Written by: Victoria Baylor, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? You are amongst friends so there is no judgment here (smile). What about a "Super Speeder" ticket? You know, the higher-priced ticket that you get when you go way over the speed limit? I've experienced both once and it is no fun (insert the sigh emoji). No one likes to pay a hefty fine or have other penalties for driving too fast.
Looking back 10 years ago, I realized I was "speeding through my own life". Every sign was pointing that I was doing too much but being so "responsibility driven" I ignored my own "speed limit" until it finally caught up with me. Trying to hold down a full-time job, side business & "side-hustle" while being a wife, mother, as well as other commitments was just too much. I was tired & overwhelmed but I didn't know how to turn it off. I thought that was what defined me as a woman.

The day I got the Super-Speeder ticket, ironically while having a heated discussion with my husband on how I was doing too much and needed to let some things go was literally "the writing on the wall". Poor guy he was trying to get through to me but I just couldn't see it. We can be so blinded by doing what we think completes us and not realize how much we are hurting ourselves in the process. That ticket that day served as a physical reminder of what I was doing to myself mentally, emotionally, and physically as well as how it was negatively impacting my family. Can you relate?
This is a pattern that I notice in so many people. Seem familiar? You are so busy racing through life overloading yourself with things to do that you don't notice how much "wear and tear" you are putting on your mind, body, and soul and how it's leading you to burnout. As a Mindset & Clarity coach, I interact with high-performing individuals daily who consistently struggle with "going over their own speed limits". When they come to me they are in a cycle they aren't quite sure of how to break. Years of conditioning, subconscious messages, and unrealistic expectations put on them by others and themselves have them literally going 250mph in a 70 mph lane. They are convinced that they have to be overloaded with tasks and responsibilities. They don't know how to delegate or politely decline the wrong opportunities that don't align with their goals. They allow family or friend connections to pressure them into saying yes when they should be saying "no thank you". After coaching with me they are always shocked when they get their freedom back and at the same time learn how to make more money by doing less. That's the power of clarity and focus!
Not sure if you are going over your speed limit? Here are some signs.
you join yet another organization or project when you know you are already stretched -you have little to no time for yourself
you feel guilty for saying no
you are barely sleeping and are tired 70% of the time
you struggle to stay focused
you work more on other's goals and problems than on your own
It's time you are honest with yourself! "Super speeding" through life is not a badge of honor it is a prescription for a breakdown. There is only one of you and 168 hours in a week. So let me help you shift to a speed that won't cause a lot of "wear and tear" on you and still get you to your goals. Shad Helmstetter, who wrote the wonderful book "Choices", is quoted as saying "Choosing to live your life by your own choice is the greatest freedom you will ever have.” And it is! Do you always want to speed through life? Aren't you tired of being tired? Are you ready to live a better way?
Here are 3 tips to shift from super speeder to getting back your freedom:
1. Don't ignore your gauges. When we drive our actual vehicles we know how important it is to pay attention to the gauges. When we run low on gas we refuel. When the vehicle wobbles we know our tire pressure or alignment may be off. When the check engine light comes on we know that we need to take it to the shop.
The same is true for you. What is your body or mind telling you right this minute? What "gauges" have you been ignoring? If you're tired all of the time you may need to work less, get more sleep, work out, or take more supplements to balance your health. Do you take the time to fix minor issues? Remember what you ignore can become problematic. Don't ignore your gauges.
2. Stop at Rest Stops. You already know where I'm going with this. Self-Care isn't optional. You will either sit down and rest or your body will eventually make you do it. I, like many of you, count on my Christian beliefs to help me reassess the speed I really should be going in my life. Honoring the Sabbath not only allows me to spiritually recharge but mentally and physically as well. I love working hard knowing I get a day to play hard.
3. Use your Cruise Control feature. Cruise control keeps you from going over your speed limit. Cruise control in real life is the boundaries that you set to protect you from burnout. Get clarity on your goals, when you want to achieve them, and set the right boundaries that will keep you committed to them.
You were put on this earth to enjoy it not to be on an endless cycle of overwork. Take your foot off the gas and get your freedom, success, and joy back!
Want to learn more from Victoria? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website.

Victoria Baylor, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Driven by a profound sense to help High-Performing Leaders excel and showcase their Brilliance, Victoria Baylor offers her expertise in the fields of leadership development, mindset growth, and personal branding to help entrepreneurs, professionals, & organizational leaders gain the Clarity + Confidence to get out of their heads and excel in leadership. She is a Certified Mindset & Clarity Coach, NLP Practitioner, TEDx Speaker & 1 Amazon Best Selling Author whose holistic approach to coaching, speaking, and writing helps others accelerate their growth and push past their limitations.
After 15 years in research science, Victoria found her True Calling and purpose in behavioral science when she realized how easy it is for Women to lose their identities to the roles they serve in. She shares her insights & story in her TEDx talk, "You Are Who You Are, Not What You Do". This experience led her to focus on providing Coaching to help entrepreneurial & professionals (men and women) move beyond their mindset blocks and gain the personal brand clarity and strong mindset needed to operate as high-level leaders.
She also offers organizational interventions in the form of trainings, seminars, and/or team building to polish brilliant leaders. She is a writer for multiple publications and a podcast host. She serves on several boards and non-profit organizations. For fun, she enjoys traveling, cooking, and reading. She lives in Savannah Georgia with her husband and 14-year-old daughter, Reilly.