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Are You Choosing Your Joy?

Written by: Annette Maria, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The decision to take the leap is the hardest part. Stepping into your soul’s work is the bravest thing you can do-

We are often silenced, told that what lights us up won’t be how we can move forward.

“We have to get serious and stop fooling around”- how many of my fellow creatives, healers and thought leaders have heard something similar to this?

That we need to get serious and push aside the one thing that lights us up in order to be apart of the status quo of society,

I say pushing aside the thing that lights us up is foolish.

Photo Credti: Carley Storm
Photo Credti: Carley Storm

We currently live in a world that is turned off, dimmed & silenced. So many are lost and confused because all that they’ve been told to follow the “safe” way forward of working a career that “makes sense”, following the societal structures of how life should look- how many more stories do we need to hear of people quitting their high-level corporate jobs because they are miserable & burnt out? How many more stories of celebrities saying they have felt empty even with all the fame & money? How many more stories? I want to share a secret with you- none of those people who may seem like they have “made it” are better than you or even know more than you. The illusion of someone “ahead” of you knowing more, is one I am here to crumble.

You do know what is right for you. You do know what you’d rather do that lights you up.

You do know that there is more for you in this life.

That power that you feel within you reading these words is that exact power that will drive you forward. But that power is fueled with joy, ease & grace not burn out, lack & struggle.

Your soul incarnated on this earth to do follow that mission that lights you up, yes that thing that everyone else told you is “not realistic”. Now more than ever we need more beings on this earth that are filled with purpose & joy- those who are shining their light.

Because the more people we have shining their light, the more we are able to show others they can also turn their light on.

Here’s the catch- you have to decide if you want to follow the path of your joy.

It is just that simple while equally complex. Maybe you are thinking yes I’m going to lean into my wildest dreams and step into the leader of my life I know I am. But you may feel this buzz of excitement but then all those voices that have been silencing you all of your life start to arise.

If that is the case for you, dive into this journaling questions to support you in reclaiming your power & remembering your ability to choose while co-creating a wildly magical life for yourself.

  1. When I think of following my soul’s highest joy, who’s voice do I hear in my mind?

  2. If you could say one thing to that person/group- what would it be?

  3. Switching into their perspective, why do you think they have told you this? How has it also affected their life?

  4. If you didn’t have those internal beliefs stopping you any longer- what would it look like for you to follow your soul’s highest joy in this life?

These are beautiful questions to ask yourself as you dive deeper into living what lights you up in this world. When we start to unravel the beliefs that aren’t ours within- we start to see who we really are under all the conditioning of others. This isn’t making others wrong, they are doing the best they could with what they knew at that moment-

But you have the power to re-write these stories for yourself. You have the power to make your wildest dreams possible.

You are deeply worthy of feeling alive and vibrant within this very moment simply for breathing. What will you choose to follow your joy or follow what you’ve been told? Either is beautiful- but the choice is yours to make.

This work can be done through many healing modalities. I support soul-led entrepreneurs through somatic healing, energy work & channeled meditations to reclaim their inner knowing & develop self-trust in knowing you are able to co-create the life that lights you up!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, & Linkedin for more info!


Annette Maria, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Annette Maria is Founder of Sanctuary Publishing, Best Selling Author, Host of Sacred Dance Podcast & Intuitive Facilitator of Healing. Through Sanctuary Publishing she supports entrepreneurs in becoming published authors to make a greater impact. Annette believes through storytelling, you can show others what is possible for their lives. She wants to see the planet as a place that supports each individual in feeling wildly expressed while living out their soul’s purpose. She resides in New Jersey with her artist partner, George & rescue dog, Max.

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