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Are You Happy To Be You?

Written by: Dani Green, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Dani Green

Self-love is essential to happiness. We no longer need to give in to insecurity. We can change the thoughts in our minds and the feelings in our bodies by experiencing self-love.

Photo of yellow street lamp

My client, as a six-year-old, had an intense experience during which she acted violently toward her mother. So, from that day forward, for the next 60 years, my client believed she was a bad person. She carried this belief in her mind and body, which informed her world. In hypnosis, we were able to discover that her circumstances were chaotic, and perhaps her mother lacked parenting skills that would have helped her child feel heard. With this understanding, my client could release her shame and guilt, and for the first time, she believed she was a good person. Soon after, she was driving down the road, and she said to herself, "I love you, Laurie!" She giggled with joy as she experienced self-love!

We have all had experiences that affect how we feel or view ourselves. These experiences happened at a point in time, yet we live them repeatedly in our mind and body. In meditation, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, find out what is truer than your thoughts and feelings, and rewrite the stories you tell yourself. A simple change in perspective can bring instant healing.

The "I am me" mantra

I have written a mantra born from struggle, personal revelation, and enlightenment. I will explain how each sentence became true to me. Please take the time to write down these 14 words. Journal what you sense about these mantras. Repeat these powerful words and let them live through you. Book a free call if you want to go through these mantras with me to discover your Inner Truth.

I am

We spend much of our lives figuring out who we are and what we want to do. Our circumstances influence our decisions and roles. We might focus on what others or society wants us to be. "I Am!" removes all those expectations as we focus on being Me!

Feel your body and your Highest Consciousness.

I am here

We often feel limited by the perceived hierarchy of our family, job, church, and society. When we realize that wherever we are is our Territory, we understand that we always belong. We can hold our heads up high and find the Inner Strength to be exactly who we are at each present moment!

I belong, and this is my Territory.

I am able

It has been said that when we know better, we should do better. I have found in my own life and that of my clients that sometimes we know better but do not have the ability or resources to do better, and this is where regret comes in and tries to steal our motivation to move forward in our lives. Instead, when we accept that at any given time, with all our life circumstances and physiology, we are as able as we are. In meditation or with a hypnotherapist, we can go back and relive the experiences that cause regret and do them again in our imagination with the outcome we would rather have. Our brains believe what we newly experience, and the feeling of regret is replaced with a feeling of accomplishment!

I have been, I am, and I will be As Able As I Am.

I am me

For so many reasons, we are not happy on the inside. We feel self-judgment. We imagine that others see our faults. For years, I felt I was in trouble all the time. One day, I looked at our three exceptional teenagers and realized they were not in trouble all the time. I saw their strength and potential, and I began to see myself in the same way. Now, I am so happy to be me; I shiver with excitement and happiness! Wow! I Am Me! Yay!

I accept who I am, and I am very, very, very Happy to be Me!

I am infinite

We can feel limited by our bodies, thoughts, and circumstances. When we imagine our Soul within our body and the biophoton light of our cells, we experience the aura of our energy field. Then, we can imagine the light around us in the sun, moon, and stars and join our light with theirs. Instantly, we can sense our Infinite Self!

I experience the energy that is Me as joined with the energy of the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Divine Love/Source/Universe.

Now that these words have become part of who I am, I am so happy to be me! I am overflowing with self-love! And I hope the same for you! Book a free call if you want to go through these words with me to discover your Inner Truth.

Namaste – the Divine in Me Celebrates the Divine in You!

I Love You!

The I am me Mantra

Let Dani be your guide to finding your self-love

Dani is offering a free 20-minute The Emotion Code session, which helps to energetically remove an inherited or current emotion.

Activate Your Soul Power! Live Your Infinite Greatness! Be Your Own Hero!

Book a FREE Breakthrough phone call and discover your Inner Truth! Go here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Dani Green Brainz Magazine

Dani Green, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dani Green is a certified hypnotherapist, speaker, author and spiritual activist. Dani’s core focus and passion is to guide clients to rewrite the past, present, and future Story they tell themselves at the subconscious level and to discover their own Inner Mantras.

Dani has a 12-session course called The Soul Power Experience. The courses, Be Smoke Free and One & D.O.N.E. Weight Release are each six sessions. Dani also offers Intuitive sessions.

Dani opened her hypnotherapy practice in 2015 and uses client-centered hypnotherapy, as well as The Emotion Code, PSYCH-K, and RIM.

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