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Are You Creating Or Disintegrating?

Written by: Roxy Rapedius, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


There is a specific mental action you can make in a heartbeat that will solve enormous problems for you. It has the ability to enhance almost any personal or business situation you will ever encounter, and it could thrust you to incredible success. The name for this mental action is called decision.

Decisions dominate your whole life. The health of your mind and body, the wellbeing of your family, your social life, the type of relationships you develop depend upon your ability to make sound decisions.

Regrettably, decision-making is not taught in school and is rarely part of corporate training and programs. So how is one expected to develop this mental competency? Honestly, it is something you do on your own or with help. It is not hard to learn how to make wise decisions. Equipped with fitting confidence and discipline, you can become an effective decision-maker.

You can essentially eradicate struggle and turmoil in your life by becoming accomplished at making decisions. Decision-making brings clarity and creates the results you want.

Indecision builds up internal conflicts causing full-blown mental and emotional wars. Psychiatrists have named this “ambivalence.” Indecision causes disintegration.

Consistently finding yourself in such a mental state is not living; it's simply existing. Making quick decisions would change everything. Indecision is a secondary cause of ambivalence. The primary cause is low self-esteem or a lack of confidence.

Decision-makers are not afraid of making an error, they simply brush it off. They learn from the experience and never submit to failure. Decision-making is something you cannot avoid.

The foundation of decision-making is quite simple. Decide right where you are with whatever you have.

Many people never master this important feature of life. They allow their resources to dictate how and when a decision can be made. Once you make the decision, you will find all the people, resources, and ideas you need coming to you to accomplish what you want.

Many will say it’s ludicrous deciding to do something without the necessary resources. My friend, this is an extremely limiting mindset on how to accomplish things in life.

Thinking is very imperative. We become what we think about. What do you think about? We all must realize that our thoughts ultimately control every decision we make. You are your thoughts. Refuse to let unhappy, negative people or circumstances affect you.

The biggest barrier when making important decisions in your life is the circumstance. We let circumstances hinder us when we should be giving it everything we’ve got. More dreams are shattered and goals lost because of circumstances.

How often do you say, “I would like to do or have this, but I can’t because…” What follows “because” is the circumstance. Circumstances may cause a deviation in your life; however, you should never permit them to stop you from making important decisions. You simply pivot and do something else!

Many people try something once or twice, and if they do not succeed, they feel they are a failure. Failing does not make anyone a failure, but quitting certainly does, and quitting is a decision.

Take the first step in predicting your abundant future. Build a mental picture of exactly what you want and freeze-frame it. Make a firm decision, hold on to the vision, live with enthusiasm, refuse to worry about how your vision will happen, do not let anyone pull you into negative conversations about why something cannot be done. Positive ways will begin to flow into your mind. You have the potential to do anything you want and to do it well.

Start today! There is no time better than the present. Be all that you are capable of being.

Follow Roxy on her Facebook and Instagram. You can also visit her website for more info!


Roxy Rapedius, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Roxy Rapedius’ decades of professional experience include progressively increasing responsibility and measurable positive results. Roxy has built significant and unique skills through these roles. She has experience in life coaching, public speaking, training, teaching, behavioral analysis, addiction, trauma, mental health, palliative support, grief and bereavement support, opioid dependency treatment, finance, insurance, event planning, financial planning, environmental development, immigration, dental, and banking. As CEO and Coach of Life Coach With Roxy, she approaches her work and life as an established leader who gets results. Roxy has a curiosity and keen desire to expand her knowledge and acumen to reach greater heights in serving others as a leader in business and life.

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