known as "situational confidence" which means that your confidence changes as per the situation or context, such as public speaking or arguing with your life partner or something like that. 

For example, you might feel supremely confident at work but lack confidence at home because of the treatment you get from your family members or vice versa. 

This proves that everyone feels confident about something, at some time and on some level... all the time. 

So when you say you don't feel confident. It actually means you don't feel confident about that particular thing, situation, or time. 

I can easily fix that for you. 

But let me tell you what is not fixable… living with low confidence! Because when you live with low confidence, this is what your life looks like…

You withdraw from social life, start giving excuses for not going out, and block all new experiences due to fear of judgment, criticism, or rejection. You stop attending weddings or any other family functions or office events. It makes you lonely and sad. 

Next, you get trapped in negative self-talk which creates feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt on a loop. 

Then, this low confidence gives you fear of failure, fear of change, and fear of success which hinders your personal and professional growth and makes you miss important opportunities in life. 

After that, it gives you a lot of anxiety and stress which results in further mental and physical health problems with feelings of depression, hopelessness, and helplessness. 

Finally, it develops an imposter syndrome, a feeling that constantly makes you feel like you are not worth your achievements, and eventually, you'll be exposed as a fraud. 

Not just professionally…personally too. 

It destroys your relationships with insecurities, self-doubts, and trust issues. This makes you overly dependent on others. Sometimes these people take advantage of you. And even though you realize that you can't do anything but helplessly surrender yourself to them.

I've seen much worse cases in my life than what I’ve just shared with you here. The point I'm trying to make here is this... 

Even though having a low confidence doesn't sound like an kinda is. A big one! Because it affects every area of your life; your health, your mood, your love life, your relationships, your earning capacity to just name a few.

If you are paying the price of low confidence, you know what I mean.

That's why I'm offering you here a transformational course: “8 Weeks of Conquering Confidence"

I’ve been helping people conquer confidence using the exact methods that I teach in this course which I’m about to share with you in the next few seconds.

Hi, I'm Coach Kimmy! 

I'm an Author, Speaker, Business Owner, and Strategic Life Coach who has been... I was shattered deep on the inside by a mom who abandoned me as a little girl and left me with a dad who was an alcoholic. 

I spent 20 years in therapy, constantly revisiting my painful past and feeling trapped in my life’s misery with fears, self-doubts, and no confidence at all. 

And then, coaching completely changed my life. Now, I experience confidence, happiness, and joy about 95% of the time. 

Because of my own transformation, I realized the true value of sharing my experience with others who desire and require it. 

This is not just a course, this is my life experience of a decade of learning and training that I turned into simple, strategic, and powerful methods to transform your life and help you conquer confidence within just 8 weeks. 

The ability to shift my perspective on life has allowed me to wake up every day feeling happy, fulfilled, and confident something that I never dreamed was possible. 

And now I want you to have the same level of confidence I have in my life. I will my secrets I wish I had known before that changed my life. 

Here are 8 power steps I use to help you conquer confidence

1. Intentionality

Intentionality means a commitment to take a deliberate action. 

It doesn't matter how small it is… but an action is a must because it doesn't require any optimism from your side. It works regardless of your belief in it. 

Whatever you think your current situation is good, bad, or ugly you can use this intentionality and take a first power step toward being super confident.

2. Awareness 

What are your skills, talents, and capabilities? What do you like or dislike? What gets your heart jumping? What do you really want from life? What do you need the most to grow? What motivates you? 

All the initial heavy lifting we do at this second power step. This step establishes a good foundation for your confidence building, no pun intended. 

3. Mirror work

Life makes you forget your positive qualities over time. So at this third power step, we find out all those qualities and bring them to your conscious awareness so you can realize how valuable you are. 

We observe your inner talk and focus on your personal conversations. We analyze how you describe yourself to you and to others. How and why do you compare yourself with others? 

Before the world sees your unique talents and beauty, you have to see that in yourself first. That’s what generates confidence from within. 

4. Slowing down to reflect

Famous Cartoonist Henri Arnold once said,

“The wise man questions himself, fools question others.” 

I want you to be the wise person here. So we take some time to reflect on what we have done in earlier steps. 

This is the best time to build a habit to schedule an appointment with yourself on a regular basis. And reflect on your assets, liabilities, good and bad habits, feelings, and emotions. 

When you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses well, you gain a positive view of yourself. This boosts your confidence because it means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. And when you are confident, people believe you. 

5. Being consistent

You may or may not have done this kind of healing work in your life before. But if you have done it and failed in the past, this power step is life-changing for you. Because we go deeper here about... 

Why don't you ever improve? What stops you from being consistent? Why do you procrastinate? What makes you give up things in the middle of the way or at the last moment? 

We find out the deeply rooted issues and throw them out so they can no longer stop you from feeling confident. 

6. Your environment 

The most overlooked and taken-for-granted area in your life is your personal environment. This is where you resist the most because at this step things get real and so the results are magnificent. 

This is what we analyze here…

What kind of thoughts run in your mind? Who are your friends? What music do you listen to? What kind of information do you consume on a daily basis through books, TV shows, and movies? What are your regular activities and how do you use your time? 

We assess your personal growth needs in these 3 main areas:

  1. The right soil to grow in – What nourishes you? Growth! 

  2. The right air to breathe in – What keeps you alive? Purpose!

  3. The right climate to live in – What sustains you? People! 

I just cannot describe the benefits of this power step in words. The “aha moments” my clients experience at this stage are soul-satisfying. You'll understand what I mean when you experience them by yourself during this course. 

7. Systems and strategies

After we complete all the energy work in earlier steps, now it's time to create unique systems for you and set them for your life. 

Life is simple but keeping it that way is very difficult. That’s why we select the best strategies that are appropriate for your specific life situations and create specific systems. Because systems are better than random goals as they help you stay involved by action. 

8. Pain management

At this final power step, we heal everything that got hurt in the whole process and prepare you for the new life of your dreams with unstoppable confidence. 

That’s it. That’s how you experience a total transformation in 8 weeks. 

Within just 8 weeks from now... you will be beaming with unshakeable confidence.

Money Back Guaranteed! That’s how much I believe this will be a great transformation for you. 

So to learn more about the course click the button below: "Complete Emotional Breakthrough Course"

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Kimberly Constantineau, Strategic Life Coach & Beauty Professional

Kim Constantineau is a strategic life coach and leader specializing in helping beauty professionals and entrepreneurs. A tragic childhood left her in a victim mentality for too long. However, becoming a business owner was a turning point that led her towards growth and change. She joined the John Maxwell Group to expand her leadership skills and became proficient in Disc assessment training and communication to manage people with a servant's heart. Her goal is to help others unleash their true potential and discover their passion and superhero powers. Kim's mission is to transform people's thinking and lives forever.

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