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Are You Living Your Best Life?

Written by: Angela Ward BA(Hons), MSc, MGHT, MGLT, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You often hear people saying that they are living their best life.

But what does it really mean and how can you get there? Every one of us is unique. Every one of us has the ability to lead a life that we want to. The following reveals some tips on how you can start mapping out what living your best life means to you.

Foundation: What is it you are wanting to build exactly? What is this life you want to create? Whether we like it or not; to create anything in life we have to put energy behind it. We have to ‘do’, we have to carry out an action, or several actions to move forward. The more solid your foundation, the easier it will become to create the support you need.

Top Tip Number 1: Get creative, think big. Remember this is about you, what you want. Create a vision board, a mind map, or something that you can resonate with. Be prepared to let go of old ideas, especially if they haven’t worked for you.

Your foundation also requires you to be in acceptance of who you are. You need to be able to see yourself as complete, just the way you are. Your beliefs will form part of your foundation and how you feel about yourself and see yourself will also sit within your belief system.

You will be surprised how many people try to emulate someone else’s life, rather than follow a path of their own.

Top Tip Number 2: If you recognize that there is something you need to change about yourself in order for you to feel complete DO IT. You will be in acceptance of the recognition and this alone will help you to feel complete. Add it to your mind map or vision board, or whatever tool you have decided to use. It could be as simple as a clean notebook and a pen that is dedicated to this very process. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. It just has to be.

The incompleteness will arise again if you do not act on your recognition. Remember action is key.

There will also be an opportunity at this point to understand where those beliefs came from and why you feel a particular way. More important than the discovery is how you utilize your new understanding.

The path ahead.

Just because you’ve set a vision or a mind map, you will at some point come up against an obstruction. Something that prevents you from moving towards where you want to be. It doesn’t mean that you give up. Acceptance once again is key.

Top Tip Number 3: Re-route. You’ve heard the saying, that there is more than one way to skin a cat. Well, this is no different. Be in the present, follow your intuition and let it guide you. This will be just a detour. As long as your foundation is strong and solid, you will still be moving towards what it is you desire. Let go of control. If it feels difficult, circumnavigate.

By living in the moment, the present, you are also living your best life because acceptance, letting go of old ideas, and developing new belief systems align you with your integrity. It will also allow you to see if your thought processes are logical or scattered which will affect your ability to solve issues.

Alignment between who you are, what you say you are, and what you do (Integrity) is what turns on the magic. It’s your place of authenticity, center, and balance.

Cut through the bull and be prepared to face the truth. You cannot take anything with you when you leave this earthly plane.

Living your best life comes from taking what you need at the right time.

Horizon Scanning. You will always get who you are reflected back at you. If the people around you are procrastinating, the chances are, so are you. If the people around you are blaming and shaming. The chances are, so are you. You are part of the environment you live in, and this environment is what you have created.

Top Tip Number 4: If this is what you see break away. Stand in your own strength knowing that living your best life doesn’t equate to living a life of lack, lust, greed, shame, blame, or fear and judgment. Living your best life is having a sense of joy and fulfillment in the now and being guided by that intuitive sense of completeness.

Do not wait for the right time to live your best life. The right time is right now, At the moment, in the present, in the now.

You DO NOT need permission from anyone else. Horizon scan. Look for like-minded people and make that your new world. It will become much easier to live your best life when you are around people that are living theirs.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Angela Ward BA(Hons), MSc, MGHT, MGLT, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Angela Ward, is a leader in spiritual coaching, spiritual development and personal growth. Her own spiritual journey started back in 2005, after the death of her mother , when the message became loud and clear. 'Being true to yourself is the only priority the rest will follow'. In 2012 she set up a consultancy company; a hybrid of management consultancy and spiritual coaching. The aim : to help people connect with their spiritual self, to find balance, harmony and resilience , so they too, can have authentic happiness. She runs retreats, coaching programmes and workshops. She is the founder and CEO of the Holistic Therapy, Wellness and Training Centre. Her mission is to light up the world, one person at a time.

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